

Inside a comforting room, the pair of father and son could be seen. Killua looked at Jiyu while he spoke of how he lived his life. Of course, Jiyu knew most of it, but there were some new things for him too. "After gon and i separated I trained so that my family couldn't hurt me. Also Alluka your aunt trained with me. Together we could hold off our brother Illumi a nen manipulator one of the best you would find in the whole world.

He was strong and determined to kill Alluka and take me back to the Zoldyck family house. You know Jiyu I was scared of my family. I was scared they would force me into becoming an assassin and scared they would kill my little sister." A silence erupted in the room while Killua looked rather sad while he was talking. It was most likely because the subject wasn't something he would like to think about. "Jiyu I'm scared you will grow to hate us like how I once grew to hate my family.

But just remember" Killua hugged Jiyu before hearing the last few words, "we will always be here for you. I would wage war on this whole world for you" Jiyu felt a rather weird feeling in the area of his heart. It was a warm feeling something he had never experienced in his past life. 'is this that which they call family love?' If he had been honest, he didn't think much of his family in this life. For him, it was as if he was still living in a game or a dream. But the warmth he just felt confirmed he was indeed alive here. "Thanks, dad" Jiyu replied.

- One year later –

A beautiful young boy could be seen running towards a boat this boy was, of course, Jiyu who was leaving for the hunter exam. A massive wooden boat entered into the sight of the young boy. He boarded the boat, and he sat down on the deck while watching the calm sea. And the birds that chirped above it.

It was a calming sight one that Jiyu would treasure forever after all this was the first sight he had seen on his way to reach his dream. Slowly the day passed, and Jiyu went towards his bed. Without him knowing a massive storm was brewing, and the ship was shaking. While he had his eyes closed and peacefully slept. The other people didn't they were throwing up, and some even fell off the boat. If they lived, no one knew they were on open sea an area that is one of the most unforgiving in the world.

What lived in those deep waters was a mystery even for the hunters. Maybe one-day Jiyu would return to explore it. But at the moment he was peacefully dreaming. Suddenly Jiyu was woken up by one of the deck mates who told him the captain was looking for him. Annoyed Jiyu left towards the captain unlike how the original story went with 3 people being there only Jiyu was there. Without him knowing he was the only one suitable for the title of hunter. The captain was a middle-aged man with a cigar in his mouth. He asked Jiyu, "what is it that you desire" a question that every single person in this world would have a different answer to.

Some would say money others would say love maybe someone would even say that they desired a purpose. Yet all the young boy that stood in front of the man answered was, "to be the freest person in this world." This was an answer that not many would give when given the question it was something a human desired. Freedom yet not many would desire to reach more freedom than they already had. Most humans would be content with how they lived, and only the select few would try to achieve their dreams.

The captain smiled at this answer. This was the answer a hunter was supposed to give. Or at least one of many right answers. "What is your name kid," the captain asked.

"My name is Jiyu Zoldyck" Jiyu answered quite calmly. But the captain himself wasn't that calm everyone knew of the one-star hunter Killua and how he had given birth to a son. The captain didn't expect the boy in front of him to be that child.

"Well Jiyu Zoldyck you have passed the first test," the captain said with a slight smile.

Have fun reading.

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