
Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball Z' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko

Chapter 11: Megaton!



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques

Reading / News / Intercoms


Half Hour Later (18:35 p.m.)

When the Saiyan woman and the two humans arrived at the famous city of Megaton they stood a couple of metros away from its large gates made of airplane parts.

"So, this is Megaton?" asked Bryan in amazement, as this is the first time, he saw this settlement with his own eyes; and not in an old photo.

The woman with exotic black hair spiked in the shape of a palm tree let out a 'Wow' from her mouth; so, her striking coal-dark eyes were appreciating Megaton because no doubt such a city is amazing.

"Yes," David replied with a small smile; as he was eager to lie down on his bed and sleep for a good 8 hours to recover from a long tiring day, but interesting to have met a certain woman with exotic spiky black hair.

At some point, the lower-class Saiyan woman raised on Earth stopped following the conversation between Bryan and David because she suddenly noticed something that caught her attention.

"...What is that thing?" asked Goki suddenly; as he pointed with his right hand towards what he saw and was very intrigued by.

Both the adult and the child looked away from Megaton's door to see where the woman with the dark eyes like carbon was pointing; and it didn't take them long to find what had caught the latter's attention.

"The robot?" asked Bryan with some confusion; when he stopped looking at the robot, he didn't think much of it.

The Saiyan woman tilted her head to the side revealing her confusion as to why she was really intrigued by this thing called a 'robot'; and oddly enough it looked a bit like Bulma's inventions.... To her old inventions at least.

"It is the assistant Weld. He is a Robot Protectron, his role is to protect the entrance of Megaton; and to welcome the travelers", answered David to the doubt of the woman in striking orange and blue clothing; who nodded her head repeatedly with evident astonishment.

The black-haired woman with palm-tipped black hair was fascinated by the blond-haired man's explanation; to the point that her own coal-dark eyes sparkled with interest, for there may be some android just as strong as the ones she faced at home.

"Oh, now I understand! Like an android?" deduced Goki with astonishment; at the moment he stopped looking at the supposed 'android', and then turned his gaze to the blue-eyed young man.

An anime-style bead of sweat appeared on the right side of the Lone Wanderer's head at the words of the woman with striking coal-dark eyes.

Meanwhile, Bryan stared at both of them with an imaginary question mark above his head because he too did not know he was an 'android'.

"An android is something else, but..." David paused in his mind as he noticed the woman's natural innocence. "Something by style," he said with a smile as he watched the exotically clad woman's orange-with-blue eyes sparkle with delight as she again focused them on the Robot Protectron.

"Welcome to Megaton. Enjoy your stay," said Adjutant Weld to the trio of travelers who had arrived at the settlement.

The black-haired woman with palm-shaped spiky hair was speechless when the 'android' spoke to her, so she decided to get a little closer and take a closer look.

"Wow..." whispered Goki with fascination; the moment he stood in front of the guardian-guide robot.

After this, the three entered Megaton through the peculiar door and were met by the inhabitants of that settlement; who immediately stopped what they were doing to look at the new travelers ... Although several of them upon seeing the blond-haired young man in the Vault 101 jumpsuit began to greet him with evident happiness.

"You're famous, Mr. David," Bryan said in amazement; as a person approached them, and handed a bottle of purified water to an uncomfortable David.

Goki nodded enthusiastically at the boy's words, but also smiled at the sight of so many people greeting the Lone Wanderer with big smiles as if he were some kind of hero; although the former inhabitant of Vault 101 was not the only one because she also received curious glances from several people, and in response she decided to greet them shyly ... But she felt a particular look that made her a little uncomfortable; and this came from a kind of bar, but when she looked up there was no one; so, confused and somewhat nervous she averted her gaze, concentrating her attention on the conversation in the two humans, which she already considered her friends.

"Yes... It's a long story..." muttered David with some discomfort; once the woman who gave him the bottle of water ran off with her cheeks red as tomatoes.

Suddenly, though, there was someone who joined in the applause directed at the blond-haired young man; and he stood out from the others because of the respect the people of Megaton gave him by letting him pass in the direction of the Lone Wanderer.

"You came back in one piece, crazy boy!"

