
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Film
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115 Chs

108 Blood Tiger

"What am I looking at?" Tywin asked as he looked at the giant of a ship far from shore while besides him was the Shipmaster of Lannisport who was also at awe as he saw the Leviathan for the many times he visited the port since the ship arrived in Lannisport.


"My Lord, it's a marvel and a mystery to me as well. Even when I and the other shipwrights discussed we could not understand how such a vessel could even be sea worthy." The Shipmaster said as he looked at the uniquely shaped sea vessel.


"Yet here this ship sails." Tywin said looking to the man besides him who did not try to curry favor at as he knew what kind of person his liege lord is.


"I assure you Lord Tywin, even the Greyjoys would be stumped trying to build something of this magnitude." The Shipmaster wryly smiled as he could not for the two decades he spent building ships, could understand how the Leviathan even worked.


A few brave ones tried to sail near but they were blocked by the four war cogs guarding the sides equipped with several scorpion Ballistas.


"So on the five days since it has been anchored no one was able to even understand how this floating fortress is even sailing the seas, last I heard where the ship was last seen was in Astapor. You know how long a ship usually sails from Lannisport towards Slaver's Bay? 40 days when weather is good and 60 when no wind graces the crew." Tywin looked at the ship which his twins were clamoring on wanting to visit since Paul had used the ship to stay at since it got here.


Even the Queen Dowager was seen going into the ship on the carriage they brought in while the manse was left after it was cleaned and taken care of by the Blood Lord on his stay.


For the past four days they would sail back to the city on a barge where Paul was reported to ride on a very large Elephant Bull.


There were other elephants as well pulling on few cart full of fishes caught at the sea, Paul kept feeding the poor and even fraternized with commoners that had visited him.


Around 150 men and women had joined him in his ship, they were the ones given new hands and legs.


He saw the eyes of these men as they walked with renewed vigor within the Great Square earlier as he watched the line of commoners become nearly endless within the city as the Blood Lord kept on doing his oddly charitable acts.


Though he ask for payment on the treatments, painting, drawings and even sculpting for the people that stay in line, his prices as well as generosity has earned him the good will of the people of Lannisport.


Tywin was rather shocked seeing the changes within the city, it was a rather better city than Kingslanding in many ways but it still faced the problems most cities have.


A large number of poor beggars as well as orphans running around stealing and bothering the peace that he had so worked hard to achieve.


Yet now there were smiles and kindness spread amongst them making him question if this was indeed the City owned by the lesser branch of his family.


Seeing the Shipmaster tongue tied the Warden of the West just turned around and left as he had been invited to a banquet hosted by the Blood Lord in his ship with only him and his family invited as well as a couple retinues of guards.


Thinking that he might have a chance to see the ship itself inside as even the best Myrish lenses he has could not tell what was on the large ship but that was only if the one he would bring on the ship with him were competent on discovering how Leviathan works.


Later that afternoon Tywin, Joanna, Jaime and Cersei was riding an ornate barge which Paul explained to be a way of him receiving his guests to his Flag Ship.


Even Tywin was impressed how lavishly decorated the barge was and took note of the sailors with them did not take the weapons held by his guards at all making him realize the confidence of Paul in his security even when in his flagship.


All the guards with him were experienced knights with achievements in tourneys, even not as champions they were able to contend for either third of fourth in place meaning they have what it takes to face elite fighters.


Also he included a rather skilled knight with knowledge and know-how of a shipwright so he could tell what to look for in the large ship they were approaching.


They were even shocked to be greeted under the platform where an entrance was opened for guests to get in.


Some merchants and other nobles wanted to be invited but only the family of the head of House Lannister, as well as the head of House Lannister of Lannisport were invited into the Banquet.


Paul became acquainted with the head of the side branch that handled the city since his deeds for the past few days had helped improve the security and happiness of the City.


Tywin did not mind since this distant cousin was rather competent and he grew together with him for a while when they were young.


