
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

deep aftertaste

Li Chen'an, who was hailed as a genius by Hua Manting and remembered by Wei Xuanmo, was currently in the study in the backyard of the Household Minister's Mansion.

Li Wenhou sat opposite him, looked at him for a long time, and said those four words

"You shouldn't be here!"

Li Chenan didn't answer, he didn't even raise his eyes to look at Li Wenhou at this moment.

He is making tea.

What he thought was that seeing each other was better than not seeing each other.

But it's all here, just have a cup of tea and go.

When I returned to Guangling City and went to Shuzhou, I must have brought my parents and sister with me.

From then on, Li's Mansion in Guangling no longer existed, and the two houses in the capital were also farther away.

The cicadas were singing outside the window.

The tea smoke curled up from the tea stove.

The fire in the tea stove has been extinguished.

It was still very hot in the study room, but Li Chenan didn't sweat, maybe it was because of the calmness and natural coolness.

He poured two cups of tea, pushed a cup over, and then looked up at Li Wenhou, "But I'm already here!"

"Before coming to the capital, my father still hoped that I could see you and uncle. But the main purpose of my coming to the capital was not this, I mainly came to see Zhongli Ruoshui."

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of your anger. In my opinion, it's best for the Li family in Guangling and the Li family in Jingdu to be in harmony. If they can't... In fact, they live their own lives and don't disturb each other. Such years can be regarded as quiet. good."

"After all, each has its own choice, and each has its own way of living."

"Now you are the Minister of the Ministry of Households, and your father is still a small principal of Zhuxia Academy in Guangling City. I don't know if you will have the trouble of being a high official, but I know that the Li family in Guangling is very harmonious now."

"My father has no ideals, which is good. What he likes is a pot of wine every day, and his mother makes him two side dishes to accompany the wine. This is his happiness after returning home every day."

"This kind of happiness is very simple, but it is very real. At least he can sleep peacefully and eat delicious food. That's enough."

Li Wenhou was silent for a long time after hearing what Li Chenan said.

He stood up slowly, came to the window, listened to the cicadas singing in the sunny afternoon, and turned around after a while.

"It seems that you have indeed grown up."

"It seems that you are indeed different from the one you used to be."

"Hearing what you said, Erbo likes it very much, and even envies your father's life now."

He walked over and sat opposite Li Chenan again, with the expression on his face still serious. From Li Chenan's point of view, this second uncle probably wouldn't be able to laugh.

After all, it is better to be more serious as a dignified minister of the household department.

"Your father stayed in Guangling City, this is your grandfather's will!"

Li Wenhou looked at Li Chenan's shocked expression at the moment, and said very seriously

"Your grandfather lived in Zhaohua for six years, that is, he returned to Guangling City seventeen years ago. At that time, I was serving as the magistrate of Puzhou."

"In the winter of the sixth year of Zhaohua, your grandfather called your uncle and me back to Guangling City. That night your grandfather told us three brothers a lot... He seems to know that his time is coming."

"Among them, your father stayed in Guangling City to guard Li's Mansion in Guangling. This is what your grandfather decided that night."

"At that time, you were still young, and your grandfather liked you very much, and even hugged you that night."

"He also said something, he said...you spend your whole life in Guangling...you can go to other places, but don't go to the capital!"

"I don't know why your father let you come to the capital, but you really shouldn't come, even if you and Zhongli Ruoshui really love each other, even if you become the son-in-law of Zhongli's mansion one day in the future... I heard that the emperor I ordered you to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival the night after tomorrow..."

Li Wenhou leaned over, his face a little nervous.

"Ji Tai has been able to control the government for many years, and his power is far from being as simple as everyone has seen! Especially beside him is a wise and tricky Xi Wei that no one has ever seen before!"

"Prince De has always liked Zhongli Ruoshui, but you have inserted a stick in the middle... Marriage with the Dingguohoufu is very important to Prince De!"

"Ji Tai's thoughts are well known throughout the court. He just wants Prince De to enter the East Palace and finally ascend to the throne."

"If Prince De married the Marquis of Dingguo, there would be almost no accidents in this matter. But now it is because of your appearance that this accident has been caused... Therefore, it is also true that you are a thorn in the side of Ji Tai or Prince De. No exaggeration!"

"And this is why the ichthyosaur intended to assassinate you in Huaxi Bieyuan a few days ago."

"Of course, this is Ji Guifei following the trend, because please fish and dragons will kill you, you must also know that this is the meaning of Zhongli Ruoshui's mother..."

"You probably don't know Zhongli Ruoshui's mother's family!"

"Her surname is Rong, and her surname was one of the most famous surnames in Yujing City! She used to be a unparalleled existence in Kyoto, but twenty years ago, because of being involved in the general of the Fuguo, and waiting for Lu Zhanxiao to get on the bus, her whole family was punished." He was suppressed by the emperor because of the murder case."

"Rong Yiyin was in Zhaohua for three years when she married Zhong Lisu, and Lu Zhanxiao's incident also happened in Zhaohua for three years. She just married into Dingguohoufu!"

"After the Rong Mansion was involved in this case, the emperor summoned Zhong Lipo. Few people knew about it. The second uncle only heard about it from an old eunuch in the palace recently."

"What the emperor means is to ask Zhong Lisu to divorce Rong Yiyin. After all, Rongfu is identified as Lu Zhanxiao's accomplice. It is not appropriate for Dingguo Houfu to be involved with this matter because of Rong Yiyin."

"But Mrs. Fan didn't do that!"

"She asked Zhong Lisu to bring Rong Yiyin back to Guangling City, and she has been there for twenty years!"

"Nowadays, the emperor is ignoring the government and staying in Changle Palace. Maybe Rong Yiyin thinks it's time to restore Rongfu's former glory, so she pins her hope on Zhongli Ruoshui. What she wants is to let Zhongli Ruoshui marry De Prince Ning Zhixing..."

"If Ning Zhixing really becomes emperor, Zhongli Ruoshui will be the queen of Ning Kingdom in the future. Rong Yiyin's wish can be easily realized, but your existence has made her hope burst like a bubble!"

Li Wenhou briefly explained the cause and effect of these things, in order to hope that Li Chen'an would know the situation he was facing now.

Li Chenan also listened very seriously, and only then did he realize that there were these bloody stories behind these things.

He thought that was it.

Of course he would not give up Zhongli Ruoshui just because of Rong Yiyin's thoughts.

As for those enemies... All of them are indeed very powerful, and it is true that the current self is not able to confront them head-on.

So, he needs time.

You need to go back to Guangling City, go to Shuzhou, and spend two or three years cultivating your own power.

"These are actually not the most important!"

Li Wenhou picked up the teacup, and the tea was slightly hot. He blew on it, as if hesitating whether he should tell Li Chenan what he said next, or how to say it.

He took a sip of tea, looked at Li Chenan again, after all, he didn't say what he wanted to say, but said another thing

"Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival, I'm afraid there will be bloodshed... You'd better go see someone!"


"Eldest grandson Jinghong!"