The Lone Wanderer, Bryan and Goki watched as a man with a dark complexion, dark brown hair and eyes approached them with a smile on his lips.

"Good afternoon, Sheriff," David greeted the Megaton leader with a slight smile.

The man in sheriff's overalls raised an eyebrow at the attitude of the former inhabitant of Vault 101.

Bryan's eyes grew wide with surprise and disbelief as he heard from David's words; that this man is the Sheriff of Megaton, no doubt his traveling companion is amazing.

Meanwhile, Goki was getting more and more confused with the new words and the new person who knew the blonde-haired young man.

"Why so distant all of a sudden?" asked the Sheriff with an amused smile; as he grabbed the shoulders of the unsuspecting blue-eyed young man who saved his life, and pulled him into a tight, friendly hug.

Those present smiled at the embrace of the leader of Megaton with the young man with blond hair who saved the city from a catastrophe by the atomic bomb, which was in the center of the settlement; and the latter was almost sabotaged by a guy known as Mr. Burke.

"Who are your friends?" asked the Sheriff with a curious tone; once they both broke the embrace, while at the same time diverting his gaze from the blond-haired young man and started looking at the other two unknown people ... Mainly at the woman with huge breasts the size of that delicious and juicy fruit called 'melon'.

The Lone Wanderer smiled nervously at the unwanted attention he had provoked in just a couple of minutes; with just his presence.

"The boy's name is Bryan," David introduced the sole survivor of the fire ant attack in Grayditch.

The boy greeted with some shyness the man in a Sheriff's smock wearing a Chinese assault rifle on his back; who returned the greeting by offering his right hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Bryan. My name is Lucas Simms; and I'm the Sheriff of Megaton," he introduced himself as the boy took his hand; and thus, they greeted each other properly.

After this, David turned to his left side where an anxious Goki was waiting for her turn to be introduced to the Sheriff of Megaton known as 'Lucas Simms'; and the inhabitants of the settlement.

"And she is-"

Although the Lone Wanderer never got to finish his words because a certain low-class Saiyan woman interrupted him:

"Hi, I'm Goki!" she introduced herself loudly with a bright smile on her lips; as she leaned her body forward a bit causing her oversized boobs to press against the blue part of her Gi.

The crowd (including David and Bryan) was surprised by the attitude and greeting of the woman; but at the same time, they were reassured by the pure aura that she gave off from her body together with her positive attitude that could brighten anyone's day just by looking at her



Although of course there was another more than obvious reason; and that was that most of the men stared open-mouthed at the huge breasts of the exotic black-haired woman with palm-shaped spiky black hair. Even several women also observed the oversized breasts of the lower class Saiyan woman, but with the difference that they only reflected jealousy and envy in their gazes.

"I-It's nice to meet you, Miss Goki." Lucas Simms returned the greeting with a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice because he was standing in front of the most beautiful woman, he had ever seen ... Sure, his deceased wife (may she rest in peace) was pretty, but this woman in exotic orange with blue attire has a beauty that was on another level entirely; and he wasn't the only person (whether male or female) present who thought so.

The charcoal-dark-eyed woman smiled kindly at the man in Sheriff's Coats, but at the same time she blushed slightly when she felt dozens of eyes watching her and talking about her with different reactions; she even heard one guy talking about how big her breasts are, so again her cheeks turned tomato-red as she didn't know what to do or say about it.

Meanwhile, the Lone Wanderer frowned at the Sheriff's attitude because he could immediately notice that the latter had acquired a great interest in Goki; and that apparently provoked him a jealousy that he never thought to have ... At least since what he once had with Amata when they were just teenagers.

"Well, now we have to go," David said loud enough to get everyone's attention; especially Goki, Bryan and Lucas Simms. "See you tomorrow, Sheriff," he greeted the dark-skinned man; once he grabbed the hands of the young woman and child to quickly run off towards home.

Both the Saiyan woman and the boy were confused as they were pulled by the blond-haired young man away from the crowd; which had formed around them moments before.

"What is it, Mr. David?" asked Bryan once they were out of earshot of the people nearby.

Meanwhile, Goki also wanted to hear an explanation from the blue-eyed young man because she did not like to be separated from the beginning of a friendly conversation like the one, she had with the Sheriff of Megaton.