His interest was piqued as he looked at the path they passed making him feel the intricate way the ship was made, he looked behind him and saw the wonder as well as awe of the knight he brought with him to survey the ship.


Tywin noticed how the ship barely rocked with the waves making him marvel the stability of the design of this vessel, soon he and his family were led to the courtyard of the wooden fort where a weeping tree with flower buds that are starting to form.


The Banquet is held in the courtyard where there was a band playing a beautiful tune as well as tables that has dozens of food foreign even to some in their group who had traveled a good part of the world.


 The Queen Dowager herself was already seated with her handmaidens as well as servants in a large table on her own, she saw the Lannisters arrive and she beckoned for the Lady of the Rock as well as the children to join her.


While a servant and went to tell Tywin where his seat is, which is besides Paul who sat in front with a table of his own. The others were sent to a table nearby to be entertained, Tywin was a bit pleased being treated like this but such pleasantries were not something he would place importance on.


"Lord Estaban, quite a unique name that I am not quite able to tell which country you were born." Tywin greeted with no hesitation for gathering any information he can.


"It is indeed unique, but the place you are looking for no longer exist." Paul spoke the truth about his home world, these words made the Warden of the West a bit surprised but he just placed this information on a pin in his mind.


"Though I would like to exchange pleasantries Lord Paul, I feel you are not a person for dallying matters so tell me why have you invited me here? Surely it is not to talk about the weather, your actions lately in my City seems to also confuse my mind as to what is it you wanted to achieve." Tywin said straight to the point as he sat down.


"Stoic and straight to the business, just as I've heard, you reputation precedes you Lord Tywin. As a matter of fact, I was just about to broach the subject as to which why I have visited Lannisport." Paul said as he took a sip of the wine he had made years ago now aged for at least ten years.


"The importance of this must be really significant if it needed this much discretion." Tywin also took a sip, he had been fond of this new delicious wine that rarely circulated the market.


It was better than even the famous Arbor Gold that so many nobles covet, Tywin knew the seller of this wine is the man in front of him making him want to trade with him so he can have a steady supply of his own.


Green Port the rather sweet wine that many noble ladies loved and the Merlot which was favored by others due to the dryness it has that is loved by many wine lovers.


There were also the best sellers, a cream liqueur that was liked by beginners due to its mild flavor as well as smooth cream taste that somehow oddly was liked by even dothrakis.


These were nothing more than one of the various products the Merchant of the Free Cities owned and sold in his shops.


Paul had thought what he could make here that he could probably like having in his pockets all the time, so he started to refine making liqueurs that it became a well sought profession by his citizens.


Their language already sounded like grunts and bellows but now when they were drunk they all sound like a bunch of Irish, Cockney, Scottish and Scouse arguing over something in a pub.


It did increase some aggression within his people but he made a rule where drunkards could resolve their arguments over a friendly brawl and would leave the animosity within the bar and never bring it beyond that.


Paul can read the things the blonde man with thinning hairline thought as his feelings of wanting more of the wine he drank became apparent but Tywin does not show it in his face yet his heart told Paul enough.


"Lord Tywin, as you can tell, I know more things than any other man should know as well as learn things that were rather secret for others. How was the yield of gold mined in the Rock faring this year? You don't have to answer because I can tell you, it was fewer than that of the last as that year's yield was also fewer than the one before." Paul's words made the Lord of Casterly Rock put down his wine as he looked sharply at Paul.


"So I come here with a business proposition, I will provide you with knowledge as well as needed resources that you would surely like and I shall take a percentage of what is to be yielded with the items I have provided." Paul pulled out a contract which Tywin received on his side of the table.


"And what is this parchment of papers be, Lord Paul?" Tywin asked as he received the contract.


"A contract Lord Tywin, a contract that I will provide the miners as well as equipment needed including opening up new places that would yield you gold much more that you would receive from the dry ones under your rock, but I will be given a part of the yield for my services. You can read the details if you like Lord Tywin, while we enjoy the feast I have prepared for you." Paul said as he looked at the stoic man reading the parchments with great focus.


