
Meeting The Great Sage

I woke up as I saw my little brother asleep, "Liuer wake up it's time to go" I gently shook liuer as he was waking up, "Good Morning Lin, so now what?" asked liuer as he rubbed his eyes, "Well can climb up right here to see if want make it back this way" I said as begone to climb up and that the groundhog masters was climbing with us until we reach a tree filled with peaches so we're starting to collect the peaches and put it the basket with the baby until liuer went back against the rock with a look of fear, then I heard a noise coming from the bushes then a mountain troll jumps out from the bushes and tried to attack us, "RUN!!" I yelled as we climb up to a small cave that can us so climb in and liuer but his shoe came off so he went to grabbed it after entering the cave but he was hurt in the process by a mountain troll, "Liuer are you okay?" I ask him with a concerned look on my face, "I'm okay sis" he said with a smile on his face which reminded me of my father and it made me smile, "come on we better keep going" I said as we walked but then we slip and fall down to see a pillar of ice that had chains coming out of the ice pillar's sides.

"Woah," me and liuer said unison as we're in amazement at the sight of the ice pillar beauty until we notice handprints popping out of the ice pillar, liuer places his hand on one of the handprints which left a drop of blood on the handprint, so I place my hand on a handprint that is same as liuer's but when I place my hand on the handprint, I can feel that someone or something was inside the ice pillar and I felt a heartbeat as well but I couldn't make out about the strange energy that I'm sensing from the ice pillar but I didn't notice that my hand was glowing a dim light, "What or who are you?" I thought to myself as I remove my hand, the ice pillar was craking getting ready to break and I saw liuer was bowing to the buddha statues that were around the cave until everything was shaking, the buddha statues were starting to have cracks on them and we both saw the ice pillar having cracks all over, then one of the chains broke and nearly slice us.

Then the ice pillar exploded as everything was starting to cave in so I use my body as a shield to protect them from the falling rocks, I open my eyes as I look around "Liuer are you and the baby girl alright?" I asked liuer in concern about their safety, "Yeah sis we're fine" said liuer as he lifts up the basket with the baby girl inside until we heard rocks being moved that when we saw the mountain trolls coming which I got into my fighting position, "LIUER RUN!!" I yelled as I blast a fire blast at one of the mountain trolls, I was tackled to the ground by one of the mountain trolls that attack me from behind which the mountain troll had me pinned down to the ground and I saw liuer was trying to climb up a chain as I saw a mountain troll was going to attack liuer, then I saw the mountain troll jump into a rock which it was knock it out until I saw a hairy hand popping out from the rumble but then a male ginger-haired monkey that was wearing a yellow shirt and light blue pants pulled himself out of the rumble as he cracked his neck.

"What bloody baboon is that?!" yelled the female mountain troll as the monkey looked at liuer who was still hanging on to the chain, "What are you standing there for?!" yelled the female troll as I struggle to get up, "what I do with this one?" asked the mountain troll who had me pinned down to the ground, "Kill her and go get him?!" yelled the female mountain troll as one of the other mountain trolls lunge at him but he dodged it, the mountain troll crashed into a rock which him out, the monkey looked confused but then he looks shocked when he saw that both of his wrists are in a cuff that is chain, but then the female mountain troll went to attack the ginger-haired monkey, he grabbed a rock with his foot and kicked into the female mountain troll's face which knocks her out, he pulled on the chain trying to break it but then a mountain troll was trying to attack him from behind, he jumps into the air as he spins which made more chains coming out of the ground, he kicked a rock in the mid air then he pulled the chain hard enough for rock to fly everyone, it hit all the mountain trolls even the one who is pinning me so I got up to grab liuer but then I saw the monkey was swinging the chain around which made liuer moved up a little bit so he wouldn't get hurt, then the monkey turned to face us who looks like he was angry and confused about what's happening, we both stared at with fear and confused look on our faces until the baby climb out of the basket as she was now on top of liuer's head and she is patting the monkey as I saw that his brownish red eyes softed so he walks away as he wraps the chain around his cuffed wrist but the chain ended up hitting him the face but continue to walk away.

I grabbed liuer as we got out of the cave, "hey sis who was that?" ask liuer as he held my hand for comfort but I give him a smile, "I don't know but let's hope we don't meet him again" I said as I tightened my grip on liuer's hand but he let goes of my hand, he was about to say something until we heard the monkey screaming in pain as we saw him flew not far where we are and I saw liuer running trying to go to the monkey to find out who is but I have a bad feeling that he could be someone that I can't trust no matter what for liuer's safety, when I got liuer who was watching the monkey as he bangs the cuff on his in order to break it from behind a boulder. Then we saw that he look exhausted but then he look shocked as he saw the buddha face in the refection of the cuff so he turns around to see that it was a statue, "You locked me for five hundred years" he said as he looks at the cuff that was on his wrist, "That's not enough for you?" he said in angry tone as he stared at the statue with such hatred in his eyes.

It got me curious about what he was saying to the buddha statue with such anger in his voice, but then I remember when I touch the ice pillar and I also felt another power from inside, "Was it him inside that ice pillar unless he's but that's impossible" I thought to myself as me and liuer continue to listen to him, "You can't do this" he said as he looks down at the ground, I wanted to leave but I was curious about this mysterious monkey until, "I'M THE GREAT SAGE!!" he yelled as he looked up to the sky, I was shocked and so many questions were running in my head like a flood, I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound for him to hear me, "Great Sage Equal Of Heaven!" yelled liuer which I totally forgot to cover his mouth but he heard my loud mouth little brother, "Who's that?" asked the monkey as he turns around to stare directly at the boulder where we're hiding, I grabed liuer's hand to leave "Come on out!" he yelled as I tighted my grip on liuer's hand as we're about to leave until liuer started to pull me from our hiding spot, "You looking for a fight?" he asked as he was getting ready to fight us but when we're out of the hiding spot, I held onto liuer's hand tightly as I can because I don't anything happen to my little brother.