
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

mid autumn night 5

The literary world is a huge square.

There is a huge circular pavilion in the center of the square.

There is a plaque on the pavilion.

The three big characters Moxiangting are written on the plaque.

This is the arena where the literary fair will be held in Yujing City, the capital of Ningguo!

Not far from the south of Moxiang Pavilion, there is a very impressive three-story building with a podium.

This building also has a huge plaque with three big characters of Daolou written on it.

At this moment, the Literary Forum Square was already full of people, only the front of the Zaidao Building was very clean, because there were soldiers from the Habayashi Army guarding it.

The emperor will bring members of the royal family here tonight.

He will watch the grand occasion of Moxiangting Wendou on the third floor of Zaidaolou.

Of course, you can't see anything by looking at it, and you can't hear anything by listening, because the distance is a bit far after all.

Therefore, the poems made by the talents in Moxiang Pavilion will be recited in front of everyone, and then they will be signed and sent to Zaidaolou, where the final result will be judged by the emperor.

When Li Chenan and his entourage came to the literary world, what they saw was a crowded scene.

Carriages cannot go in.

Xiao Wu parked the carriage, and followed Li Chenan and others into the literary world.

At the gate of the literary world, Su Muxin, Yang Yulin, and Tang Gan were waiting anxiously.

At this moment, Su Muxin raised her eyes just in time to see it, and quickly walked over to meet him.

He bowed to Hua Manting, but when he straightened up, he was looking at Li Chen'an.

His eyes were extremely worried, and even that face was looking tense and sad at the moment.

"I asked two students from the Taiyuan Academy who participated in this literary meeting...they, they admitted it, and they were persecuted by the members of the Fish and Dragon Society...their families were threatened, so, so they sixteen I'm afraid I can't write a poem in Moxiangting!"

The corner of Li Chen'an's mouth curled up, he patted Su Muxin's shoulder, and then looked at Yang Yulin and Tang Gan, who also looked anxious.

He was about to comfort Su Muxin and the others, but suddenly Su Muxin leaned over and said in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"This bastard Ji Tai is simply doing evil blatantly!"

"Today, I contacted many students from the academy. Since Ji Tai dares to be the first grader, we will be the fifteenth grader!"

Li Chenan was startled, "What are you doing?"

"I mobilized the students, if you are unfavorable for a while... we will make this matter big!"

"Isn't the emperor here?"

"Let's attack Mo Xiangting to make this article meeting impossible!"

"As long as the matter becomes serious and it reaches the emperor's ears... so unfair, the emperor should uphold justice, right?"

Xiangdong on the side was taken aback.

Just because the emperor is here, this is no small matter!

In case someone got involved, he would take advantage of the chaos and assassinate the emperor after he came out of Zaidaolou... For such a crime, even if he had a hundred heads in Xiangdong, it would not be enough to cut him off.

He was about to dissuade him, but he heard Li Chenan speak.

He still spoke calmly.

"Don't do such a foolish thing!"

"If things don't work out, and Ji Tai gets caught instead, the futures of you Tai Academy students will all be ruined!"

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, "Then what should I do?"

"Just watching you lose like this?"

"Watching you get your head chopped off?"

Li Chenan smiled slightly, "Who said that I would lose if I fight them alone?"

Su Muxin and the three looked at each other, eyes full of disbelief——

There were sixteen students from the Yue State Academy, and Li Chenan took the challenge alone... Even if it was to write a poem, the guy on the other side had as many as sixteen poems, and he, Li Chenan, only had one!

Even if Li Chenan is amazingly talented, but there will always be good ones among his sixteen poems, right?

What's more, I also heard that this proposition has been leaked to the students of the Yue country. They may have prepared it long ago, but Li Chen'an still doesn't know anything.

How does this compare?

How can this be won?

But Li Chenan is not a person who wants to die!

He even took his life very seriously.

So where does his confidence come from?

"Since the heavens gave birth to me, Li Chen'an, I will be a romantic figure in the literary world for five thousand years!"

Li Chenan patted Su Muxin's shoulder again with a charming smile, "Tell them not to make trouble!"

"Because I really will win!"

Just as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind him.

"This brother is Li Chen'an, the number one talented person in Ningguo?"

Li Chenan turned his head and saw a mighty guard protecting a group of people walking right behind him.

The speaker was a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old.

This boy was born with red lips and white teeth, and he was very handsome.

But do not know.

"This is Li Chen'an, brother, what's your surname?"

The boy grinned, revealing a row of jade-like teeth.

"Student of the Imperial College of Xiayue State, Yang Duoduo!"

"Oh, your name is easy to remember."

Yang Duoduo smiled again, "Your name is easy to remember."

There is a boy standing beside Yang Duoduo.

This boy was very burly, not like a literati, but like a little general.

He had a cold face and frowned at the moment

"I heard you just now... you said that since you were born, Li Chen'an, you will surely be popular in the literary world for five thousand years?"

He suddenly sneered.

With his hands behind his back, he looked up at the night sky. When the autumn rain fell on his face, he quickly looked at Li Chenan again

"My young master has seen many arrogant people, but someone as arrogant as you... is really extremely rare!"

There was a sneer on his face.

"It's in vain that you still have the title of Ningguo's number one talented scholar, but you don't know what humility is."

"To learn literature to cultivate one's morality, you should go boating in the sea of thousands of years of literature, to capture the shining thoughts of the ancestors, and then savor them, to see the greatness of the ancients, and to understand the insignificance of oneself..."

"You, you are afraid that this book has been read into the dog's stomach?"


The young man tilted his body slightly, showing a look of sudden realization, "I see, you are a fool from Guangling City, and you don't even have the status of a scholar, how can you come to Guangbo?"

"Why self-examination?"

"Don't think that you have written two or three seemingly remarkable poems, and you really think that you are the number one talented person in Ningguo... This can only show that Ningguo's literary world has long since fallen, and you actually let the bastard reach the top."

He raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and let out a smirk, "A frog at the bottom of a well doesn't know how big it is!"

"As a pawn, I don't know it."

"Dodo, let's go."

"If he doesn't die, who will die?"

Li Chenan suddenly laughed, he cupped his fists and bowed

"This brother is right!"

"I'm thinking, if you can't even beat me, a fool in Guangling City..."

He poked his head out, "It is said that you are the elite students of the Yue country, if you accidentally lose to me, does it mean that the students of the Yue country are not as good as fools?"

The burly young man was taken aback for a moment, and stared at Li Chen'an, "The ignorant are fearless!"

"My young master is ashamed to talk too much with you!"

"Everything will be known at the meeting!"

"My young master wants you to understand that a fool is a fool! Between a fool and a genius... there are two worlds!"

Li Chenan laughed

"What will you do if you, a student from Yue State, lose?"

The boy raised his neck, "If I lose to you, I will kneel down and kowtow nine times to you on the spot!"

"From now on, no matter when and where, this young master will always walk around you, Li Chen'an!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

The boy sneered twice, but he didn't ask Li Chenan how he lost.

Because he knew that Li Chenan would die if he lost!

He also knew that Li Chenan couldn't win at all!