
The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko (Dragon Ball Z x Fallout 3)

She didn't know how or why, but she had ended up in these wastelands and foreign lands of flora ... Besides, the air had a horrible smell to the point of causing shivers in her body because it was a disturbing mixture of death, hatred and much suffering; which made her want to vomit. But she had to leave those things aside because now she had to worry about how to return to her world; and to find a very special Saiyajin who drove her crazy just by looking into his eyes, although the circumstances of the moment and her good heart forced her to stay for a long time in Capital Wasteland to help people in need. Fem Goku!

BrolySuper · Video Games
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball Z' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko

Chapter 12: Interesting Talk



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques

Reading / News / Intercoms


Both Bryan and David watched in amazement and disbelief as a certain woman with exotic black hair spiked in a palm tree shape ate large quantities of chunks of ant meat at an incredible speed.

"... Then ... Did you disarm ... a bomb ... that can destroy ... a city?" asked Goki with a mouth full of fire ant meat; no doubt such meat is exquisite cooked on the flame and with the seasonings that the owner of the house had put on it made it perfect to taste.

The blond-haired young man shook his head to get out of his state; and hearing his guest's question helped in the process, so he decided to answer.

The boy, on the other hand, watched both the Saiyan woman (because he innocently wondered how he could fit so much food in his savior's stomach) and the Lone Wanderer just as fascinated and curious.

"Um ... Yes, the Sheriff asked me if I could try to defuse the bomb that was threatening to explode at any moment; and since I have knowledge with explosives I accepted", explained David with his eyes lost in the events of a few days ago; since the memories of everything that had happened to him in Vault 101 were still fresh, up to the present time.

The black eyes of the striking orange and blue woman lit up when she heard the Lone Wanderer's answer, so she decided to tell him something about it; and in the process she stopped eating for a few seconds.

"Wow..." murmured Goki in amazement; as he remembered the huge bomb that was right in the center of Megaton. "That's amazing and kind of you, David!" she complimented with a smile, while at the same time giving him the sign of love and peace; to then go back to devouring the ant meat like there was no tomorrow.

The blue-eyed young man felt the blood rush to his face turning it a striking shade of red, as he could not prevent such a reaction when a woman as sweet and attractive as Goki said such compliments to him.

"Mss Goki is right, Mr. David. You're kind of a hero!" opined Bryan aloud, while at the same time his imagination led him to think of both David and Goki saving people all over Capital Wasteland from hundreds of Supermutants and deathclaws; no doubt that would be amazing.

The blond had immediately wiped that silly grin from his lips upon hearing the boy's words.

"No, I'm not a hero ... I'm just a person who did the good deed of the day," David corrected the boy with a small forced smile; as memories flashed through his mind of his escape from Vault 101, and on the things, he did to survive.

The black-haired woman with palm-shaped spiky hair did not hear the interaction the boy had with the blue-eyed young man because she was concentrating on her meal; where she finished eating the fire ants and then moved on to the mutarachas ... For a moment her mind divulged in memories of her childhood when she hunted wild animals in the forest.

"Oh..." muttered Bryan with a hint of disappointment, but he quickly put that aside once he fixed his gaze on his savior again. "How are you so strong, Mss Goki!" he asked the Z Fighters member excitedly.

The woman with eyes as dark as coal stopped eating when she heard the boy's question; even the Lone Wanderer, who was lost in thought stopped doing that; and instead paid close attention to the answer his guest would give.

"Well, I train very hard every day," Goki replied with a small shy smile; once he put down a half-eaten grilled mutaracha on his plate, and followed by flexing his arms to show off his slightly marked muscles.

Again, this caused David's mouth to drop open, because again unconsciously the exotic woman in orange with blue clothing left much of the ample cleavage in his view; but this time his attention was also drawn to the latter's muscles because they are undoubtedly striking on a woman.

Meanwhile, the boy seemed to be mesmerized by what his savior was doing because she reminded him of a comic book heroine; although he wasn't quite sure of the name of a certain heroine with superhuman strength.

"That's awesome, Miss Goki!!! She's like a comic book superheroine!" exclaimed Bryan with a very happy gleam reflected in his light blue eyes, as he innocently imagined that his savior not only has super strength; but she could fly! .... Oh, boy, if only you knew what Goki is capable of; it's quite possible that everyone would be amazed.

The Saiyan woman smiled sweetly to the boy who saw her as a superhero ... Even though she wasn't quite one because she remembered to perfection having killed several villains in the past who attacked her home.

After this, the three of them ate in silence for about five minutes; until suddenly the woman with eyes as dark as coal rose from the table with her empty plate in her hands.

"Thank you for the food, David," thanked Goki with a very happy tone; to the Lone Wanderer who again blushed, as the latter had been in charge of cooking the delicious and exotic meal. "I'm going to take my plate to the-"

"Don't worry, Mademoiselle Goki. I'll take care of cleaning the dirty dishes."

The Saiyan woman flinched the moment her plate was taken from her hands by the robot; hovering a metro off the ground in front of her, as it unconsciously reminded her of the old Red Patrol robots that annoyed her as a child.

