
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

Amu's Knife 2

The whip in Jian Wu's hand really hit the horse's buttocks.

She even yelled "Get out of the way... get out of the way!"

This is a dark carriage.

There are two large white characters Zhongli written on the carriage.

Almost everyone in Kyoto knew that this was the carriage of Dingguohou's Mansion.

However, the horse-drawn carriages of the Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion have never been fast or slow, because there are few people who can make the Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion so urgent because of the affairs of the world.

There weren't too many people on the street because of the heat. After hearing Jian Wu's yelling and seeing the carriage, these people all gave way to both sides of the street, but they were a little puzzled.

I wonder if something has happened?

But the place this carriage went to was not the imperial palace, but... Huaxi Bieyuan!

That's where Miss Zhongli was.

Who dares to go wild in that place?

At the same time, a carriage came out from the palace.

It's just that the carriage didn't go fast, because Ning Chuchu, the fourth princess of Ningguo, was sitting on it. She didn't know that something happened in Huaxi Bieyuan at this moment.

Zhongli Ruoshui didn't know that the old lady in Dingguohou's mansion had done something.

When Zhongli Ruoshui hurriedly left Dingguohou's Mansion, Fan Taohua looked at Zhongli Ruoshui's back, and did not call her back, but picked up the piece of ice that had melted a lot from the ground.

Then he helped up the herbal tea jar that had fallen on the table.

A lot of herbal tea spilled out, but there was still some left.

She poured two cups and handed a cup to Zhong Lipo, who had a dark face. She took a sip, with a look of joy on her face, "Try it, it's cool, it's really good to cool off the heat!"

Zhong Lipo didn't drink.

"Is she crazy!"

"She's not crazy, it's just...it's just that she stands too low, and all she sees is this little profit in front of her."

"If there is an accident in Chen'an... You know the character of that girl Ruoshui!"

"Well, Mu Shan Dao's knife is by his side, but this knife still needs some time to be polished,"

After saying this, Fan Taohua yelled outside, "An Zizai!"

A ball rolled in.

He stood in front of Fan Taohua and Zhong Lipo.

He is not tall, very fat, just like a ball.

"What is the old lady's order?"

"You go to Huaxi Bieyuan. If there is a master...I mean a master that even Amu can't stop, you give me a word to that person!"

"Okay, what are you talking about?"


"...I'm going right now!"

An Zizai rolled out like a ball, and then flicked...he flew into the sky and disappeared quickly.

"Shenxing Taibao's eight steps to drive away cicadas is still slightly inferior to Wu Xichen's footwork to ride the wind, but unfortunately..."

Fan Taohua took another sip of the iced herbal tea, "It's a pity that it's hard to find someone who is destined for Xijianlou's Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue!"

Zhong Lipo looked at Fan Taohua again, "Wu Xichen went to Yue Kingdom, you are not worried about his battle with Monk Jiudeng?"

"I wasn't worried at first, but he gave Li Chen'an the great sword of the best sword, which made me a little worried."

"But so what? It's not that you don't know his temperament, but if he can come back alive, he may be able to see that door."

At this moment, a childish voice sounded outside.

She is Zhong Li Ruo Hua!

"Grandma, is someone going to kill brother-in-law?"

"I'm going to help him!"

Fan Taohua picked up a sword from the table.

It is also a pitch black sword.

There are two swords, male and female.

This is of course the female sword.

"This female sword should have been used by Ruoshui, but it's a pity that Ruoshui can't practice martial arts."

She threw the sword and said to the outside, "Don't be lazy, practice your sword!"

Zhongli Ruohua cried "Wow...!"

She stretched out one hand and clamped the sword with two fingers, "Grandma...what should I do if my brother-in-law is dead!"



Guijian worrying Luoyueban looked at the knife that Amu had slashed.

He frowned slightly.

He drew his gun from his back with his backhand, and when the knife was at its most powerful, he swept it with a single shot.


Swords and guns meet in the air.

Amu suddenly felt a huge force coming from the blade to the handle, and his tiger's mouth split open under the impact.

