
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Ooh, this really tastes delicious, Mrs. San," I said enjoying the Soba and Udon noodles she had prepared.

"Ah thank you, dear!! Look and learn how she respects food HIMIKO!!" Mrs. San said playfully.

"Uhh stop it mom..." she replied.

"Be honest Sakura, how does it taste?", she asked me.

"It actually tastes very good!"


* * *

*phone beeps*

"What is it.... NO NOOOOO!!!" I screamed.

"Wha-what happened?" Himiko asked confused.

"That bitch- I thought he would never be after me anymore!!"

"L-Lucas?!?! He asked for a date again?"


"I wanted to say something to you actually...."


"That Lucas is not the mafia guy we are looking for. I traced the name and it's Lucius Beaufort' "

"W-What? Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I didn't get time last night-"


"I know..."

"Huh then? One life could have been saved if u had said yesterday!"

"What do you mean?"

I handed her the Tokyo daily.

" Is it true?"


"So one more of the victims has died even after strengthening the security at their premises?"


"I see... I will take full responsibility for delaying a piece of important information!"

"Good... Also Lucas and Lucius kind of sound the same."

"You are actually a shithead aren't you?"


"This guy has a last name- Beaufort'! That's one of the famous French families."


"Yeah! So it could never be that guy!"

"Ok? But what exactly are you implying?"

"Go on the date?"


" C'mon..... "

"No, sorry. Whether he is in the mafia or not, he still is a worthless little pervert!"

"I mean I know you! You always start the problems....."


"Ok... but I had simply scrolled through the company rules and rule number... 69 states that the client doesn't have the authority to cancel the date. Only the customer can-"

"Wait WHAT"

"So meaning you have no other choice than to go?" Himiko said laughing.

"Why do you seem interested anyways?"

"Weren't you the one who said he was HOT?"


"You did... And as a good friend, it's my responsibility to set you up."

"Anyway where is the date this time?" Himiko asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know, he said he would pick me up."

"How does he know your location-"

"I had to sent him."

* * *

"Ok Himiko, I am leaving bye!!"

"WOAH you look gorgeous!"

"I know, you don't need to remind me."

"Ahh your still an arrogant piece of shit aren't you?"

I waited outside for sometime when a sudden bright light blinded my eyes.

"WOAH WOAHH!!! It's such a fancy car! No, more like a supercar!!", I said to myself.

It stopped in front of the house and I went up to the car.

"Hey! Unlock the door." I screamed.

The door automatically opened up and I slowly entered the car.

"Thanks for the ride" I said genuinely.

I turned my head and found Lucas looking hot as always.

"NO he is just a pervert! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?" I thought.

There was a long silence.

"You are super rich aren't you? Always wearing a suit... owning some cool supercars.. what else?", I commented since it was becoming awkward.

Lucas scoffed.

"I like how you just forgot that whole shit you did at the restaurant the other day..." he replied.

"I just didn't want to bring it up? But not like you acted cool that day either-"

"You little-"

"BUT I don't wanna ruin another fine day too, you know?"

"Fine, I don't wanna ruin it either." he said looking to the side while driving.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked.

"To one of the bars.... I really like some of the French whiskies they sell there."

"You only care about yourself don't you?"

"If you can be like that, I can too." he replied scoffing.

"Such an asshole", I thought.

* * *

I didn't really know any of these drinks in the bar.

"So do you drink?" Lucas asked me.

"No" I replied.

"Ok.... Hey can I have a Michael Couvreur overaged Malt whiskey?"

"Sure Sir" came the reply of the bartender.

"Um.... can I have that same thing he asked for-?" I interrupted.


"Didn't you just say you don't drink??" Lucas asked surprised.

"But it would suck to just sit idle while you drank that Overaged Michael whiskey."

"It's Michael Couvreur-"

"I don't care"

* * *

" So you are an orphan, then who raised you" I asked half-drunk.

"I was brought up by a family from one of the churches there." he replied.

"Ah I see"

"Want to meet up at my mansion sometime?"

"Your what?? Ma-Mansion??"

"Yes? Never heard of it?"

"Ayyyy, you are so rich!"

"Not to brag or anything, but I am rich."

"Which leads me to a question which is..... What is your profession?"

"Somethings are better left unsaid."

"Why? Are you in the mafia?"

He chuckled.

"Not at all, but by the questions you are asking me, you sound like an officer."


"It's a joke."

I sighed softly. Yup, I had never drank whiskey in my life and I'm passing out.

"You look so cute right now..", I said fully drunk.

"And you seem to be doing your job well." he smirked.

"I could maybe you know, break some rules for you". Saying that, I passed out.

* * *

I suddenly woke up.....on a sofa. All I could see was the chandelier shining above. I stood up quickly.

"WOAH, is this like a mansion?!?" I screamed going through all the rooms until I reached a dim-lighted bedroom.

"Oh shit, this is like what? The 10th bedroom I'm entering?" I thought.

As I turned to leave, I hit someone's chest.

I looked up and found Lucas.

"Ohh so this was the mansion he was mentioning about" I thought.

"Hey, watch where you are going girl." he smiled.

"You are the one in my way, anyways I should get going... See you some time soon bye!", I hurried to leave.

"C'mon it's late already, you can't go out there alone."

"It's alright-"

"You can spend the night here..."


"I mean, there are 15 bedrooms you can choose one."

"Oh, you mean other bedrooms...." I laughed nervously.

"What were you thinking? I am a gentleman, I won't do anything without consent.

"He owns a mansion and supercars.... no one can be this rich unless he's in the mafia and he is French! What coincidence can it be... So I need more information from him- so the best thing I can do is to go along with the plan" I thought.

"Hello?" Lucas asked.

"What if I say you do have my consent...."

* * *