


Ronin's anger was cooled down after he grabbed three bottles of alcohol. He wanted to drink to stupor and forget his problems and fears but it kept getting back at him. Andrew, who had been following him but lost sight of him finally spotted him at a joint and pulled over. He met him and tried to console him but his anger kept rising as he spoke.

"I love her and can't watch her suffer. The pains she pass through every day and night. Why can't she see my point? Why can't she reason with me? Why is she so stubborn? If she thinks she can endure it all alone and think it'll be over someday then she's very wrong. If she doesn't do this then I'm ending my marriage with her." Said Ronin with a tone of finality.

"You can't do that. Don't even think of that let alone doing it. She's your wife and remember the vow you both took on the alter, in pain and happiness, you will be there for each other.

Her cross your cross, family her family. Don't leave her now because that will be a terrible and big mistake you will make. Just calm down, she will do it. Give her some time, please." Begged Andrew.

"You speak of time? That pregnancy is two months, one, two, two months (he said as he counted it with his fingers and showed them to Andrew), and you want me to wait, to give her time. It's dangerous and almost impossible for an abortion to take place at such time.

She will risk her life too. Go back to that house and tell her all I've said. When she's ready, call me otherwise, I'll be going to the court immediately to get the divorce papers. She has to do it, is now or never."

Andrew went back home to tell them all Ronin said and pleaded with Mary to do it at least, for her marriage. Serah excused herself and her husband away from their hearing and asked if Ronin really meant it. He told him he don't think so, he probably said it out of anger and to scare his wife into removing the child.

Deep down, he still loved the woman he got married to. They went back after a few discussion and just then, Ronin walked in, half drunk. Mary was already in the living room when he came in. All eyes were fixed on him as he flunged the file in his hand towards his wife. Scared that it was divorce papers as he said, Andrew took it and was shocked to confirm it.

The pastor cleared his throat and spoke in an authoritative manner. He was also not happy with the situation especially with the couple and Mary most especially.

"Sir, you can't and I won't allow you do this. She's your wife, the woman you have been married to for years, six years is not a joke. Six good years not months or days. You both vowed at the alter, I was the one who conducted your marriage and you can't let the enemy pull down your home.

You took an oath to always be supportive of each other, to love each other and be there for each other. In sickeness or health, in pain or strength, in happiness or sorrow, you will be there for each other or do you need me to remind you of the vow you both took on your wedding day? Do you? Andrew have said that already to you as he told us what you intend doing.

And you young woman, (he said as he sifted his gaze to Mary who was sitting adjacent her husband) will you let the devil destroy your home? Can you see how the same child your fighting for is tearing down your home and marriage?

Will you let your labour be in vain and your enemies mock you? Why can't you see reasons with your husband? You claim to love him, where is the love and understanding between you two?

Don't use your very own hands to destroy your home and later come back to cry to God because he won't listen to you. That child is causing confusion in your home and want you two apart. You both should settle your scores and get rid of that child.

I don't know how you will do it but don't ever call me here again if that pregnancy is still living. (He said as he stood up). I will pray with you before I go because I'm not the only one angry with you, my God is also angry at the both of you especially you madam.

He prayed with them after which they apologized to him and he left. The whole place was quiet as no one didn't want to speak. Ronin was still angry with his wife. He began to feel she doesn't love him as much as she did before. Indeed, that baby was taking away all the love and care they ever shared together. His marriage was ripping apart.

He also understood her, she loved her child just as other mothers would. The pain of a woman not bearing a child for years was not something everyone could endure. He decided to help her and stand by her side instead of letting his anger control him and ruin his marriage with her. This was the test of love, he had to stand by her no matter what.