The Lone Wanderer became a little uncomfortable when he felt the duo's stare, so he had no choice but to answer them with a half-lie.

"Let's go get something to eat at my place," David replied with a fake smile; while at the same time releasing the grip he had on the woman with exotic black hair and the light-eyed boy.

Obviously the first to react to the Lone Wanderer's words was the woman in a striking orange and blue outfit; where she again surprised Bryan and David.

"YAY!" exclaimed Goki happily upon hearing that the blond would feed them; such was her joy that she began to jump up and down excitedly, causing her huge breasts to jiggle roughly against the blue part of her Gi.

The blond gawked at the spectacle that the woman with striking black eyes was unconsciously giving him; and he was almost certain that she wasn't wearing a bra ... But he quickly shook his head as he realized how stupid he must look staring at Goki's attributes with drool escaping from his mouth.

Bryan (Innocently) just found it amusing how the woman who saved him from the fire ants had those reactions because they made her unique; in his opinion she looked like a big girl.

"Come in," David invited the excited duo with a faint smile; as he turned the key and opened the door to his house.

Meanwhile, Bryan and Goki did not even take a second to enter the house of the blond-haired young man.

Meanwhile, Lucas Simms watched with an expression between angry and somewhat jealous as that brat from vault 101 was running off with the beautiful woman with a voluptuous body, but he was not the only one upset with David's action because most of the people present (especially men) were sad and angry when Goki was dragged to the house of the hero of the city ... So, with a sigh of disappointment all the people who had come to welcome a certain trio went on with their morning activities.


Elsewhere in Megaton

A man with light gray hair and blue eyes, maybe 50 years old, watched from the railing of his bar towards Megaton as if he was watching the city as if it were his own, but suddenly his attention was diverted when he came to the spawn of James and two strangers he had never seen in his life.

"Well, well ... But what do we have here?" he wondered with a sardonic smile; as his cold, analytical blue eyes focused on the woman in exotic orange with blue clothing.

The reason for his interest in the person (who was on the left side of the boy named 'Lone Wanderer' by the talkative 'Three Dog') were several, but these reasons were more than obvious at a glance.

"Interesting, very interesting.... She'll make an excellent sex slave..." he murmured to himself with the same smile; as he ran over the voluptuous body of the woman, since without a doubt the possibilities were endless; especially with the large amount of badges he will earn by charging future customers who come to his bar with the intention of spending the night with the Sex Goddess (who will soon be within reach of his restless hands), but also that they would drink the alcoholic beverages he provides them with.

The gray-haired man continued to observe the woman with the heart-stopping body; even when she greeted in a peculiar way (to the scoundrel who calls himself 'Sheriff' of Megaton) .... Almost childish, but this only made his smile widen even more because this proved to him that this girl had no idea about this disgusting and cruel world full of dangers one worse than the previous one; along with the more than obvious fact that the beautiful woman with exotic black hair seemed to be very innocent ... The latter caused him to let out a mocking and sadistic laugh.

"Yes ... I'll soon have you in my hands, girl," he promised this time with a perverse expression; as he imagined touching and sucking those huge tits, once they were within reach of his hands ... This also caused an erection to form in his pants.

"Mr. Moriarty ... we're out of whiskey."

The man known as 'Colin Moriarty' was snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing a familiar voice, so he turned around with an angry expression; where he found a certain ghoul named 'Gob', standing in the doorway of his bar.

"I'll take care of it, zombie. Now get out before I beat you up," he growled at his slave; who trembled with fear, and immediately left for his work without another word.

When the ghoul left; the bar owner was still very angry.

"Damn you, ghoul..." muttered Moriarty with disgust as he remembered the rotting skin and the smell emanating from a certain abomination.

Once the bar owner was back to normal, he returned to his perverse fantasies about a certain woman with a voluptuous body, where he was imagining things about her for a long time



Perhaps he would ask him for that favor Jericho owed him; with that in mind, Moriarty returned to his bar to plan how he could kidnap Goki.


End of Chapter Eleven


The chapter has 2700 words.


Uploaded: 26/07/22

Updated (Corrected): 16/11/22