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Five years after becoming Lord Marshal, Riddick has become increasingly unsettled. He refuses to swear into the Necromonger faith and faces constant assassination attempts. He finally makes a deal with Commander Vaako: Riddick will make Vaako the new Lord Marshal in exchange for a ship and the location of his home planet of Furya. A Necromonger named Krone takes Riddick to Furya, but upon arrival Riddick realizes they are on the wrong planet. Krone attacks Riddick, severely injuring Riddick by triggering a rockslide that traps him.
Riddick emerges from the rubble with a broken leg, which he sets himself. He quickly falls back into survival mode, making himself a shelter while fending off predators. He realizes there aren't enough resources for him to stay there long and that he must reach the savanna on the other side of the ruins. He tries to cross the mud pools to leave the ruins but is attacked by scorpion-like water-dwelling creatures called Mud Demons. He adopts a hyena-like puppy and decides to build them both up an immunity to the Mud Demon venom. He extracts venom from the Mud Demons and injects it into both of them in increasing doses until they can both withstand being directly bitten. Riddick attacks and kills the Mud Demons blocking his path and escapes with the puppy to the savanna. After surviving in the savanna for a while the dog, now fully grown, finds a golf ball. This leads Riddick to an abandoned mercenary station that he raids for supplies. Outside, the dog gets upset and warns Riddick about a large storm approaching them. Knowing that the rain will release thousands of Mud Demons trapped in the dry ground, Riddick returns to the mercenary station and triggers the emergency beacon.
A crew of mercenaries led by Santana quickly repond to the beacon. They find the station empty but a note on the wall telling them to leave one ship for him and take the other one. The message doesn't make sense until a second crew of mercenaries arrives. Santana confronts "Boss" Johns, leader of the second crew, and asserts his right to the bounty on Riddick. Johns agrees not to interfere and his crew settle into the station while Santana's men set up a perimeter and begin searching for Riddick. To stop Riddick from hijacking a ship, both crews remove a power node and lock them in a cabinet rigged to explode if tampered with. Dahl, Johns' Lieutenant, reports that the station is missing a bunch of large animal traps. Johns warns Santana about the traps and about Riddick but Santana ignores him. Riddick begins tampering with Santana's equipment as a distraction before killing Rubio and Nuñez and kidnapping Falco. An embarrassed Santana is forced to ask Johns for help and they make a deal - Santana can keep the bounty as long as he allows Johns to question Riddick before they kill him. Johns takes control of both crews and puts Dahl in charge of Santana while Johns takes some men to search a nearby cave system. They find Falco's body and Johns realizes that they are being distracted while Riddick is at the mercenary station. Riddick underestimate his enemy & end up dead. He was reborn to Naruto World. The fascinating stories just begun. A super notorious killer was reincarnated with gift Furyan Limited Bloodline wlth godly cooking skill. The funny thing is Riddick still bald & turn to salted fish mode. Riddick is originally a frankster character similar to Uzumaki Naruto. He only has tiny chakra reserve with max level Def, Dex, Luck & Speed attributes. Due to this Riddick didn't train at all because he has his own skill & fully natural awaken his Furyan Limited Bloodline since born. He was elder brother of Mighty Dai & his nephew was future Mighty Gai. Riddick has extraordinary luck & discovered a spatial ring during fishing. He got Earth Devil Fruit & unlimited cooking & brewing supplies including cooking tool. Mighty Family was categorised as low chakra reserve bloodline. Mighty Dai was known as 2nd eternal genin rank & he has been struggled & failed countless times in Ninja Exam. Later on Hokage gave him opportunity & grant him genin rank include Mighty Rai. His nickname still Riddick though.