
The most ridiculous & luckiest ninja in history

Creativity is beyond your imagination please check it out

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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Riddick discovered his natural talent other than cooking, brewing, baking & earth devil fruit. His godly talent was Luck Deprivation & absorption. He could make his victims become unlucky person. Since he can't show his earth devil fruit abilities, Riddick has could to a lot of trick with his Luck Deprivation & absorption skill. He bully Hokage & 3 stooges with famous Sannin ( Hokage Students) Mighty Dai was lucky to survives due to Riddick during ninja world war 2. There is nobody notice that Riddick didn't even do genin task his whole career. Everything was due to his luck Hokage & his goon never even discovered this flaw. Riddick has won ¥ trillion while gambling casino. Riddick was 22 years old of age similar to Senju Tsunade, Jiraiya & Ochimaru this year. While as Mighty Dai was 21 years old & married, his son was called Mighty Gai. Due to Riddick influences, Mighty Dai was shirtless with long black ninja anbu pants. ( No more green jumpsuit families trait) Riddick has 4 best drink buddies Hatake Sakumo, Nara Shika, Akamichi Rujii & Yamanaka Heishi. Riddick was known bald hunk in Konoha because of his silver charming eye & tan tone skins with 12 Pack abs. All women & ladies didn't care of his bald because they prefer hunk over handsome. Uchiha & Hyuga men handsome trait was unattractive at all. They all felt sour whenever see the ladies drooling over Riddick. The reason they never have win a challenge duel with Riddick because they always face front fall on dirt or animal shit. It was funny though. Uchiha Kagami ever kiss with a guy accidentally countless times. He was known Famous Gay Uchiha in history. Uchiha Mikoto was known beauty in Uchiha Clan. Her Father was one of Uchiha Elder , ex commander of Konoha & strict father figure. Due to a lot of complaints of Uchiha Kagami, he disagrees betrothed his daughter to Kagami Gay Boy. Who knows Kagami has hidden hobbies or unknown meatcock sandwich diseases. Hyuga Hiashi was known as pervert Hyuga in Konoha other than Jiraiya. He was found by Tsunade at Hot Sauna Facility. She broke this pervert so that never stalk any innocent ladies in the future. Danzo dark anbu always sudden diarrhea diseases & sometime piss on their pants without notice. During their sneaky operations on Riddick, they were blown off due fire ignite during their uncontrollable fart. It was deadly. 3rd Hokage shit on his pants during meeting. The 3 goons got scrabby scrab & they start scratch their junk after it was too painful. It was Riddick revenge. Tsunade ever got nipple swollen & itchy after challenge Riddick. Ochimaru & Jiraiya felt their dick shrinking , sometimes swollen & sometimes painful after sparring Riddick previous year. Nobody knows why & causes of this incident. Nobody suspect Riddick because they thought he was muscle brain thug who can't do any Jutsu. Riddick legend just begun.