
The Mood Ring

Marcciela's life changes dramatically when someone gave her a mood ring.

Marivic_Ramos · Fantasy
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30 Chs


"Dad, do you know where Burke Street is? It sounds a bit familiar but I'm not sure where it is exactly.", I asked.

"Yeah, I do. It's the 3rd street to the right upon entering our neighboring town. I had a high school friend who lives there, that's why I'm quite familiar with the place.", dad explained.

"That's the street name I saw when I touched Luna's tag. The problem is finding the exact house. I guess we can just ask around? Or maybe there will be missing signs posted? That will give the address or phone number, right?", I asked.

"Right. Great thinking, Ela!", dad agreed.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't wait any longer. I can just imagine what the owner is going through, not knowing where the poor cat is.", mom said.

"Let's go then! Off to another Eladventure.", exclaimed Yasir excitedly.

"Haha. Very clever Yasir.", I said, smiling at the name he came up for all our "adventures", for lack of a better term to use. Got to hand it to him. It does have a ring to it.

So this time we drove because it was quite far for walking. Poor Luna really have wandered quite far from where she lives. She was so scared. On the journey, she was quite comfy, snuggled up in my lap.

"She seems to have taken to you, Ela. See how comfy she looks on your lap.", mom observed.

"Maybe she can feel we're going to help her and everything will be alright.", I said.

In around 20 minutes, we reached the street I saw in my mind. I can feel Luna's relief as we entered her street.

"Meow", she said. But I heard thank you in my mind.

"You're welcome, Luna." I told her, patting her on the head. "Soon you will be reunited with your owner.", I added.

We all went down from the car as soon as we entered the street so we can start walking and asking. Sure enough, there were missing poster signs on the walls and light posts.

"Meow", Luna said. I heard "Put me down" in my mind.

"Guys, Luna wants me to put her down. She will probably just lead us to her house.", I told the others.

"Right! Why didn't we think of that? Cats are good with directions. I'm sure she can find her house from here.", dad said.

So I put Luna down and she walked, looking back every now and then to make sure we were still following her. Not long after, she stopped at a green gate. 1417 - the number on the gate. She turned again before entering.

"This is it, huh?", I asked her.

She walked back to me, rubbed her head on my legs and said thank you again. Then she walked back to the gate and slipped inside. We rang the bell. An old man came out of the door. I'm guessing him to be around 60 years old.

"Hi! We found your cat.", dad explained. Pointing to Luna who was not noticed by the owner yet.

"Oh, Luna! You're back. Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! Do come in.", the old man said.

"That's alright. We don't want to bother. We just wanted to return Luna to her owner.", dad said.

"Please do come in. I must thank you properly. I've been so worried about my Luna. Please. Let me get you at least something to drink.", the old man insisted.

Dad looked at mom. Mom nodded.

"Ok. I guess we can come in for a bit. Thank you.", dad said, smiling at the old man.

We entered the house. I can't explain it but there was something heavy about the house. Like I didn't want to be there. Like something wasn't right. Finding no reason to feel that way, I ignored it and just sat down at a chair in the living room.

The old man got us drinks. As the old man chatted about how worried he was about Luna and how he tried to find her, I glanced around the house. It was weighing me down. I can't explain.

The old man introduced himself as Tom. Dad also introduced us and told Tom how we found Luna and what street we lived in.

"That's quite far already. But I'm really thankful it was you guys who found Luna.", he told dad. "By the way, how did you know how to find me?", he added.

Nobody talked for a while. We didn't know how to answer. Of course, we cannot very well say that I touched the tag and that I can understand what the cat is saying.

"Oh, a friend of mine visited me earlier and saw Luna and told us of your missing posters.", dad fibbed.

Phew! I thought in relief. Quick thinking, dad.

"What a wonderful coinci...", Tom suddenly stopped talking as he saw my ring because I absentmindedly scratched my nose. "Where did you get that ring?", he asked sharply.

I was surprised at his sudden change of mood and tone of voice.

"It's a gift from us.", mom answered quickly.

"I see. Forgive me for being so abrupt. It's just that it looks very much like this ring my sister had.", he explained. Reverting to his usual cheery demeanor. "Do you mind if I take a closer look, Ela?", he asked.

"Meow", Luna said. I heard "don't give it" in my mind.

I looked at Luna she was staring at me. Like she was trying to warn me.

"If you don't mind, I don't ever remove this ring from my finger because this ring is very precious to me.", I told Tom.

His eyes hardened for a bit but it disappeared quickly, then he said, "That's ok. I just think it's a really pretty ring." He smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

My gut told me something else is going on here...