
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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Every hero has their origin story. They have a starting point or reason for them to become a hero. The deaths of their parents or being sent here from a different planet are just a couple of origins of the superheroes of this world. Anyone can have an origin story, but we now look at a young woman's that started eight years ago. In the eastern city of Coast City, a little girl and her mother live. Her father jetted years ago, but her mother decided to stay. They have a good relationship because the girl is so young, but today will change everything. On a sidewalk, two girls chase after each other. One has black hair while the other is blonde.

"You can't catch me," said the black-haired girl.

"I will. I'm way faster than you," said the blonde.

"Think again," said the black-haired girl.

The black-haired girl picks up speed and dashes away from the blonde. The blonde tries to keep up, but she can't. She trips and falls, but the black-haired girl doesn't notice. She reaches her apartment and puts her hands in the air in celebration.

"I win!" exclaimed the black-haired girl.

"You won, but what about me?" asked the blonde on the verge of tears.

The black-haired girl sees that her friend has scraped her knee. She is only a little shocked as she walks over to her. She then picks her up and brings her towards her house.

"I can walk by myself. I don't need to be picked up," said the blonde.

"I just want to help. You scraped your knee. Walking will only make it hurt more. My mom will patch you up," said the black-haired girl.

"I'm just hurt, not dying," said the blonde.

"Just be quiet. I'm here to help. Just like Wonder Woman," said the black-haired girl.

"You don't have powers. You can't be her," said the blonde.

"I can try. Mom always tells me to try, so I will until I do become her," said the black-haired girl.

"Eh," said the blonde.

The black-haired girl continues to carry her friend until they reach her apartment. 694 is on the wooden door. She then opens the door and enters the small apartment. She walks up to the kitchen and finds her mother, cooking an evening meal.

"Donna, what do you need?" asked her mother.

"Cassie scraped her knee," said Donna.

"Not again. Haven't I told you two to be careful," said her mother.

"We were, but she is just a clutz," said Donna.

"Hey!" exclaimed Cassie.

"Fine. I'll deal with her wound. Just do something. It's still good and hot outside. Why don't you wait on the porch?" said her mother.

"But, I want to make sure Cassie is ok," said Donna.

"Look, sweetie. I want silence when I'm doing these things. It will only take a few. Just wait outside and we'll enjoy dinner together," said her mother.

"I'll find something to do," said Donna.

Donna slowly walks out of the kitchen on her way to the door. She grabs a classic Wonder Woman comic and opens the wooden door once again. She exits her apartment building in only one minute and takes a seat on the steps. She then opens the book and starts to happily read it.

"She's so cool," said Donna as she quickly flips the pages.

She continues to flip through the pages for a few minutes until she sees a tall shadow appear above her. She looks up and sees a tall older man in a trenchcoat staring at her from only inches away. She places her comic book on the ground and wonders why the man is here.

"What do you want, mister?" asked Donna.

"What are you reading?" asked the suspicious man.

"A Wonder Woman comic," said Donna.

"Wonder Woman? You're a fan?" asked the suspicious man.

"Yeah. She's so cool!" said Donna.

"I don't like her," said the suspicious man.

"Why? She's the bestest superhero ever," said Donna.

"Well, she disrespects the glory of the old gods," said the suspicious man.

"Who are the old gods?" asked Donna.

"You will learn about them in school one day. They were amazing, divine beings that ruled over the universe with their immense power. You wouldn't like this Wonder Woman if you knew about them," said the suspicious man.

"That wouldn't happen. Wonder Woman is too cool to be disliked," said Donna.

"You're a little girl, child. You wouldn't understand the world of adults," said the suspicious man.

"I may be little, but I will be her sidekick someday," said Donna.

"What powers do you have? Childhood innocence? Or maybe the power of delusion?" asked the suspicious man.

"I don't need powers to impress her," said Donna.

"Of course you do. You will never impress someone of her level of power by just being a fan. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee as they say around here," said the suspicious man.

"I don't even like coffee," said Donna.

"Whatever you say, but take this as a gift," said the suspicious man as he gives her some matches.

"Matches? Mommy said that I couldn't play with these," said Donna.

"I'm not your mother, am I? Just hang on to them. They may come in handy one day," said the suspicious man.

The suspicious man walks away from the apartment as Donna just looks at him from the steps. She is confused but also curious about the matches she was given. She will have to wait until later to think because her friend is already healed.

"Who are you looking for?" asked her mother.

"Nothing," said Donna.

"Then, get in here. Food's ready," said her mother.

"Wonder Woman-shaped steaks?" asked Donna.

"You bet," said her mother.

"Yay!' exclaimed Donna as she jumps in the air.

"Come in. We don't want the food to get cold," said her mother.

