
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Komik
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51 Chs

Chapter 46 Intermission 2

So Intermission 2, yay. Probably everyone hates it but whatever.

So here I'll just say this the tournament, although the main thing, isn't the true end, unless I get bored and just end it there. Apart from that I am still forming the next few arcs in my head, so if you have any suggestions for worlds I don't mind.

Now apart from that I thought I'd say this. My schedule will be hopefully a chapter every 2 days, which is decently reasonable, as some chapters end up hitting 2k words and most are 1.5k and above. Ya I know compared to juggernauts like EPIC and stuff my chapter release rate is garbo, but if you've realised my novel is like middle tier at least on this site. (really its probably low tier and thats a high ball)

Either way I make this to entertain you guys and myself, and yes I do put some of my ideas, like how I think harem is stupid. I mean what's the point? You have multiple girls who you have to spread the powers between, then you have to stay saving them or they're useless, and when they are actually useful, guess what, there isn't actually a villain that can stand against the protagonist.

Sure this arguement is kinda full of loop holes but that's just my thought, you can agree or not, your choice. I don't hate harem novels persay though, I just prefer no harem.

Well that was more like a rant about my own preference, sorry about that. Now I'll explain some mechanics.

Now you may remember back in chapter 31, I had mentioned particles and such. Well those have to do with time itself, it's like an achor of time for every living being, and by turning it counter clock wise rewind reverts time.

Now how I see it rewind is more like undirected power that rewinds the anchors, while when Jin could see the particles the power was stronger due to the precision and actual directed use. Anyway, you're probably asking "Why is that important?" or "Why should I care?" I'll be honest, for now I you don't need to, but maybe I just wanted to sound like I added more depth into shit then I really did. I am joking obviously, but on a serious note I planned more like very ahead, then immediate ahead.

Like I know the direction of the next 10ish or so chapters but after that I am pretty lost, I guess we'll see where the story takes us, I mean I am on a journey through the novel too.

On a side note I hope you guys like these intermissions or the detail I put in certain areas(*COUGH* the powers *COUGH), I mean I don't know if other novels on webnovel do this as well cause I honestly haven't read a fan-fic here in a while, but regardless I'd like input from you guys, although maybe the reason I don't get much comments anymore is because I left it on hiatus between chapters too much, which is admittedly all my fault.

Now on another note, is my novel hard to follow? Cause some people seem to be confused about the premise or what's going on. Then again by now they probably left. Like I know I like to do too much things that will pay off later. And if you read my previous novel, I think you know what I mean. (Hello all you people who hated Dragon Ball: A Human's Tale cause of Luna)

Ya I am a bit salty in that area, but my fault. This kind of ended up being a rant, but I mean if you need to know more about the characters in the story to make it better, then it's good to know more about the author writing it.

Oh ya, and this is important. Now if you've realised, past tournaments have been brought up a lot especially in previous chapters, along with the faults of the Human Gods plans and such.

Now ya people be like "Well Gods should be omniscient and have infinite wisdom." But clearly my novel doesn't follow that. I'd say the difference in mental capacity between a God and a regular Human is memory, experience, and mental capacity.

Well the first 2 speak for themselves, being perfect memory, and millions of years of experience, but mental capacity might be confusing some of you. (I am not calling you dumb, I am just making sure I get my point across) By mental capacity I mean like, processing speed, you got me?

As in how a super computer (something dumb but not that dumb) can make hundreds of calculations a second, (I don't know if that's a fact so don't quote me) while still being dumb.

In the same ways Gods can think much faster than humans allowing them to have better battle tactics, and see different out comes quicker, kind of like really, really, really, advanced Kenbunshoku Haki but ultimately different.

Hopefully that didn't confuse you guys. Now I am just gonna adress something. You probably don't care, but I'll say it anyway. I DO like Power Stones to be clear, not like any of you have questioned that but anyway, my reason for saying not to give me them is obviously, my track record.

I can't tell you in good conscience "Ya gimme your shit" when there are better novels you can probably give them to. That doesn't mean though, don't give me, well it does, but not exactly. Whatever I just sound like a dumb ass now. Look if you think my novel is worth it, and you don't care about my past track record, then sure if YOU WANT give me them, but if you don't recommend me the novels you're giving them to.

Obviously I understand as well, apart from fan fics, translated novels and proper originals can take power stones too, so the chances of my book getting are slim, but I appreciate it anyway.

Hahaha, now if you haven't realised that tangent got this to 1000 words, so I'll end it here. By the way, I am just gonna ask although I'll do it anyway, that Epilogue chapter a long time ago of Tomura, did you guys enjoy it? Or did you all just skip it? I mean it's a 500 short chapter about Tomura which I thought would be a good break every now and again.

I'd like to hear some opinions, since my novel comments box is such a wasteland at this point. Anyway I bet like 0.0000001% of you read this, as in none of you. So I am just gonna tell you, use Code: Cringe for 10K free V-Bucks! (I hope I spelt that right, fortnite fans don't kill me(and I totally didn't spell it badly before and then corrected it))