While doing so he made a round of going to the tables present to greet his guests personally which flattered the Lord of Lannisport as well as the knights with him and those of Tywin's.


He also passed by Shaera's table to greet Lady Joanna as well as the two curious kids with her.


It was as he returned to his own table he saw the serious face held by Tywin as he kept reading the contents of the contract feeling a bit unsure.


Paul on the other hand went to start eating as he was served the appetizer which was a simple salad but it was made with freshly picked vegetables.


Some chefs were also present on each table explaining the course of the evening meal while also providing beverages to everyone present, the kids got fruit juice mixed with cream which they loved and demanded for more.


While Tywin was reading the contract, he did not stop to try and taste the various dishes that was new to him and was surprised of the contents that seemed to be too good to be true for him.


He realized he would not spend anything at all and he would still gain around 80% of what the Blood Lord's people would mine in his lands.


He even reread the clauses which seemed to show some fairness towards Paul's side as well where he would not be able to void the contract for five years and would only be able to raise a complaint which would have to be addressed to a formal meeting to point out whatever that would be in the complaint.


Tywin kept reading and felt that the contract was quite airtight but he was feeling confused as well as to how should the Blood Lord who would be the one sending in the workforce said in the contract be able to enforce that he too would not be slighted in anyways.


He pondered as he took a few bites of the steak he was given enjoying his meal while thinking of many reasons Paul seemed to have little gain in this.


Tywin felt this was all too good for him that his cautious nature could just tell that something else was afoot when he was given this large a pie to eat for free.


He read again and found that other than gold he would also receive different ratios from other metals to be found in the mines.


When it comes to Iron, he would have to share equally which was rather fair in the eyes of the Warden of the West.


Then there was Silver and Copper which he would still get the majority of about 75% while the other metals that were of no importance would also be given to him in the majority.


And in the contract jewels were also included making Tywin unsure what was the real motive for Paul reaching out to him. To ask of this deal with such detail and confidence means that there was something that should have piqued Paul's interest in his resources.


Yet even items stated to be found in the mines while not specified in the contract should also be presented so Tywin would be able to know if anything found would be of value.


Though he would not be able to send men to watch over the mining process, he could still have guards present in the mine's entrance to survey the items mined by Paul's supposed men who would be provided by Paul himself.


"Tell me, Lord Paul. What is it do you really want in the mines? Such a deal seemed to be too good that I cannot bring myself to trust the contract even with such promising contents." Tywin looked at Paul who just smiled and replied.


"What I want Lord Tywin, is simply to find what I have lost and I cannot achieve that without worldly wealth even when I have no need of such. So to give you something to ease your mind then sign the contract as it is magically binding to each of us." Paul said as he sat relaxed on his seat.


"Magically binding? Though I feel there would be consequences if the duties said in the contract are not met, but I feel that this is true to both parties involved?" Tywin looked at Paul as his mind whirred thinking how a magically binding contract might affect him and the things he understood about the world.


"Yes, as long as I fulfill my side of the contract while you also fulfill yours. There will be no problems in either side, I reckon you have read page 14 in the inheritance clause?" wondered Paul.


"I have, which means I might have to make my son understand the complexities within this deal I've agreed to." As soon as Tywin said that he picked up the quill and signed his name on the contract which made it glow golden and burn into thin air while a mark was left on Tywin's hand as well as Paul.


"Glad doing business with you Lord Tywin, just think of the mark to vanish and it will hide itself." Paul advised as Tywin was looking at the golden Lion mark that was on his left back hand.


"Though I am not sure I should feel the same." Tywin could feel it in his gut that there was something he is missing in the enticing contract but he could never understand what it was, everything inside is just so balanced that he could not see any part that would be detrimental to his side.


After a series of niceties and bland socializing Paul escorted the Lannister family back to the port himself with a few entourages, the twins were energetic after having a lot of sweets during the buffet.