Ten minutes pass. Donna, Cassie, and her mother now sit at the wooden table with food standing before them. Donna has already nearly gobbled up all of her portion while Cassie just taps at her food.

"What's wrong, Cassie? You have barely touched your food," said Donna's mother.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just bored," said Cassie.

"Why is that?" asked Donna's mother.

"Playing tag and pretending to be Wonder Woman just isn't as fun anymore," said Cassie.

"How! It's amazing!" exclaimed Donna.

"Donna," said her mother.

"Sorry," said Donna lightly.

"Then, why don't you guys play something different? Tag and pretend are just two games," said Donna's mother.

"The other games just aren't fun either," said Cassie.

"Growing up already huh? I'm surprised," said Donna's mother.

"I just want something to do," said Cassie.

"You want something to do? Well, let's play some board games after dinner. Your choice," said Donna's mother.

"That would be cool," said Cassie.

"Eat up and it will happen quicker," said Donna's mother.

"May I be excused?" asked Donna.

"Why are you asking? You never ask," said her mother.

"I just feel sick," said Donna as she grabs her stomach.

"Go ahead. Wipe and clean yourself up. I don't want you to stink up my apartment," said her mother.

"I will," said Donna.

Donna quickly gets up from her seat and walks towards the bathroom. She opens the door and walks into the laboratory. He turns on the light and walks up to the mirror. She then grabs her face and starts to move it with her hands, creating weird faces.

"Cassie doesn't want to play the same games anymore. So unfair," said Donna.

"Life isn't fair," said the suspicious man as his face appears in the mirror.

"How are you here!" exclaimed Donna as she quickly backs away.

"Relax, child. You are a fan of Wonder Woman, right? My appearance shouldn't freak you out," said the suspicious man.

"Who are you?" asked Donna.

"I'm not a friend of Wonder Woman. She could go kill herself for all I care," said the suspicious man.

"You didn't answer the question," said Donna.

"I don't need to. Mere mortals don't get the pleasure of speaking to a god like me," said the suspicious man.

"A god? What are you?" asked Donna.

"Ares, mortal. The god of war," said Ares.

"Ares. You shouldn't be here. Wonder Woman-," said Donna.

"Defeated me? She never did that. Comic books are fictional and over-exaggerated, girl," said Ares.

"Why are you here?" asked Donna.

"I don't like Wonder Woman, but I hate her bootlckers even more. You are a fan of her, so you have to learn some respect," said Ares.

"I don't need to learn respect. I'm a good girl," said Donna.

"You may say that, but your soul is rattled by bullet holes," said Ares.

"How?" asked Donna.

"Putting your faith into false gods has destroyed you and your future. Now, you have to learn to never do that again," said Ares.

"What do I have to do?" asked Donna.

"Suffer," said Ares.

"Suffer?" asked Donna.

"Yes. You must suffer for your stupidity. Now, what shall your punishment be? I know. Let's use the matches that I gave you outside," said Ares as he picks them up.

He then walks towards the exit of the bathroom. Donna tries to snatch the matches back, but Ares has no problem with hurting children and smacks her into the wall, creating a crack and knocking her out.

"You still have much to learn, child," said Ares.

It seems that Donna has only been knocked out for a few seconds, but it has been way longer. Thirty minutes to be exact. Donna slowly opens her eyes, but only sees flames. She slowly gets up and starts to freak out.

"What is going on!" exclaimed Donna.

"Suffer, girl. You have to suffer," said Ares.

"What have you done?" asked Donna.

"You have to suffer to learn. This is your lesson," said Ares.

"Where's Cassie and my mom?" asked Donna.

"Suffering because of you," said Ares.

"Come out, you coward and fight me!" exclaimed Donna.

"You dare! I try to teach you that your false gods are nothing but fairy tales and you decide to be selfish and not thank me! You shall pay! You will suffer until you die!" exclaimed Ares.

Ares appears in his true form in the bathroom and grabs Donna by the neck, choking her. He tightens his grip and continues to choke the girl until he hears someone. Someone lands in the home. Someone very familiar to Ares.

"She's here. You may not suffer until you die tonight, but you will suffer in life. Goodbye, child," said Ares.

Ares drops the girl and disappears. Donna lands on her knees and grabs her throat. The person gets closer and closer to the bathroom as she takes big steps.

"Is anyone in here!" exclaimed the person.

"No way," said Donna.

"If you're in here, please respond! I have come to save you!" exclaimed the person.

"I'm in here!" exclaimed Donna.

After hearing her voice, the door is swiftly kicked down and reveals someone shocking. Her idol is in the flesh and has come to save her from her suffering courtesy of Ares of course.

"Wonder Woman," said Donna.

"Yes. That's me. Are you alright, young one?" said Wonder Woman.

"No," said Donna.

"What's wrong?" asked Wonder Woman.

