
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

flower that never fades

A carriage was parked at the gate of Huaxi Bieyuan.

Standing beside the carriage was a wealthy woman, she was Rong Yiyin, Zhongli Ruoshui's mother.

Behind her was a maid holding an umbrella for her, and two maids were fanning her.

She knew what was going on in this other courtyard, and she thought that this matter would be over soon, but so far that Eunuch Xiao has not come out yet.

This made her a little irritable.

But she can't go yet.

Because she believed that after her daughter Zhongli Ruoshui went to Dingguohou's Mansion, she would definitely return in the shortest possible time.

Maybe the old woman will come in person.

But the Huaxi Bieyuan is a little far away from Dingguohou's Mansion, even if they really rushed back, the affairs here should be over.

Li Chenan died.

The daughter will definitely have a fight with herself, after all, it seems that her daughter has a deep-rooted affection for Li Chen'an, but in Rong Yiyin's view, this relationship that should not have appeared will eventually dissipate with the passage of time.

Which girl has never had the lover of her dreams?

There are lovers in the world who really become family members, how many can there be?

In the end, she didn't marry Yiyi!

Just like I used to be.

As for the old lady, the old lady is the real smart person.

The first thing she considers is always the interests of Dingguo Houfu. If Li Chenan dies completely, she may scold herself a few words, but she will not do anything to her daughter-in-law because of Li Chenan, an outsider. She may even be happy in her heart.

She looked back at the other courtyard, with a cold expression on her face.

"I don't know how to flatter...you have to blame yourself!"



The inner courtyard of Huaxi Bieyuan.

At the moment when Amu stepped out, and the bluestone slab under his foot shattered, An Zizai moved a step aside to give way to the knife!

Standing opposite, Eunuch Xiao still had his hands in his sleeves. At that moment, a smile appeared on his old face, and he also took a step back.

An Zizai made this step because I don't think Amu's words are enough!

He likes the courage of this young man from Mushan Dao very much, because the only way to go without the former can be Mushan Dao!

Since this young man has such momentum, let him try.

And Mr. Xiao's excuse was that this matter could only end here, but this stunned young man just said such an unreasonable thing.

This is good!

I didn't go against Mrs. Fan's wishes.

It was he who wanted to die himself!

He firmly believed that Luo Yueban, who was at the upper level of the second realm, would be able to kill this young man within ten moves!

He wants to seek death, of course he must be fulfilled.

Luo Yueban also raised the gun at the moment when Amu swung the knife.

He took a step forward.

The spear in his hand was full of killing intent at that moment!

The tip of the gun turned into phantoms under the sun, and those phantoms seemed to weave into a light curtain, and that light curtain was like a solid wall!

This wall stands in front of him, and neither the wind nor the rain can enter.

He believed that this shot was enough to stop Amu's coming attack!

He even believed that as long as he blocked Amu's knife, the next shot would kill Amu!

There was only a determined expression on Amu's slashed face.

His eyes are like knives.

He looked at the light curtain transformed by the gun shadow and didn't think about it at all.

He just slashed down.


There was a loud bang.

The long knife slashed on the light curtain, in fact it slashed on the spear.

The light curtain shook for a while, but it didn't break.

The spear in Luo Yueban's hand was still shaking at high frequency, he blocked the knife, but...

Amu stood still with both feet, turned his hands over, the long knife swung up suddenly, and fell down again in an instant.


Amu slashed forward with one knife after another.

He didn't even care that the force from Luo Yueban's gun had already made his arms numb.

He didn't even care that the tiger's jaws in his hands burst open again, and the blood that flowed out had already stained the handle of his knife red, and even dripped from the handle to the ground.

The wounds left during the battle just now have not healed, and now those wounds are still bleeding, and even bleeding more.

But he felt nothing.

All he could see was the shadow of the gun.

His knife only wanted to smash the shadow of the spear.

Therefore, he became more persistent and more focused!

So, it looks even crazier!

Luo Yueban never expected that the boy on the opposite side would use such a clumsy and disorderly knife to slash his own gun.

His hand holding the gun was also a little sore from the huge force of the knife, but he still didn't take half a step back. He believed that the boy was at the end of his battle.

As a result, his internal energy was running crazily, and the spear flower became more prosperous and the shadow of the spear became denser.

A gun came from the shadow of the gun, stabbing Amu's arm, Amu's thigh, and Amu's shoulder blade.

Amu turned into a blood man.

Li Chenan frowned even tighter.

But Amu didn't take half a step back.

His knife was still sharp.

On the contrary, his aura is still gradually rising!

An Zizai on the side looked at Amu who was covered in blood and couldn't help feeling a little nervous. He didn't know how many knives this young man could strike and how many more shots he could resist.

He only knew that if Amu couldn't break through Luo Yueban's spear in the end, this boy... would definitely die!

Xiao Gonggong still had a vague smile on his face.

He felt that the young man had come to the end of the road, and the aura of climbing at this moment was just a reflection of the past!

It's just... He originally thought that Luo Yueban would be able to deal with this young man in ten moves, but now, it seems that twenty moves have passed.


Just when everyone was guessing.

Luo Yue half-shot, swung away Amu's knife, took a bullying step, and kicked Amu in the abdomen!

Amu was sent flying by this kick.

His body flew in the air, flew over the gazebo, and landed in the lotus pond.

His feet were standing on a half-opened lotus flower.

That was the lotus that he had been watching while standing in the gazebo just now.

He felt that this half-bloomed lotus was like Zhongli Ruoyu in her young age, with a mature look in her youthfulness.

He bowed his head because his feet sank slightly.

The half-opened lotus shed its last strength, but it couldn't bear it.

It's broken.

Its petals fell into the lake.

At this moment, Amu felt a little pain in his heart.

With a little tiptoe, his body suddenly flew up.

He flew to the top of the gazebo, stepped down, and the gazebo collapsed. Li Chenan ran out of the gazebo in one step, looked up, and saw Amu dragging a knife in the air!

He jumped up, rose and fell, and swung the long knife from behind him. At that moment, the westward sun seemed to lose its color.





An Zizai took a deep breath.

Xiao Gonggong's pupils shrank!

Amu's long knife is bright, how can this be the inner strength of the upper level of the three realms!

He broke through!

Every time he uttered a word, his internal strength rose by a knot!

The moment he uttered the last word, he had already broken through the second level in astonishment, and even stepped into the middle level of the second level in one step!

Luo Yueban, who was on the opposite side, felt the lock of that blade of Qi at this moment.

At the same time, he also felt a chill in his heart!

He is a ghost, at this moment, looking at the knife in the sky that is difficult to look directly at, it is as if he has really seen a ghost!

But he can't retreat!

If you retreat, you will die!

So, he raised his gun and swept away at that bright knife!

He had to swing the knife, because it was the boy's most powerful knife!

Also because this is Mushan Dao's knife!




Amu fell to the ground.

Holding a long knife.

The blade is bright red.

Blood spattered his face.

He looked at Luo Yueban who had been split by the knife, he was not surprised by his breakthrough in the battle, nor was he proud of killing Luo Yueban.

His face was still as cold as his knife.

He turned around, dragged the knife, and walked to the lotus pond step by step.

He looked at the scattered petals floating in the lotus pond for a long time.

Suddenly grinned.

Still no one saw his smiling face.

In fact, this cool smile is very beautiful.

Then, he fell to the ground with a "bang...!"

At the moment of coma, Li Chen'an who rushed over said something inexplicable, "Actually... only when flowers bloom in my heart can they never wither!"