A few hours later Paul stood at the walls of the fort on Leviathan as he looked over Lannistport, behind him were Kaash and Shaera sleeping together as they had spent a rigorous night of skinship.


Paul wondered about the real reason why his existence could affect the reality of this universe as he felt for the changes within the rather esoteric energies as he blanked for a good few minutes.


His own senses were still strong even when dampened but he could only feel slivers for the moment and understood that if he tried to push through then it might be beyond what the bracelet would allow.


"*Haish….phew." Paul sighed as he shook the rather disorienting feeling within his head as he thought about the plans for the years to come.


With this deal with the Lannisters, he secured a large amount of funds to ensure the stability of the Bank that he is going to open, also he felt that he should now try to reach for the other lands for trade like Ibben or to Skaggos.


For his military he had wanted to get more Giants to add other than the 10 giants now on his hands, they were 3 families of giants.


A rather young couple with a still a few years child, an older couple with two teenage giants and an old giant with three young adult giants, they were rather reluctant at first feeling fear and anger towards humans but with Paul's help they were able to slowly adjust at their new life in the Flask Basin.


Only seven of them are allowed by Paul to fight and train, Paul learned the old tongue of these giants then gave then the skills to talk in common tongue as well.


Their presence alone enabled him to create a elephant cavalry which might be easy for them since they already had experience riding mammoths.


They were also given new sets of large clothes and a set armor each hastily made for them by Paul, for a full metal set he could need some time to make it as he only gave large leather armor with metal plates to protect vital parts.


Thinking about his soon personal guards going to be welcoming a group of giants made him smile thinking how awed people would be seeing elephant riding giants next time he makes a move personally.


Though a little bit impatient, Paul still spent a few days in Lannisport doing various things he felt like doing. He also visited the Rock where he was welcomed by the warden of the west.


It was until a few days later when ten cogs arrived which were the manpower Paul would station within this city to mine and smelt the metals that would be found within the mines.


Paul had 50 elite soldiers of his along with 300 warrior puppets as well as 200 miner puppets stationed in a manse by the sea with a small port of its own that would become a private area that only a few people were allowed to access.


Tywin soon left for Kingslanding again since he could not be gone too long as the Hand of the King, he brought with him Jaime while Cersei was left with her mother Joanna in Casterly Rock to act as regent for the moment.


Paul stayed for a while to ensure he placed wards in the mines as well as the manse he had bought near Lannisport, he also checked the undersea mine which would yield him the most gold in this endeavor.


Contract-wise the mines mentioned were only those that are known by Tywin, which would be mined at the request of Tywin himself as he added the clause that Paul would be allowed to mine others nearby with the same ratio stated within the contract.


This means Paul would get more than gold here in the metal rich lands of the West, it was also not a breach mining the undersea mines since it was only stated that Paul would have to give some percentage of metal mined in the 'Lands' of the Warden of the West.


Calculating the projected income was enough for fast development over the next few years, but as things were getting good the universe just went and said go F-yourself as Paul received news that made him place his eyes back in Sothoryos.


Apparently there were other Tribes of Beastmen that surfaced which made a claim that Yeen is not for him to claim as it should be a land only owned by the Beastmen.


Apparently there were different sides in some tribes and these were the ones that live rather far from Yeen, these tribes were once branch tribes of those near the river but now had developed into something of a large group of villages made up of warriors.


Reason being was since they were mostly branch tribes they were not taught some of the magic known by the main tribes, now some upstart Tribe leader from the rather large tribe of Red Tiger Clan.


They were a strong warrior off shoot of the Tiger Tribe that settled in a rather far side of Sothoryos, oddly they were able to gain the support of rather populous tribes like the Rat Tribes, a few Dog Tribes and some gigantic tribes like Rhino Tribes.


Their sudden appearance and declaration of war towards Yeen was quite a surprise to him but luckily for him was that his soldiers were experienced and was able to react accordingly to the sudden attacks.


The Outposts were defended but what angered Paul was that he lost almost a hundred experienced men during these raids.


