
The Night Kingdom

In the year of 1200 The protagonist teleported to another world. The prince and the princess asks the protagonist to defeat the monsters. The protagonist had another plan and wanted to build a kingdom for monsters after what the humans did.

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The Fearless Fraeya - Part 2

- - - Fraeya POV - - -

My young sister, Aelinor, is a significant member in the village. She is the Cultivator - a person who is able to produce and harvest from different kinds of ingredients - we call her the Goddess of Cultivation.

Without her we will be starving to our death.

We live in the far North, and freezing weather strikes us around this village without my husband's Protection Barrier. We will be freezing to our death, but we adapted to this weather and my husband kept the Barrier from intruders too.

I've arrived at the garden where my young sister teaches the kids and gives them knowledge about this world.

She dismissed the kids. The kids ran. She stood up. She picked a flower. She turned around. She began a Chant. A Chant was a melody that kept us going in our life, a New hope for us.

It was beautiful to hear her Chanting again. It gives us hope to not surrender.

I let her continue her Chanting without disturbing her. The melody has ended.

"What do I owe the pleasure, dear sister?" She cocks her head and said.

When you hear her voice, you suddenly feel drawn to her as your soul falls into deep resonance. Her voice is elegant, seductive, and benevolent. An appearance of a Goddess. That is my young sister, Aelinor.

"I came to see you, sis" I said.

"I am fine and happy if that is what you ask me unless you have something else"

"I have something else"

"Before you tell me about it, why did you change how your hair looks, dear sister?"

"Nothing really, I did it cause my long hair gets in my way"

"You made your hair a sidecut hairstyle, because it gets in your way or for Lord Asmodeus?"

"Maybe for both reasons, and I want, my husband, to keep looking at me no one else"

"Very well…" She nods.

"Why you asked?"

"Because, my dear sister, was beautiful. But now you trained too much that you are now a warrior instead of a Goddess"

"I am a warrior and you are the Goddess, and my husband didn't mind my change of appearance, he still sleeps with me"

"I know, I have seen how he looks at you, he clearly loves you, dear sister"

I smiled. I love him too.

"Are you pregnant, dear sister?" she smiled warmly.

I flinched, and blushed.

"No… I- I'm not" I rolled my eyes away.

"Really? I thought that was what you were going to tell me"

"No, it's something else entirely"

"Then, dear sister, speak up?"

I know how she will react when I tell her about my task.

"Asmodeus, asked me to go to the Cursed Land"


Her voice and her face were resonating with anger.

"I know what you are thinking, but I'll go"

"I will talk to him, he will change his mind, he listens to me"

"I know that the ingredients, the fruit seeds, and the garden were everything that you asked from him. And he granted them, but Aelinor let me do one thing for him, he deserves all my heart if need be"

"But Fraeya, you have to enter the Valley of Death to reach the Cursed Land. No ONE returned from the valley alive. Every single ONE disappeared without any idea where they could be"

"I heard about it too, but there must be a reason why he told me to do it".

"If that's what you have to do, then kneel"

I kneel, and my sister gently caresses me.

A powerful light surrounded me and my sister's eyes were flickering with lightning.

Then everything disappeared when she finished her cast.

"This was a Blessing spell, it will help you in the valley"

"Thank You, Aelinor"

I went to the stable after I was done with my sister's conversation.

"My Lady, I fixed your horse just as Lord Asmodeus suggests" the stable Owner said.

My horse, Nightmare, the horse that my husband and I had found, and he gifted it to me after he trained me how to ride one.

Nightmare is a very dark-looking horse with crimson eyes, Nightmare is a horrifying horse towards the others, that is why Nightmare is in a cell alone. Nightmare, only comes fond of me and my husband and Nightmare accepts no one other than us.

I hop on Nightmare and Venture to the Valley of Death.

At the Gate of the Night Village, the GateKeepers whistled to my husband, and he removed a little bit of the barrier to let me set out to the valley.

It was a hard and a long road till I arrived at the entrance of the valley.

The scouts are at the entrance.

The scouts were wearing fur like clothes, freezing to death with the low supplies. They're sitting on the ground and waiting for further instructions. They saw me approach.

One of the scouts approached me holding a lantern.

"M'lady, we've been waiting for you, as you may already know the valley, a place where everyone disappears and we don't know what happened inside, so I'll give you this lantern and shall light your way inside" the first scout nervously said.

I hopped off from the horse and took the lantern that he handed it to me.

I and the scouts are at the front of the valley. A pitch-dark passage at the entrance, whispers, hisses, crying, fear, and agony. The valley filled with darkness.

"Even in this weather with the shining cold white light, you can't see a thing" the second scout said.

"You should go back to the village, Asmodeus wants you guys back" I said.

"If that's what M'lord wants then We shall return" the first scout nodded and said.

"But M'lady are you really going to be fine?

Shouldn't we accompany you to the valley?" the third scout bitterly said.

"You should go back and rest, I will deal with the valley alone" I said.

They bowed and ascended their horses and left.

This valley feels alive, I should not succumb to its delusions.

When I was about to take the first step inside the valley, I heard the sound of a bird. I looked at the sky. I saw the Raven, my husband's opserver. I'm being watched by Asmodeus. He's with me, protecting me.

I walked inside the valley, the darkness felt alive, people's scream. Agony like any other, from different kinds. I see ghosts walking, elves, orcs, dwarves, vampires, werewolves, and demons. This place carries many thoughts and minds.