"I have to suffer for being stupid," said Donna.

"Why is that?" asked Wonder Woman.

"Ares," said Donna.

"Ares? He's been dead for a little while now. You must have seen wrong," said Wonder Woman.

"It was him. I know it. He knocked me out and started the fire out of spite for you," said Donna.

"Let's get you out first. Then, tell me everything," said Wonder Woman.

"What about Cassie and mom?" asked Donna.

"Your little friend is fine, but I haven't seen your mother. I will find her," said Wonder Woman.

"Promise?" asked Donna as she sticks out her pinky.

"Promise," said Wonder Woman as her pinky grabs the girl's pinky.

That was just the origin story. Now, we cut to eight years in the future or three months since Superboy joined the team. Donna no longer lives in an apartment with her mother. She lives on the mystical island full of only women, Themyscira. Currently, she stands in a stone arena and holds a warrior's metal blade as she stands before her opponent. A smile appears on both of their faces.

"This went the same way last time. This won't be anything different," said her opponent.

"Sister, you underestimate me. I improve quickly," said Donna.

"I'll be the judge of that," said her opponent.

"Are you two ready to begin?" asked a warrior.

"Yes," said the two opponents.

"Then, begin," said a warrior.

Donna and her opponent charge at each other. Their blades clash first, but who has the strength advantage is obvious as Donna slams her blade on her opponent's. Her opponent tries to combat Donna's overwhelming strength with her speed, but she is also at a disadvantage in that department. She is kicked in the stomach and then headbutted. She is immediately dazed and starts to wobble. She is finally put out of her misery with a swift kick to the throat. Her opponent falls to the stone ground and falls unconscious.

"Donna wins!" exclaimed a warrior.

Every woman in the arena starts to cheer as the warrior's arm is raised by the referee. She smiles after she receives the applause, but on the inside, she misses home. Not this home, but her old home. She wants to return but is afraid to leave her sisters behind. How will she get home if she doesn't want to leave? Eight hours pass. Donna now sits on the beach and stares at both the moon and the land of men in the distance. She continues to do this until she hears the voice of her queen.

"You are always over here at night. Do you miss your home?" said Hippolyta.

"Of course not, my queen. I just like the weather," said Donna nervously as she quickly gets up.

"There is no shame to be felt for liking to go home. You weren't born here after all. Only brought here by my daughter," said Hippolyta.

"My mother would have loved this place," said Donna.

"She would have," said Hippolyta.

"This island is beautiful and amazing, but I miss my home. I want to see the city, the parks, Cassie, and men. It gets boring around here a lot of times," said Donna.

"Then, go," said Hippolyta.

"Huh?" asked Donna.

"You are a very powerful sister of ours, but you are still a child. You need to experience life outside the island. Diana was just like you for a way longer time. I understand what you're thinking about and I'm fine with it one hundred percent," said Hippolyta.

"Thank you, my queen. I will return soon," said Donna.

"Don't rush yourself. Enjoy the lands of men. You haven't been there for years," said Hippolyta.

"I will, my queen," said Donna as she flies off.

Four hours pass. In the lands of men, not everything is nice and peaceful, especially in Jump City. The parasitic villain Plasmus marches down the downtown streets of the coastal city. It is nearly the size of skyscrapers as it scrapes its body all over the ground. It destroys cars as it scrapes by, but it won't be doing that for long. On the rooftop next to him stands the Titans.

"Plasmus, have you gained some pounds? You look bigger," said Beast Boy.

"He definitely didn't gain any muscle. Look at this blob," said Superboy.

"Can we not make fun of the villains and deal with him," said Raven, annoyed.

"Right. Let's do that," said Beast Boy.

"Plasmus, your feasting days are over. Time to go back to sleep. Titans-," said Jordan.

"Halt, you foul beast!" exclaimed Donna.

"Who said that?" asked Jordan.

"Her," said Starfire as she points at the Amazonian standing on another rooftop.

"Who's that?" asked Cyborg.

"Amazonian. Diana's people," said Jordan.

"So, what is an Amazonian doing here?" asked Raven.

"We watch and learn," said Jordan.

"Stop right now, you dirty monster, or I will be forced to use force!" exclaimed Donna.

Plasmus doesn't respond because he is unable to speak. Donna becomes a little annoyed, unaware of this fact.

"So, you want to be rebellious? Not a good idea! Take one more step and you will be sprayed all around the block!" exclaimed Donna.

The hulking monster still doesn't speak and Donna becomes even more annoyed, still unaware of the fact that he can not talk.

"Fine then! You made your choice!" exclaimed Diana.

Donna hops off the rooftop and rockets towards the beast. She then winds back her fist and punches the beast only once. This punch is very powerful and destroys Plasmus, only leaving the unconscious human host lying on the ground.