This made Rohanne send Duncan to lead a large contingent to face this rather large army of beastmen, this was also a chance to integrate the newly recruited Beastmen tribes on his City.


A positive side of this was many small tribes of rather hidden beastmen clans came out and sought shelter in Yeen gaining a rather large boom of population which was not a problem since the city had been prepared for at least a million more mouths to feed.


He also got ahold of some more young slaves as another thousand new were brought to Yeen which were trained mounted soldiers and archers that brought relief and security within the bustling city.


The enemy was scouted out to be about a hundred thousand strong, but mostly the bulk of the army was made up of the Rat Beast-men that are very prolific in reproducing and was rather adept in living underground.


That was one reason why they seemed to have abundant amount of metal weapons, being able to arm a hundred thousand warriors was no small feat.


Rohanne had reported she had sent some spies to investigate and found that the Red Tiger Tribe seemed to have planned this very long ago before Paul even arrived, they would have waited for a few more years to complete their preparation for domination but his actions of cleansing Yeen and defeating the Cannibal Tribes of Brindled men alerted them thinking that if they let Yeen develop further then they might not be able to have a chance of achieving their goal.


The next day Leviathan sailed back after ensuring everything within Lannisport had been handled and that no hiccup should rise that could not be taken care off.


What Paul thought would have been an easy conquest had proven to be rather problematic since the Rats could create tunnels to retreat and attack in places that were rather hard for Paul to predict.


But this did not bother him, rather it made him a bit glad that his soldiers could finally gain experience of prolonged warfare. There were no problems in supplies and now the group of elders that learned medical skills from Paul shone as they saved hundreds of wounded warriors.


The elders of the city recorded these years as the Tunnels wars since Paul also recruited the expertise of some Beastmen Tribes like the Dog Clans in his city as well as a few mildly natured Rodent clans like the small tribe of molemen.


For the next few months the underground of Sothoryos was a battlefield of many skirmishes between Paul's forces and these invading Beastmen Warriors.


Though outnumbered, the army of Yeen was not overwhelmed as they had been given many magical tools to even out the fight like simple portable scrying orbs made by Paul to detect where ambushes would arrive.


Yet even then the speed of retreat of these Rats were quite fast and it was hard to give chase when they also have rather large Beastmen Tribes defending their camps.


Other than the Red Tigers, there were the Black Rhinos, Wildebeast tibes, a few Bear Tribes and different Large Cat Tribes like Leopards, Lynxes and Jaguars.


Their Leader was quite a being as well, an 8 feet tall tiger man that was able to raise a unique Wyvern by himself as its mount. It was an oddly large one that reach about 60 feet in length and has a total wingspan of 130 feet.


It looked like a brindled Wyvern but has the patterns similar to a Tiger and was colored red instead of the normal Green. The Wyvern leads a flock of a few dozen brindled Wyverns itself making them have some form of aerial defense.


But even with all of these Paul still paid attention to matter happening in Westeros, Aerys seemed to still become crazier as days passed by which worried Shaera but she realize that she could not do more something about it.


She already reached out and gave advice to her son but it seemed that the madness within her family is hard to get rid of.


Paul then received a letter from Tywin himself asking for assistance in the birth of his next son since his reputation as a healer had spread far and wide.


From his estimate there is still two months left in Lady Joanna's pregnancy, but as he was about to set off the Blood Tiger, leader of the Red Tigers set up an aerial attack which made him have to go with Shadow to meet the enemy in the skies.


With him is his own flock of Wyverns as well as his Wyvern Knights which surprised the Blood Tiger never thinking that he was not the only one ruling the skies.


The Blood Tiger had to retreat when he saw Paul has hundreds of Wyverns including the small annoying brown ones.


Yet knowing that there was no one else able to rally this much wyverns to face the Blood Tiger meant Paul has to stay to defend since his Wyvern Knights only numbered around twenty for the mean time.


Maybe with the few warriors that bonded with the Brown bellies they might be able to match the Wyverns of the Blood Tiger but that would mean they would have to stay together to ensure they would not be ambushed by the Blood Tiger.


