
The New Class 1A Student

A new student is put into class 1A and doesn’t tell anyone about her past or her full name. Who is she? What are her intentions? Where did she come from? And what is she hiding? “Based after season 4, season 5 was not out before this, so season five never happened in this story, I have not seen the movies either, has cursing and sexual talk, rated pg”

Isa_Rose · Komik
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171 Chs


I go by the name Isa and I just recently got myself into U.A., I've heard they're putting me in class 1A. I have many secrets that I keep to myself. The way I got into the school was I met up with principal Nezu and talked to him and he said I should get evaluated by the teachers and they'll decide if I can go to school or not. I was told to say I was a transfer student and I'm set on my hero name because, I'm keeping my real name a secret too. My past is also a secret, so my whole life up until now doesn't exist and I'd rather have it that way because I don't think people will be able to cope with my past, and I don't think, I know they won't be able to. I'm sure I probably wouldn't be accepted as a hero if people knew my past and why so many secrets, if only you knew. I also keep these secrets to protect myself from my past and no there is one rule that applies to me, nobody can erase my quirk.