
The Mood Ring

Marcciela's life changes dramatically when someone gave her a mood ring.

Marivic_Ramos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

The Pie

We left Tom's house not long after that incident about the ring. As we exited out of his gate and went inside the car, I breathed a sigh of relief. The heavy, oppressing feeling has lifted. That house and Tom definitely weirded me out.

"Did anybody find Tom and the house a bit strange? It felt really heavy in there.", I asked everyone.

"Hmmm... I didn't get that feeling at all. The house seemed fine. Tom was perfectly ok until that abrupt question about the ring.", mom answered.

"I just found the house so oppressing and had a bad feeling the whole time I was there. Like I can't wait to get out. So nobody felt that way?", I asked again.

"Nope.", they chorused.

"Oh, well. Maybe it was nothing then. It was just strange.", I said.

"Maybe it was because of that incident with the ring?", dad asked.

"I don't think so. Because the moment I stepped inside the house, I felt that already. I wasn't completely at ease and just wanted to leave as soon as we can.", I explained.

"Maybe it's the ring that was making you feel that way? Maybe it was trying to tell you something.", Yasir said.

"Maybe. But what though? Luna did warn me. When Tom asked if he can take a look at the ring I heard Luna say "don't give it" in my mind. Anyway, I'm just gonna put that out of my mind for now. It's not like we're ever going back to that house or meet Tom again, right?", I decided.

"Right!", dad said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it, Ela.", mom advised.

We grabbed a quick dinner at Miguel's and everything was forgotten. Kevin was there and served us with his usual bright smile. I'm really glad the problem with Miguel's was sorted out.

When we got home, I did my homework. Then, drained from our adventure, fell asleep early. I woke up the next day feeling uneasy. I had the strangest dream! I dreamed about the old lady and she was warning me to take good care of the ring because someone might try to steal it. I looked at my finger and panicked. The ring was gone! Then I looked at my bedside table and sighed with relief. It was just there! I must have removed it before I fell asleep last night. Well, whether the dream was a real warning or just really a dream, I'm not removing my ring anymore. Even if I'm going to sleep.

When I went down for breakfast, I told everyone about my dream.

"You were probably still thinking about Tom before you fell asleep, which must be why you dreamed about it.", dad said.

"Still, I agree with you about not removing the ring anymore. No matter what.", mom warned.

I left for school and was able to catch up with Harriet and told her about everything that happened. I told her about the pink diamond and about hearing what the cat's meowing meant. She even joked about inviting me to her house and talking to her dog, Bugsy. It was good to catch up with her and spend an entire day on just normal, uneventful stuff.

I walked home and kept on looking over my shoulder. I had the feeling someone was watching me. I kept expecting to see the old lady again. But I reached our street without bumping into her.

What I didn't expect was to see Tom appear out of nowhere!

"Hi Ela! I was hoping to run into you here.", he greeted me cheerfully.

"Oh hey Tom! Didn't expect to see you here.", I said truthfully.

"I was visiting a friend on the other street and remembered your dad mentioning you lived in this street so I thought I'd drop by to give you this.", he explained, pointing to a box he was holding. "I just wanted to say thank you again. I'm really grateful to you guys for bringing me back Luna. She's the only family I have.", He continued.

"I see.", I said, still feeling a bit uneasy.

What is wrong with me? Tom seemed like a nice guy who is just grateful to us for finding his cat. I shook my head, trying to shake off the bad feeling.

"Come on in then.", I invited Tom.

We entered the house. Mom was in the kitchen, fixing our pantry. Yasir was watching in the living room.

"Hey guys! Look who I ran into outside." I called out.

"Oh hi Tom! What a nice surprise!", mom said, smiling.

"I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this. I told Ela that I was in the neighboring street and thought to look you guys up to give this as a thank you for finding Luna." Tom explained again.

"We're pleased to see you again.", mom said graciously.

"Here. I made you guys my special apple pie.", Tom said, handing over the box he was holding.

"You didn't really have to, but thank you very much, Tom.", mom said smiling.

"I hope you all enjoy it.", Tom said.

"Why don't you eat it with us? Let me make us some coffee too.", mom offered.

"Only if it's no bother.", Tom replied.

"Oh, Not at all, Tom.", mom answered.

We all sat around the dining table. Enjoying the coffee and pie while talking. Tom had some fascinating stories about Luna.

After a few minutes, I felt really sleepy and told them I would go to my room. Yasir said he too, felt tired. Tom said he will leave then so we all could rest.

I went to my room and was asleep in an instant. I woke up to the feel of dad's hands shaking me awake.

"Ela! Ela!", dad said. I felt so sleepy. I cannot open my eyes fully but the worry in dad's voice made me gain full consciousness faster. "What happened here, Ela?", he asked.

"What do you mean, dad?", I asked groggily.

"When I got home from work, everybody was sleeping and I had trouble waking mom up too. She only stirred for a bit then slept again. Even Yasir doesn't want to wake up.", dad explained.

I tried to recall what happened. Then realization sank in and I gasped and looked at my finger. "Oh no!!!!", I exclaimed.

"What? What Ela? You're scaring me. Please tell me what's going on.", dad pleaded.