"She's strong," said Superboy.

"Maybe too strong. Let's introduce ourselves. Can't be rude," said Jordan.

The Titans hop off the roof and walk over to the Amazonian who is currently wiping the goo off of her arm. She turns around and immediately straightens up to welcome her fellow warriors.

"Are you guys superheroes?" asked Donna.

"Yeah. Was it too obvious?" said Jordan.

"Do you know Wonder Woman?" asked Donna.

"I guess so," said Jordan.

"Sweet! She's kind of my sister. It's an Amazonian thing," said Donna.

"Cool," said Jordan.

"I'm Donna Troy. Amazonian, but I'm originally from Coast City," said Donna.

"Nice to meet you, Donna. You seem strong," said Jordan.

"Well, that's what thousands of push-ups per day do for you," said Donna.

"Thousands?" asked Beast Boy.

"Yeah. Isn't that normal here?" said Donna.

"Not at all," said Jordan.

"Well, it should be. Everyone should be at their peak state," said Donna.

"So, are you going to be here at all times or is this temporary?" asked Jordan.

"I don't know. I may return to Themyscira, but I miss this place, so I won't be leaving soon," said Donna.

"If you need anything, don't be scared to come to the tower," said Jordan.

"You guys have a tower? So cool," said Donna.

"Not as cool as the Justice League's Watchtower," said Jordan.

"What's the Watchtower?" asked Donna.

"The base for the Justice League in space," said Raven.

"It's in space. I'll see you guys later. I have to see Diana," said Donna.

Donna rockets into the sky on her way to the Watchtower. The Titans watch in concern and awe as the Amazonian blasts into the air.

"Do you think that she was telling the truth?" asked Beast Boy.

"Everything seemed accurate. Maybe a little too accurate. The day is still young. She will be back and we will see if she is Titan material," said Jordan.

Ten minutes pass. In the Watchtower, the league is having a very important meeting. There are no jokes outside of Aquaman. In the center of the circular table is the hologram of a Beatle.

"What is this?" asked Diana.

"Something that Dr. Ted Korg has been working on for years. It's technology, but it's alive. There have been five attempted robberies for this 'scarab' since the end of last month. If thieves want this thing, it must be very valuable and dangerous," said Bruce.

"What do you want us to be? His personal security?" asked Green Lantern.

"No, but this thing could become a threat in the future and we need to be ready," said Bruce.

"If it doesn't have a host, we should be fine," said Flash.

"That's what everyone says before disaster strikes," said Bruce.

The Justice League continues to discuss this situation until a knock can be heard on the glass of the Watchtower. This knock is heard by Diana and Clark and they look up to see Donna floating in space and holding her breath.

"Who's that?" asked Clark.

"Donna," said Diana.

Five minutes pass. Diana and Donna now sit in a lounge area. A blanket covers Donna because it is unsurprisingly cold in space.

"Why did you do that?" asked Diana.

"I just wanted to see you. You don't come to Themyscira much anymore," said Donna.

"I have a life as a superhero, a guardian. I have to focus on this more than home," said Diana.

"It just gets lonely and boring being on the island. No one is different or unique to talk to. Nothing to do other than train or fight," said Donna.

"Then, stay here. There are many things to do here," said Diana.

"I want to, but I don't want to betray my sisters," said Donna.

"Send them letters. They like to read mine," said Diana.

"I guess that would work," said Donna.

"If you need a place to stay, my doors are always open. Especially for an Amazonian sister," said Diana.

"Thank you for the offer, but I've met people. Young warriors in Jump City. I may not know them at all, but I can feel a connection. Just like a connection I have with the girls on the island," said Donna.

"Follow your heart. Let your heart guide you to your destiny. It always works for me," said Diana.

"You are wise, Diana," said Donna.

"Stop it. You're flattering me," said Diana.

An hour passes. Donna zooms towards the tower with a large smile on her face. She has found her calling and wants to become a Titan, but nothing goes right in this world. Everyone has to suffer. Donna gets close to the tower, but she instantly stops when she hears a sinister voice.

"Miss me, child? Your mother surely doesn't," said Ares.

"Ares!" exclaimed Donna.

"Yes. That's my name," said Ares.

"Why are you here?" asked Donna.

"I have come to see your progress. I am disappointed. You still idolize false gods. Have you learned nothing?" said Ares.

"I have learned many things. Many ways to kill you!" said Donna.

"Feisty. Not too bad," said Ares.

"Fight me, you coward! Come and face me for your sins!" exclaimed Donna.

"A god can not sin. Only you trash mortals," said Ares.

"Come see what a trash mortal can do!" exclaimed Donna.

"Later. I'll be back later and I expect some results, girl. Don't disappoint me," said Ares.

"I won't," said Donna.