
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


I woke up in his bed. He was not there. I was devastated....

I walked over and his maids picked up a new dress for me.

"Aw its looks good on you!" they said mumbling.

I walked out of the mansion and I saw him standing in a corner of the concrete pillar.

"Hey about last night-", Lucas/ Lucius came up to me.

"It's alright, I'm cool with it. Now I need to go- My friend's waiting for me..."

"Oh ok I will drop you-"

"Nope! It's alright."

* * *

I had even lost my courage to speak to him anymore.

I reached Himiko's house.

"HEY SAKURA!! WHERE WERE YOU?!? I WAS SO WORRIED!", Himiko called me from the backyard of her house.

I smiled and then stepped forward.

"Hey! I have a lot to tell you...." I replied.

"Including the spicy part?!?" she said with a grin.

"Shut up.... So I found out Lucas is indeed Lucius- He is the one we are looking for..."




"I talked with him and he told me."


"And I am now regretting that decision."

"We at least got the information.... So what now?"

"First, I need breakfast. I am starving!"

"That pervert didn't care to give you some? AH that bastard.. Come on then."

* * *

After breakfast, we were sitting in Himiko's room trying to process what had happened.

"So wait, he is actually into you?" Himiko asked surprised.

"I don't know. I mean he is in the mafia, this might be his usual business."

"Ok, so is it big?" Himiko asked whispering.

"SHUT UP, anyway I will make the report to show Mr. Toru."

"But he is good in bed are you sure-"



"Did you forget one thing?" Himiko asked.

"You are his next prey!"

"B-but I am not in GREGOR pharmaceuticals.."

"You support them! You investigate the case."

"Oh fuck- I forgot.."

"You should be careful."

"I will"

* * *

*knocks on the door*

"Come in!" came the reply.

"Sir!" I saluted.

"Ah yes, Sakura!" Mr. Toru smiled.

"Any updates?"

"SIR! I have a full report on the mafia boss.... LUCIUS BEAUFORT'"

"WOW, that's impressive!"

I handed him the report and he read it carefully.

"W-What is this?!?"

"Yes, Sir?" I asked confused.

"Size? 6 inches?"

"Oh... that's-"


"That's supposed to be six feet, his height!"

"Huh, well okay fine. It's impressive. WELL DONE SAKURA!"

"Thank you so much, Sir. Most of the hard work goes to Himiko."

"I see.... Please convey my hearty congratulations to her too!"

"I will Sir!"

"Now, let's move on to the next part of the plan."


" You have to get him together to a place and inform us where he is and we will make him surrender."

"So basically, lure him to a spot?"


"Yes Sir! I will do it."

"Very well then, good luck to both of you!"

"Thank you, sir!"

I slowly left the room cursing him quietly.

* * *

"So what did Mr. Toru say?" Himiko asked interested.

"He congratulated us and well told me the next part of the plan."

"Ok, so what is our next move?"

"Lure him. I am pretty sure he will call me for a date again. I will tell you the location and you and the men can stay put there until I tell you to break in."

"Ok seems pretty easy. You should be careful too... He might kill you the moment he finds out."

"Ah, you are seriously underestimating me. I have the best tactics even Lucas or Lucius doesn't have."

"Don't get too high about yourself.... He is in the mafia."

* * *

Lucas picked me up again the next day.

"So, how about we go to the park today?" Lucas asked happily.

Seeing Lucas happy made my heart break. He was moments before he would get betrayed by me.

To be honest, even if he is in the dangerous mafia, he still has a good heart all the while he does the goriest violence ever.

"How about I choose the place today?" I asked with a beaming smile hidden under my wicked plan.

"Ok, sure go ahead."

"What about......"

"What about?" he asked.

I really had to think since no place popped up in my head.

"WHICH PLACE?!? You want drum rolls?", he said making the sounds.

I laughed.

"Oh God, he does have a humor." I thought.

For a minute, I thought if I should do it.

"Yes, I need to do it for the country." I reassured myself.

"What about your place?" I finally said.

"Really? Ok sure!"

"No way, out of all places..... I told that-"

* * *

We were in his bedroom chilling. Lucas was staring at some of his old pictures which included a one near the Eiffel Tower.

I took my chance and quietly sent Himiko my location.

It would at least take 10 minutes for her to reach here. I have to keep him talking.

"Oh, you went to the Eiffel Tower?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that was when I was 12.... The church used to take all the orphan kids for a picnic once a year."

" I see, you looked so cute."

" I still do, don't I?" he said staring into my eyes.

He came closer and slowly kissed me.

I felt good. Probably because it would be the last time I would ever be with him. Suddenly, I got a call.

"Ah, it might be my friend." I said moving away.


I took up the call.

"I have reached here", was the answer on the other side.

"Ok. So, I will tell you when to break in." I replied as quietly as I could.

I took a deep breath.

I counted.







"Sakura?" Lucas called me.






I turned up to see Lucas holding a pistol onto my head.