I kept walking. I heard a familiar voice behind me. "YOU LEFT US DIE!!"

My Mom's voice was ringing like a bell inside my ears.

I kept walking. Ignored the voice. My Mom is already dead.


My Dad's voice was like a slamming hammer rhythm inside my ears slamming till it fades away.

My Mom and Dad would never say this to me, they fought for our lives, and told me and my sister to run away.

Without their sacrifice for us. We wouldn't have been here. When I saw their heads on a Spears placed on the ground to make us see what the humans would have done to us. I fell to my knees, and cried, cried, and cried. The most people I honor are dead.

The Night Tribe made me their leader just like my Dad once. And I accepted their decision. Soon I faced the person who is my husband now, Asmodeus. I'm his wife and he's my husband. We became the Lord and the Lady of the Night Village.

Oh… there it is the thing that controls the valley.

The Corrupted Root - it's ONLY can be casted by a Witch, a root that can manipulate the mind using your own fears and destroy your mind slowly if you are not capable of handling your own - I'll burn the root.

I heard screams of anger and alert when I found it. I equipped the Flaming Axe. I began to slam the root.

The first slam shook the whole valley and began to close.

The second slam made the ground feel unstable and even sent everything it had to stop me trying to manipulate me with false thoughts that are NEVER real.

The Witch sent false thoughts… I see Asmodeus in front of me.

"You have done well, Fraeya"

I looked at my body and saw blood suddenly flow through my body.

"I never loved you, Fraeya, I used you so I can kill you when the right time comes"

I didn't know what to do, but this is an illusion that was done by the Witch.

I thought of my husband, and he will NEVER do something like this to me.

I lifted the axe and slammed the root through the Witch's illusion.

The third slam a flame overflow from the axe. Burned the root to ashes.

The Valley of Death is no more. It vanishes into thin air as if it never existed in the first place.

I saw the Cursed Land and an Abandoned Temple.

A shadowy figure descended from the sky. A woman in a black robe, an aura filled with darkness coming from her. She is protecting someone.

"After all this time, an orc defeats my valley" the Witch wryly said.


I looked her dead in the eye. I will defeat her for the illusions she used against me.

"What is it orc, why are you glaring at me with these Violet eyes of yours? Don't tell me. The illusions made you mad" the Witch mockingly said.

"I'll give you two choices:

First, surrender and meet my husband with the one you're protecting.

Second, fight me" I fearlessly said.

"You are really brave aren't you, so be it I'll fight you" The Witch said.

I threw my axe at her and she dodged and disappeared. She appeared in front of me. A powerful attack she casted. I activate my shield.

"Million Dark Flames Arrows"

A one arrow, she shot, but it doubled a million times.


I activated my skill.

I covered myself with the shield, and ran toward her.

When I blocked most of her arrows. I got hit by one on my right arm. It hurts, damn hurts. I endured it. I finally reached her.

"Barbaric Smash"

I used my husband's skill, and slammed the Witch to the ground and stomped at her.

I glanced and saw a human trying to pick the axe, but he won't be able to because the axe can only be wielded by its owner.

I saw him struggling trying to pick the axe.

A faint smile crossed my face.

I lifted my hand and called the axe back. As soon as my axe got back to me, it healed my arm.

The human was terrified after what I did. The Witch tried to escape me, but I didn't let her do so. I hold her tight, so she can't use any of her skills.

A Portal opened and my husband appeared.

He walked slowly, a man in a skeleton metallic mask, a dark appearance. They both trembled at my husband's appearance.

"What is your name, Witch?" Asmodeus said.

"Anastasia" the Witch nervously said.

The human came and kneeled to my husband. The human was blindfolded, but somehow he can see everything that happened without even seeing them with his own eyes.

"Please, let go of my wife and take me instead" the human beggedly said.

I was surprised to know that the Witch and the human are wife and husband, but my husband didn't seem surprised.

My husband looked at them both, and as if he knows what they want or reading their mind.

"Would you like to become my citizen?" Asmodeus said.

I was stunned, and the Witch and the human were too.

They didn't have a choice in the matter, they were afraid and just nodded.

"What is your name, human?" Asmodeus said.

"Lancer, my name is Lancer" the human anxiously said.

"Who are you?" Anastasia anxiously asked.

"I am Lord Asmodeus, Lord of the Night Village, Lord of the North" my husband menacingly said.

"And I'm his wife, Lady Fraeya, Lady of the Night Village, Lady of the North" I menacingly said.

My husband at the Portal. It was clear he meant for them to go through it. I can see Anastasia and Lancer faces as how an orc accepts to marry a human.

But I ignored them, my husband introduced them to the village and my young sister continued the rest. I know their faces were in wonder of how peaceful it is in the village.

It was late midnight, so I decided to join the bed with my husband.

He was unclothed in bed, so I took off my clothes too.

I lay next to him.

I thought about what he saw from the Raven and asked about it.

"Who were the humans you saw from the Raven? " I worriedly asked.

He hesitated a bit then he decided to go out with it.

"They were once a family to me" He anxiously said.

I saw his face as if he was worried and afraid, and at the same time he had resentment, anger, and vengeance swelling up his face.

I caress his face.

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you now"

He held me tighter and kissed my forehead.

I don't know what happened to him, but he needed to hear these words from someone he cares about.

We dive into deep sleep without thinking about anything else but us.

- - - Fraeya POV - - -

--- The End of Chapter 5---