"Thank you, Wadsworth," David thanked the robot butler in a French accent.

The robot identified as 'Wadsworth' ignored the nervous expression of the woman in striking orange with blue clothing; and instead moved closer to the table where there were more dirty dishes.

"It's my job, Mr. David," he assured rather pleased with his duty at the home of the former inhabitant of Vault 101; while at the same time taking the dirty dishes to the small kitchen to clean them.

The light blue-eyed boy had finished his meal; and now he was eager to go out and play, so he immediately got up from his chair, startling the Lone Wanderer and the Z Fighters member a bit.

"I'm going out to play for a while!" announced Bryan in a loud voice; only to have him run out the door.

The blond blinked at the Grayditch boy's words, but his confusion quickly changed to a worried expression as Megaton was still dangerous and more so for the orphan.

"... But-"

"Have fun, Bryan!" said Goki loudly interrupting the Lone Wanderer; while at the same time enthusiastically waving at him with his right hand.

The boy smiled at the words of his heroine; no doubt she is a very good and pure-hearted person ... Although he put that aside the moment, he opened the door to go outside.

"Of course!" promised Bryan with a very happy tone; and in passing he returned the greeting from his position and then left to find new friends.

Once the boy went to play outside with the children of Megaton, the blond-haired young man turned his gaze to the woman with striking black eyes; waiting for an explanation from the latter.

"Bryan should distract himself a little after the death of his father.... Let him play for a while", advised Goki with a sad tone to the owner of the house; while his gaze never left the door where a certain boy with blue eyes had gone.

The blue-eyed young man formed a grimace as he remembered that little great detail, for he had temporarily forgotten that Bryan's father was dead.

"I understand..." whispered David rather embarrassed; at the moment he fixed his gaze on his hands calloused by the work he has done since he was a teenager. "Take my bed to sleep in tonight," he offered with a friendly tone; once he removed his gaze from his hands and directed it towards the beautiful woman in front of him.

The black-haired woman with palm tree-shaped spiky hair who had been staring at the door through which Bryan had exited; stopped doing so upon hearing that last comment from the Lone Wanderer, and her face reflected obvious surprise.

"Oh... That's very kind of you, David," said Goki with a sweet smile; which consequently accelerated the heart rate of the former inhabitant of Vault 101. "But, where will you and Bryan sleep?" she asked with a touch of concern in her tone of voice, as she had only seen that in this house there is only one room; and she obviously would not allow them to sleep on the floor for leaving him the bed.

The blue-eyed young man stood up from his chair with a 'mysterious aura' surrounding him; which undoubtedly caught the Saiyan woman's attention because she followed him with her gaze to where he was heading.

"Don't worry about it, Goki," David reassured with a small smile; to which he then unfolded a bed of sorts from the metal wall. "Bryan has this fold-out bed and I have this comfortable armchair," he explained with a hint of amusement as the woman in the exotic orange and blue dress had gawked at the moment he revealed the fold-out bed; which he bought a couple of days ago from a dealer named 'Crazy' Wolfgang.

The black-haired woman with spiky black hair in the shape of a palm tree had been fascinated by the green fold-out bed ... That particular color made her shudder unconsciously, as that particular aura color belonged to a certain huge Legendary Super Saiyan who fought New Vegeta.

"I understand," said Goki with a friendly smile; then he headed for the stairs leading to the master's room. "Well, I'm going to take a bath before going to sleep. See you tomorrow, David," she greeted with an amused tone; seeing the dazed look on the blond's face as he walked up the stairs.

The Lone Wanderer nodded dumbly, while his gaze was fixed on that big, firm ass ... Wait! She said take a shower? What was she going to take a shower with?!? The shower wasn't available ... She doesn't even have a bathroom let alone a shower!!!!!

"Wait, Goki! I don't have a shower in my-"

"Don't worry, David. I'll manage," Goki's voice reassured the former inhabitant of Vault 101; who had stopped at the top of the stairs.

The blue-eyed young man stood frozen in place with his mouth open because he didn't understand how or with what his guest was going to bathe, but in the end, he decided not to push too hard.

"Is it ... Well?" accepted David half-heartedly because he was not quite sure how to take that statement ... For a moment he was tempted to go up to the room where his guest was staying to spy on her for a bit, but wisely decided not to do that; because he didn't want to die so from a punch from an angry woman who has superhuman strength.

Meanwhile, our dear protagonist had already taken off the orange part of her Gi keeping the blue part (which serves as a bra for her huge tits) and her white panties.

"How strange... I'm almost sure I felt something..." muttered Goki with a frown; at the moment he lowered his gaze to his flat and slightly marked belly.... She even used her right hand to touch said place with obvious curiosity.

Although he quickly shrugged his shoulders; ignoring what he had felt seconds before and instead decided to continue with the idea of bathing, so he took out some towels and wet them with warm water (which he had heated with his Ki) to then begin to pass them over his stomach with the intention of removing the dirt he brought from the Metro Marigold; and then continue with other parts of his body.


End of Chapter Twelve


The chapter has 2100 words.


Uploaded: 20/09/22

Updated (Corrected): 16/11/22