
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Serve good tea!

No one can understand Shang Di's mood at this moment.

No one could understand Su Muxin's mood at this moment.

Everyone in Shangdi Shang is proficient in rhythm, and also has extremely high attainments in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and his understanding of poetry is far beyond comparison.

But at this moment, his eyes kept falling on this poem, and he couldn't move away for a long time.

The words on the paper were originally ugly, but now in his eyes, they are more beautiful than the orchids on the shore of the lake.

He was sure it was a whole new style.

He knew that he was witnessing the birth of a brand new style of writing!

He took the paper off the desk, his face full of excitement, the folds of that old face seemed to be glowing bright red, and even his hands were trembling slightly.

Back then when Hua Manting praised Li Chen'an without hesitation, he was actually skeptical in his heart.

The song "Butterfly Love Flower" is really good, but it is very likely that Li Chenan got it by accident.

This can only show that the boy has good talent, but it cannot prove that he is a talented boy.

Especially after he sent someone to inquire about Li Chenan's news, he became even more suspicious, because it is impossible for a person who is called a fool by everyone to suddenly become a blockbuster one day.

This is unreasonable. After all, literary talent is mostly based on the accumulation of daily life.

So Li Chenan came to this Peach Blossom Island today, he came here out of curiosity, because Hua Manting really seldom praised a certain person that much.

Secondly, of course, I want to witness with my own eyes whether Li Chenan can really compose a poem on the spot.

Even if it is not as good as the song "Butterfly Love Flower", it can prove that Li Chenan is indeed a genius.

At least he wasn't the fool the neighbors said he was.

Use this to verify the guess in his heart—could it be that Li Chenan became enlightened all of a sudden?

This kind of situation does exist, but if you look closely at the millennium literary world, such people are really rare.

But he never expected that Li Chenan would say that poetry is really simple... Are poetry simple?

If it is simple, there are only a hundred poems that have been passed down for thousands of years and can be included in "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian". Church.

At that moment, he even sneered a few times in his heart.

He thought this was an arrogant young man, and he was already displeased, but unexpectedly, the young man said that he wanted to make something called poetry.

He had some expectations, just some expectations.

Because countless masters have been born in the thousands of years since the rhythm of poetry has been passed down to the present, but no one can create a new genre on the basis of poetry.

At most, it is to create a new word card, which is already a great achievement.

He didn't think this seventeen-year-old boy could break through the barrier of poetry and rhythm.

When he just saw the first character written by Li Chenan, that character was so ugly in his eyes.

He even regretted using such good paper and ink, and the inkstone and brush that even he himself was reluctant to use.

But follow Li Chenan to write down this poem.

He suddenly understood the meaning expressed in this poem, and suddenly understood that a brand new genre was born before his eyes!

Therefore, Hua Manting's evaluation of Li Chen'an is too low!

This kid has read the poems and articles thoroughly, and really understands the essence of them!

Only by penetrating and jumping out of the rhythm of poetry can we make a big breakthrough!

He started a whole new genre!

Once this genre spreads among literati, the words Li Chen'an will definitely be recorded in the annals of history!

This is a great pioneering work that will last forever!

"Good poetry!"

"Excellent poetry!"

Shang Di carefully held the paper and stood up suddenly.

He excitedly walked two steps back and forth in the water pavilion, "It is easier to understand than poetry, and the rhythm in it has a special flavor!"

"Originally, it is extremely difficult to use overlapping characters in poems, but in this poem, they are used just right!"

"Yingyingyanyanyanchunchun, flowers, willows and willows are true,

Everything is charming,

Delicate and tender, stop and go when everyone. "

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

"These few sentences are the finishing touch, and they complement the first half of the poem. The beautiful scenery of spring comes alive on the paper, and the beauties in the beautiful scenery are also vivid...Good poetry!"

He stroked his long beard, and carefully handed the calligraphy to Qiu Ju, "Please invite Xie Dongge, a famous paper painter in Guangling City, to bring the best materials here, and I want to see him mount this painting with his own eyes!"

"The old man needs to calm down for a few days. After he calms down, he should burn incense and take a bath, and compose this poem!"

"It will definitely shock the world!"

Qiu Ju swallowed with some difficulty.

The owner has lived here for decades.

Ever since I came here, I have never seen the Patriarch so excited as he is today.

In this way... This young man named Li Chenan, is he really amazing?

Mr. Su is already the head of the four great talents in Kyoto, so isn't this Mr. Li the head of the Ningguo's talents?

She also carefully placed the picture on the desk, took a paperweight to press it, and then turned and went out the door.

Shang Di rolled up his sleeves and sat down again, turned his head and yelled at Chunlan, "It's my luck to see Brother Li today! Instead of this tea, serve better tea!"

Chunlan was startled, thinking that this Mao Feng is already very good, no matter how good it is...

"It's the small pot of Yuqian Longjing that Zhongli Qiuyang just sent the day before yesterday!"

"Oh, the servant obeys!"

Chunlan sent the small pot, and Shang Di cooked the pot of tea with his own hands.

"Brother Li, my brother was negligent before, please forgive me!"

Li Chen'an didn't expect that the merchants would have such a strong reaction to this song "Tianjingsha", isn't it just copying a Yuan song?

Now it seems that this has gone too far, as if he will really become famous.

But I just want to do some business in a low-key way and earn more money!

He hastily cupped his hands and saluted, "Senior..."

Shang Di waved his hands, "Don't call me senior, I will feel ashamed if you call me senior again!"

"Hua Manting and I were close friends when we were in Kyoto. Since he regards you as a friend who has forgotten the year, then you are also a friend who has forgotten the year!"

"You have the qualifications!"

"Even brother, I've climbed high!"

Wu Xichen on the side was stunned, what's going on?

He also saw this poem with his own eyes, but he couldn't appreciate the subtlety of this poem like Shang Di did, and he didn't know that it meant the birth of a brand new genre.

It seems that my apprentice is really good at poetry!

He is not very familiar with Hua Man Ting, but he knows everything about Shang Di.

Shangdi is a proud man.

Back then, in order to pursue Fan Taohua, he lost to that old guy Zhong Lipo... At that time, Zhong Lipo was not an old guy... Shang Di didn't even want to be an official, so he left the capital just like that and came here.

He was suddenly overjoyed, and chuckled, "Old man Shang, Li Chen'an is my apprentice, you call him brother and brother... From now on, you will have to call me uncle in front of this old man!"


Shang Di was furious, "Take a look at what martial arts everyone learns! Besides, you, a dead old man, taught him, wouldn't you be misleading his children!"