His long knife was swung away.

With the spear in Luo Yueban's hand, he drew blossoming spears in the air and stabbed straight at Amu.

Amu turned around, dragged the knife, and took a step towards the gazebo.

He left his back to Luo Yueban, which was a big taboo in battle, but Luo Yueban frowned instead——

Amu is not retreating.

He is accumulating energy for this knife!

His left foot landed on the ground, crushing a stone slab, and he turned around abruptly using his left foot as a fulcrum.

The moment he turned around, the knife in his hand took a turn, and then raised it above his head again!

He didn't block Luo Yueban's shot!

In Li Chenan's horrified sight, he suddenly stepped forward with his left foot, held the knife in both hands, and slashed at Luo Yueban again!

The knife is about as long as the gun.

Luo Yueban's spear pierced Amu's chest, and Amu's knife must also hit Luo Yueban's body.

There was no expression in Amu's eyes, as if he was not the one who was about to die.

Luo Yueban stopped at that moment.

His gun did not move forward at that moment.

He took a step back!

His gun swept across again, and took another step back. This shot hit Amu's knife, but the momentum was gone, and the force on the gun was already weak by three points.

"Clang, clang, clang...!"

Knives and guns collided several times in a row.

Amu moved forward step by step, and Luo Yueban retreated step by step.

The speed of the knife is getting faster and faster, it no longer opens and closes wide, but becomes finely divided, just like chopping meat with a kitchen knife.

Luo Yueban retreated five steps in a row to remove the power of Amuna's sword.

His gun also became finely divided, like embroidery.

While Li Chenan was dazzled, Amu was shot!

Luo Yue was hit halfway!

Luo Yueban's spear stabbed Amu's left shoulder blade, and Amu's knife slashed Luo Yueban's right thigh.

The distance between the two became very close, it was difficult for Amu to take a step forward, and it was impossible for Luo Yueban to take a step back.

In the shadow of swords and guns, what Li Chenan saw was blood splattered.

He didn't know whose blood it was.

He really wanted to shoot the Xiao Li Feidao in his hand, but the switch between the two was too fast, he was not sure of hitting Luo Yueban.

At this moment, a ball fell from the sky!

He slammed down with a "bang...!", not on the side, but in the middle of the two!

The knife and gun did not stab a hole in his body, but under the shock, Amu and Luo Yueban each took two steps back.

Li Chenan didn't know what happened.

But at this time, another person came out from behind the screen wall.

This is an old eunuch!

With his hands in his sleeves, he didn't seem to feel the heat of the day.

He stood beside Luo Yueban and looked at the short fat man between them with a smile.

"An Zizai, are you here to help Li Chenan?"

An Zizai looked at the old eunuch and smiled, "Eunuch Xiao, are you here to help Luo Yueban?"

"Hahahaha, the miscellaneous family is just watching, but... if you make a move, the miscellaneous family can only block you for a while."

"Oh, I'm not here to help anyone, I just bring a word for the old lady!"

Eunuch Xiao was startled, "The old madam found out so soon? What did she say?"

"The old lady said... that's enough!"

"..." Eunuch Xiao's face suddenly turned dark, but with these two words, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Since the old lady said enough is enough, that's enough."

He took a deep look at Li Chen'an who was still standing at the entrance of the pavilion, and said to Luo Yueban, "Let's go."

Li Chen'an originally thought that this matter was over because of Mrs. Fan's two words, but unexpectedly, Amu said something coldly at this moment

"I don't think it's enough!"

I don't think it's enough!

These words came out of Amu's mouth without the slightest emotion, but these words silenced the whole place at this moment!

Because this sentence is resounding!

An Zizai didn't expect it, and Eunuch Xiao, the chief eunuch next to Concubine Ji, never expected it either.

Even Eunuch Xiao bowed his head and retreated in front of the words Old Madam Fan, but this kid had no fear.

He didn't just say that.

The next thing he did!

Before he finished speaking, his long knife was raised again.

He didn't care that there were two higher masters here!

He just slashed at Luo Yueban with a knife!