
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

Surprised Huo Shufan

Wu Xichen and Shang Di quarreled in Tinglan Waterside Pavilion.

Judging by their appearance, they seem to have often quarreled before.

The two old men were red-faced and thick-necked. Of course, no one could convince anyone by slapping the table.

Shang Di believes that Li Chenan is like the star of Wenqu, the pioneer of a new genre of poetry. He is only seventeen years old, and his future is bound to be brilliant!

Then he should put his main energy on this poem and carry forward this genre.

But Wu Xichen thought that Li Chen'an had understood the four moves of the Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue. Although he was a bit older, if he could fully understand the Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue, he might be able to step into the realm of a great master.

So Shang Di thought that Li Chen'an was a genius in literature and a future master, while Wu Xichen thought that Li Chen'an was a genius in martial arts and a great master in the future!

Su Muxin, who was on the side, had already been beaten to pieces, only then did he realize that he was far behind Li Chen'an in terms of civil and military skills!

He just wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, and almost burst into tears-God, how unfair you are!

You are simply cruel!

Since the birthday is safe, how can you give birth to Muxin?

At this time, Li Chenan calmly took a sip of Yuqian Longjing, a good tea, with a long aftertaste full of fragrance.

His real thought at the moment is... In fact, what I am best at is neither poetry nor martial arts, but business!

"I said, stop!"

Putting down the teacup in their hands, Shang Di and Wu Xichen stared at each other, looking at each other with disgust.

"First of all, thanks to Brother Shang's love, then I will stop being hypocritical."

"Then, each of us has his own name. Of course, the master is still my master, and your friends are still friends."

"Finally... I came to Peach Blossom Island because I actually wanted to ask Brother Shang for a favor."

When Shang Di heard it, it was a good thing for Li Chenan to ask for something!

As long as he opens his mouth, no matter what he has to do, he must be done properly, because in the future, he will be the first to get the poems or poems he made.

"Speak, brother!"

"Is this unknown person going to hold a cultural event on your Peach Blossom Island? I have built a new winemaking workshop under Peach Blossom Mountain. Of course, it has not been completed yet, but it is estimated that my wine will be on the market in June and July."

"So... I thought about getting some advertisements in the venue of this literary club... Just to put up a sign, let these talented scholars know the name of my wine first, so that when the wine is on the market, they can accept it faster ."

"Oh..." Shang Di stroked his long beard, and asked in surprise, "Your brewery is built under Peach Blossom Mountain?"

"That's right, it's by the Peach Blossom Creek."

Shang Di was thoughtful.

When Hua Manting came to visit him, he said something ambiguous, he said that girl Zhongli Ruoshui seemed interested in Li Chenan.

Originally, Shang Di didn't pay attention to this sentence, because in his opinion, Zhongli Ruoshui is the daughter of Zhongli Mansion after all, and she should not be likely to fall in love with Li Chenan, a common man.

He knew that Taohua Villa was built by Fan Taohua back then.

The large piece of land around Taohua Villa was also bought by Fan Taohua back then.

Since Li Chen'an was able to build the brewery by the Taohuaxi River... Could it be that Zhongli Ruoshui really has something for Li Chen'an?

Then it's even more important to fulfill Li Chen'an!

"It's too simple, you can do it however you want!"

"Thank you, Brother Shang, then... can you take me to see what the place looks like?"

"Well, let's go now!"

Everyone Shang was about to stand up, when another pretty girl walked into the Tinglan water pavilion.

"Patriarch, there are people asking to see you, a young man named Wen Huan, another young man named Huo Shufan, and a girl named Shen Qiaodie... Those two young men are young talents from our Guangling City, they are the three great talents of Guangling. of two."

"As for that Miss Shen..."

Shang Di stretched out his hand, "No see!"

"The servant obeys!"

The girl turned and left, and Shang Di stood up again, "These days, any cat or dog dares to call themselves a wit, they have a fart!"

"It's a bit too much to say that the poems and articles are nonsense, but in the eyes of this old man... If it's not for the sake of money, this old man wouldn't bother to compose their lyrics!"

"This is called a full tank of water making no sound, and a half tank of water ding-dong!"

"They don't even deserve to carry shoes for Brother Li!"

Shang Di stretched out his hand, and walked out side by side with Li Chenan.

Su Muxin blushed and followed behind the two with her head bowed. Wu Xichen grinned, took the bamboo hat and put it on her head, and followed.

"After a few days, brother, my heart has calmed down. When I compose the song "Tianjingsha", I'm afraid I will invite my brother to sit down."

"The tune of this song must match the rhythm of this poem, and it also needs to match the meaning contained in this poem. You are the creator of this poem, and you know how to grasp emotions. If it doesn't fit your mood, you need to point it out in person!"

"You can't desecrate the first poem in this world!"

"In addition, my brother is thinking, when the song of this poem is completed, I should go to Kyoto."

"This song, my brother wants to give it to Liang Manman from Yihonglou in Kyoto to sing it for the first time."

"Miss Liang is not the oiran of Yihonglou. Last year, Miss Liang came to my brother's place to compose a song... She is not very old, but she has a very ethereal voice, and she is also very good at dancing with voice. To deduce the joys and sorrows in the words."

"You Qi plays the flute very well!"

"If she didn't just want to be a noble lady, she should have been popular in Yujing City already."

Master Shang dragged Li Chenan along and said, Li Chenan thought that he knew the melody of a fart, let alone grasping the mood of the tune and poetry.

Of course he didn't care who he sang to, but he remembered the name Liang Manman.

Because everyone said that she was a good flute player.

This he likes.

Maybe one day I went to Kyoto to find this girl Liang and listen to it.

"Brother Shang, my winemaking workshop is about to start brewing. I guess I'll be busy next time. Look..."

"It's okay, you're busy bro, I'll go find you!"

Li Chenan was startled, what else can I say?

A group of people meandered among the peach forest paths, and unknowingly came to an extremely open square.

They didn't notice that three people happened to be walking in the peach grove outside the square at the moment.

It was Huo Shufan and his party.

The merchants refused to see them, which of course made them a little frustrated.

After all, Huo Shufan recently wrote a song that he feels good about himself, and he hopes to ask everyone to compose a song for his song and take it to Kyoto to sing.

At this moment, the three of them looked towards the center of the square, and Shen Qiaodie was the first to be startled, "Then...is that Li Chen'an?"

Wen Huan added at this time, "Isn't that the businessman?"

Huo Shufan looked around, at a distance, what he saw was the backs of Li Chenan and others.


"What kind of person is Master Shang? How could he stand side by side with that fool!"

At this moment, Li Chenan and Shang everyone turned sideways, and the two of them were gesticulating and talking, looking quite cordial.

Huo Shufan's pupils shrank suddenly——

Who is that not Li Chenan?

He had only met once at the entrance of the tavern, but he felt that he could recognize Li Chen'an even when he was burned to ashes.

What is he doing here?