
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

new cicada noise sunny afternoon

There is a small wooden building in the backyard of Taiyuan College.

There is a lush bamboo forest in the northeast corner of the courtyard outside the small wooden building.

There is a small lotus pond outside the bamboo forest.

There is a big banyan tree beside the lotus pond.

There is an old table case under the big banyan tree.

There are only seven or eight lotus flowers in the lotus pond, but there are five or six dragonflies.

The stillness of the lotus and the movement of the dragonfly make this small lotus pond lively.

In addition, the annoying cicadas chirping on the big banyan tree at this sunny afternoon made this small courtyard full of life.

There were six people sitting around the table under the big banyan tree!

But at this moment, none of these six people made the slightest sound!

So, only the cicadas were left here.

Wei Xuanmo, the great scholar of the Yue Kingdom, and his four disciples were watching Huamanting, the elder Hua, writing on the table, and three words "will toast" had already been written on the paper!

This poem had already been heard by Wei Xuanmo and his disciples on the first day they entered Yujing City.

But at this moment, when Hua Manting wrote this poem again, they suddenly found that this feeling was completely different from what they heard!

Hua Manting's elegant cursive script fully expresses the freedom and ease of the poem "Will Enter the Wine"!

When the first sentence fell on the paper, even though they could memorize this poem fluently, they still felt the majestic momentum.

Huamanting was done in one swoop, and after a few breaths, the whole poem appeared vividly on the paper.

He put down the brush, smiled slightly, and looked up at Wei Xuanmo, "In March, in Guangling City, at the Qianmo Academy in Guangling City, he wrote this poem while drinking!"

"It is also because the old man saw this poem written by him with his own eyes, that the old man regards him as a friend who has forgotten his age!"

Wei Xuanmo also raised his head, "This guy is a great talent, but I still have some doubts!"

"Master Wei, please tell me."

Wei Xuanmo pointed to this poem, frowning slightly, "He is only seventeen years old. According to what you just said, he was unknown in Guangling City for the first seventeen years, and was even considered a fool by people."

"You and I both know that things like poetry and articles are mostly accumulated on a daily basis. There are many talented scholars and scholars in the world. Although there are geniuses, but a genius like Li Chen'an who suddenly became enlightened and became a blockbuster...I have traveled all over the world. I have never seen such an amazing young genius!"

"So I have some doubts, especially this sentence in this poem...Master Cen and Dan Qiusheng are about to drink, don't stop drinking...Master Cen and Dan Qiusheng are obviously the names of two people."

"Do you know if there are two people like this in Guangling City?"

"In addition, this poem is bold and unrestrained, and the lines between the lines also reveal the poet's arrogant and arrogant character."

"But according to my understanding of Li Chen'an in the past two days...he seems to be extremely meticulous in his work, and he is also very modest in temperament. It seems that he has nothing to do with this arrogance and aloofness. Instead, he has the legacy of his grandfather."

Before Hua Manting could explain, Wei Xuanmo continued

"Let's talk about the poem he created. The song "Tianjingsha" really created a new style of writing, but the writing style of this song "Tianjingsha" is completely different from this song "Will Enter the Wine"!"

"The so-called style of writing refers to the poems of celebrities that have been handed down for thousands of years. They each have their own characteristics."

"It may be passionate and high-pitched, or it may be clear and beautiful, or its words may be gorgeous, or it may be plain and simple."

"There are cases where different styles appear on the same person, but it's rare, but every poem by Li Chen'an gives me a different feeling!"

"It's really hard for me to believe that he can learn from others without leaving any traces. On the contrary, I think...these poems were originally written by different people!"

Wei Xuanmo picked up the teacup, looked at Hua Manting, and said meaningfully, "Does Ningguo need such a person?"

Hua Manting stroked his long beard and raised his eyebrows, of course he understood the meaning of Wei Xuanmo's words——

Utilize the power of the major Confucianists in the Ning Kingdom to make that Li Chen'an into a god!

Now Ningguo is restless, so he erected the flag of Li Chenan, making him the idol of Ningguo scholars, and then his poems, and even what he said, will become the object of pursuit of Ningguo students!

At this time, if Li Chen'an said why scholars study, it would of course make all the scholars in Ningguo think deeply, follow, and even change their ideals for it.

His reputation among scholars will be second to none for a while.

Well, at this time, if Prime Minister Ji's group moves against Li Chen'an and makes Li Chen'an die, the consequences... I am afraid that the students of Ningguo will cheer for him, and it is even more likely that this huge group of students will prevent Chengxiang Ji's group from stepping down because of him. .

It may also be stepping down immediately!

This might be Ji Tai's concern about killing Li Chen'an now!

This may also be the reason why Zhongli Ruoshui's mother has not made any sound these days.

When the few words Li Chenan said were engraved on the stone tablet and erected in front of the archway of the Taiyuan Academy, when Li Chenan left the Fish and Dragon Association and drew a clear line with Ji Tai, his reputation was among the students in the capital. It's been the same for a while!

"Of course Ningguo needs such a person!"

"But your guess was wrong!"

"When he wrote the poem "Will Enter the Wine", I also asked him who Mr. Cen and Dan Qiusheng were."

"He said, Mr. Cen's name is Cen Xun, and Dan Qiusheng's name is Yuan Danqiu. They are not from this world!"

Wei Xuanmo was taken aback, and then Hua Manting said again, "He said... he met these two people in his dream and regarded them as confidants. He still remembers them very clearly when he wakes up."

This cannot be verified.

It is difficult to distinguish the truth from the falsehood of this kind of too mysterious thing, Wei Xuanmo had no choice but to give up when he was half-believing.

"As you say about his style of writing,"

Hua Manting poured Wei Xuanmo a cup of tea, and said with a smile, "He participated in the Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Fair by order. I think you will get to know him again at the Mid-Autumn Poetry Fair. genius!"

Hua Manting's words surprised Wei Xuanmo and his disciples.

With Hua Manting's attainments in literature, he actually thinks that he is an ordinary person, but he thinks that Li Chen'an is a genius that even he can't match!

Doesn't this mean that his poems are invincible?

Of course the four of Yan Biao didn't believe it, because they were known as geniuses in the Yue Kingdom, not to mention they had many such geniuses here this time!

Even if he, Li Chen'an, has great abilities, it is impossible for him to single out dozens of learned teenagers who overcame the Guozijian!

Of course Wei Xuanmo didn't believe it either.

For the sake of fairness, he and the four great Confucian scholars from the Taiyuan College submitted the proposals for this Mid-Autumn Festival to Emperor Ningguo without signing them.

At the essay meeting, no one knew what topic Emperor Ningguo would choose, or even whether he would choose one or two topics.

Even if Li Chen'an has great abilities, he only has one brain after all, how could he be able to defeat his group of extremely outstanding disciples?

Of course he couldn't say that.

"Brother Hua's words aroused my strong interest in him."

"If Brother Hua is convenient, can you ask him out, I would like to meet him too!"