
Hunter Exam

Nen a power that is the main source of power for a real Hunter. A power that is heavy influenced with your own emotions and personality. A twisted power so to say many unbelievable things would be possible with.

The power that Jiyu didn't train yet.

He had decided to wait with training it when he would become a real hunter. A very simple reason for that Killua wouldn't help him with it just yet. He had asked one day for Killua to train him in Nen, but without a second thought, Killua refused. Nen was a power that Jiyu himself didn't want to try without a master.

Jiyu himself thought that Killua would agree at first, but he didn't budge no matter what Jiyu said. Most likely it was because of what happened to his best friend, Gon when they fought against the Ants.

Killua knew Nen wasn't such a simple power and he wasn't against Jiyu learning it. But not at the tender age, he was at right now. And the only way he would teach him something is if he passed the Hunter exam.

The journey with the boat continued for another day the other passengers were already dropped off at an earlier stop. Only Jiyu and the crew were on the ship right now.

The boy just spend his time reading and watching the beautiful sights they passed. Until they finally saw the destination. Jiyu didn't know if he still needed to pass another 'fake' test like in the original series, but he just decided to embrace the unknown.

When they had finally boarded the land, Jiyu got off, and the captain told him to follow him. It seemed that he no longer needed to pass another test like in the original story. They came into the same bar that Gon had once stood with Leorio and Kurapika. The captain looked at the bar owner and told him the secret code to allow him to pass. Jiyu followed right after him as they were about to enter the lift the captain turned around.

"I can't go any further Jiyu only the ones that are taking the Hunter exam can pass," the captain said with a smile on his face. He was sure that he had brought a hunter to the exam. "Thank you for everything you have done for me," Jiyu said with a thankful voice. After that, the captain left, and the lift started to ascend. While in the elevator Jiyu was thinking of what type of people he would meet. His father had made his friends in this exam would he be the same? Or would it be different?

He didn't know yet but one thing he was sure about. He wasn't his father he wouldn't walk the same path like Killua once did. He would see the world his own way find his own ideals and achieve his personal goals. Family was important to him yet it wasn't his sole purpose for living like it is for Killua right now. Jiyu didn't know if one day he would be the same but for now, he wasn't. Right now he had his own dreams and wanted to achieve them.

Suddenly the lift opened, and a somewhat familiar sight greeted him. A long hallway full of people that wanted to take the Hunter exam. Jiyu just calmly walked out of the elevator and decided to sit down against the wall. He closed his eyes waiting for the examinator to come he dozed off while all the other participants were watching him.

One, in particular, a man that seemed to be rather old. He grabbed something out of its pockets and started to walk towards the kid. The comfortable sleep that Jiyu was in was broken and when he opened his eyes an old man was standing there with a can of soda. "Who are you," Jiyu asked with a cold voice.

The old man smiled while he spoke,

"I'm Tonpa," the man said while his mind was racing with thoughts on how this rookie would react after drinking the laxative that was in the can. "What is your name" Tonpa decided to ask but the name he heard next scared him. Jiyu just coldly looked towards the man before him knowing who he was and decided it was time to scare him a bit. "I'm Jiyu" a pause was there before he said the next words "Jiyu Zoldyck."

The man before Jiyu could be seen getting paler by the second. Tonpa knew the Zoldyck family and also his father hell he even tried to drug Killua. He was scared off by the name Zoldyck and turned around and started to walk away.

"What a weak guy," Jiyu said with slight hate and closed his eyes once more waiting for the exam to truly start.

Have fun reading.

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