
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

mid autumn night 6

It's a big fight here.

So many students came here.

They heard the conversation between Li Chenan and the students from the Yue country, and only then did they know that the one standing in front of them was Li Chenan who was about to fight alone and his head fell to the ground!

For Li Chenan, a young man whom he had just met for the first time, these students looked at him with extremely complicated emotions.

Because of the stone tablet standing in front of the archway of the Taiyuan Academy.

Master Yuanzheng said, this is the holy words of scholars!

Those words were spoken by this young man from Guangling City on the day he stepped into the south gate of the capital.

Of course, the boy's name had already spread in Kyoto before that.

Because Lord Yuanzheng came back from Guangling City.

He brought back those three poems by Li Chen'an, and also called several great Confucianists to comment together, and they all thought they could be included in "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian"!

This is enough to shock all the students.

Because this is unprecedented.

Later, the Shang family came to the capital, and the girl Liang Manman from Yihonglou sang the song "Tianjingsha" overnight.

This poem was actually written by Li Chenan again, and he even created a brand new style of writing.

Master Yuan Zheng said that if this style of writing can be carried forward, Li Chen'an's name should be left in history and become the master of a school!

What a character!

He naturally became the idol in the hearts of the students in Kyoto, and became the object of their worship.


He was full of contradictions again.

Because with the spread of his deeds, there are also rumors about him in the past seventeen years in Kyoto.

He is the grandson of Li Chunfu, the former Taiwei, but his reputation in Guangling City is really bad!

He has such talent, but he has played a fool for seventeen years!

He is obviously full of poems and books, but he really doesn't even have the status of a scholar.

Ask Mr. Yuan Zheng.

Master Yuanzheng stroked his long beard, faced the sunset, and said... Since Li Chen'an was born in the sky, he will surely be a romantic figure in the literary world for five hundred years!

Why this discrepancy arises is not explained.

Instead, he praised him like never before!

But if he wants to be famous in the literary world for five hundred years, he must first survive tonight!

He actually said just now that he wanted to make a splash in the literary world for five thousand years... Well, in the eyes of the students of Ning country, this was just to scare the students of Yue country.

These are no longer important now, the important thing is...he is really going to die!

But there was nothing they could do.

At most, it is to vent out my dissatisfaction in this literary world, or to shout for Li Chen'an twice.

So, someone looked sad.

Some people were very excited.

Some people were filled with righteous indignation, intending to find Ji Tai and discuss justice with him.

Li Chenan saw the actions of these teenagers, he faced everyone, raised his arms and said loudly

"Everyone, be quiet!"

After a while, all the students shut their mouths and looked at him.

"We have never met each other, but you can speak up for me and speak up for me... I am very grateful!"

"You guys are able to act like this, it shows that your conscience is not dead, it shows that the blood in your chest is not cold!"

"That's good, it's a spark! It's sure to start a prairie fire!"

"I hope you can maintain the current state of mind, dare to speak out in the face of injustice, dare to resist in the face of power, have compassion in the face of the weak, and have the courage to fight unyieldingly in the face of darkness..."

At this moment, Li Chenan was full of righteousness.

In the eyes of Xiang Dong, Hua Manting and the others, at this moment, his whole body seemed to be filled with brilliant light.

He stands in the rain.

Stand as straight as a gun.

Every sentence and every word of his was powerful, engraved in the minds of these teenagers like a knife.

"People are mortal after all."

"Either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai!"

"I hope my death can be as heavy as Mount Tai! It can awaken the conscience in your hearts!"

"I was actually afraid of death. I could have left Kyoto, but I stayed and came here."

"why is that?"

The audience was silent.

Ya sparrow was silent.

Yang Duoduo and the others who were just about to leave also stopped again, and looking back again, everyone heard Li Chenan's whole-eared voice, and everyone looked at Li Chenan's back.

Even Wei Xuanmo, the great Confucian of the Yue Kingdom, was no exception.

He even frowned, and paid more and more attention to Li Chenan.

Only after hearing these words, Yang Duoduo gradually had a bright light in his eyes.

"This is because..."

Li Chenan shook his arms again, his voice suddenly increased

"This is because my Li Chen'an's head can be broken and blood can flow, but... our Ningren's spine can't be bent!"

Everyone's blood boiled immediately.

At this moment, all the teenagers looked at Li Chenan without sympathy or pity. Their eyes were shining brightly, and their hands were all clenched into fists.

In their eyes, Li Chen'an at this moment has become a hero who died for justice and justice!

The dying country of Ning needs heroes!

The dark Ningguo needs a light!

Li Chenan just played such a role at such a time, which made his image in the hearts of all the young people in Ningguo, and left a strong mark.

"I'm going to die!"

"I don't want you to be reckless because of my death!"

"What I want to tell you is..."

"If the night is too dark, use your pitch-black eyes to look for that ray of light! Or... quietly wait for the dawn!"

He turned around, waved his back to the dark crowd behind him.

But she smiled slightly at Yang Duoduo who was opposite her.

"Since the heavens gave birth to me, Li Chen'an, I will be a romantic figure in the literary world for five thousand years!"

He takes a step forward.

"When I go to die, I will pass on a hundred poems!"

He kept going.

There is great pride in the swaying of the sleeves.

"I laugh at the sky from the sidelines, and I will save my heart and gall in Kunlun!"

"Isn't it poetry? Why be afraid of it?"

"Xu Neng won't die, when I come back, let's... cook wine around the stove!"



Li Chenan walked alone.

Go to the podium of Zaidaolou.

That is where the students who participated in this literary meeting gathered, and he will wait there for the literary meeting to start.

He didn't look back.

Of course he didn't know that among this group of students, there was a girl named Liang Manman.

The girl watched Li Chenan leave until his back disappeared into the night.

She withdrew her gaze, pondered for a long time, squeezed out the crowd with her maid, and came to a secluded place.


"The servant is here!"

She looked at the Yudai River a little far away, and pondered for a moment, "Mr. Li can't die!"

The servant girl Xiaoqing was startled slightly, then she heard Liang Manman say again

"Take my token, you go to meet Mr. Zuo of the White Clothes League, and say..."

"Just say that I hope Li Chen'an is alive!"

Xiaoqing was startled, looked at Liang Manman in astonishment, hesitated for a moment, and said, "This Mr. Li and Sun Jinghong, the eldest son of the Imperial City Department, know each other... The Baiyi League has managed to hide in the capital, so... Will it attract the pursuit of the Imperial City Division?"

Liang Manman took a deep breath, "The grievances between Baiyimeng and Huangchengsi, in my opinion, are not as important as Mr. Li's safety."

"Go ahead."

"Maybe he can really win, and then, everything will be safe!"

Xiaoqing looked into the young lady's eyes.

The young lady's eyes were clearly full of worry.