There was also the need to defend a rather large front so Paul was now present in the War Council that was situated on a clearing in the eastern part of Sothoryos twenty leagues away from Yeen.


This was where Paul had set up a defensive line to face the various attacks of these enemy beastmen tribes.


He chose this place because this was where he placed fewer wards to detect enemies, the other sides had extensive ones installed that two mounted regiments with two thousand riders each are on standby to react to any forces that get past those wards.


So to help with ensuring the birth of Tyrion Lannister, Paul sent Shiera Seastar along with Swan with a Brig and two cogs with 100 warrior puppets and 10 Medical Puppets.


He could not send much to Westeros since the ambient magic was too thin to have that many puppets in one place.


Still that should be enough to ensure the birth of the future famous dwarf, but for the survival of Joanna will depend mostly to her and whatever happens during the operation.


He felt that maybe the ones he had taught magic should at least have some experience in using them once in a while.


Though he did not try to read much of Shiera's memories on how she lived this long but he could at least tell her great curiosity towards magic and the various uses it has.


After Rhaenys she was the most studious of the people he had taught magic and knew she had what it takes to identify any problems that might arise during the Labor.


He did have her wear something to hide her features which she did by dyeing her hair as well as wearing a mask so her beauty would not raise suspicions to any older generation that had been able to see her real face.


Swan did not have to change much since her attire was already known by many as a servant close to him so no one would dare to at least block her way since his feat of singlehandedly charging through a hundred bandits and killing most of them has also earned him great renown all over Westeros.


Yet oddly enough no one realize people went on by their lives like always because Paul still limited the amount of influence he has towards Westeros.


He could see that the progress bar was slowly increasing and no warning has yet come to him from the bracelet.


Still he held on his position as he guarded the back line of the defensive line, so far casualties has lessened to almost zero every day and only injuries were seen most of the time.


Yet he did not want to have a prolonged war with this upstart but it was hard to track down the Blood Tiger ever since he got lucky enough to escape on his Wyvern along with the remaining half of his aerial force.


It seemed he was scared shitless when he saw a much more stronger air force than he has, the look of confusion and disbelief in his eyes was very apparent then.


The Blood Tiger did not expect that this newly raised Kingdom in the land he wanted to conquer was much stronger than he had expected.


Still the attacks did not stop as the Rat Tribes were rather manic in their ways of trying to get past the wards and outposts that Paul had raised.


The Days passed by and the enemy were being whittled thin as they tried to get past to no avail, they tried getting through other routes but they were frustrated being stopped at every turn.


They were facing the brindled men they used to look down on and there were even some of those weak hairless apes in the mix yet somehow they cannot get past to attack the once cursed city.


[Blood Tiger's Camp]



"ROARR!! How can these weaklings know what our plans are?! RAGHH!!" Blood Tiger raged as he looked at the makeshift map on his table.


Other tribe leaders were present cowering in fear as they looked behind the Blood Tiger where his large Wyvern was staring at them looking like he was picking his next snack.


"We outnumber them and even have weapons of metal like them yet why are we LOSING?!!!" the enraged Tiger as he slammed his fist on the table breaking it in two.


"They fight differently from us war chief, they seem to be warriors told to us by the elders from the far side of the giant salty lake. Our scouts were able to piece some from their words, they worship the man they call King." A Ratman said as he shivered in fear as the gaze of the Tigerman in front of them landed upon him.


"A god? Hmph! A strike from my claws I will disembowel that pretender! That city is for us to claim! It is mine to rule!" the reddened eyes showed manic insanity as the Blood Tiger bared his teeth to the sky as if the heavens was being unfair to him.


"Yes war chief, even his Flying Lizard was smaller than yours so he must be scared to fight you thus he hides like cowardly rats." A large Rhinoceros Beastman said as he looked at the Rat Tribes with disdain.


"Hmph, why are they even in this table with us Tribe chiefs anyways? The only use we have for them is cannon fodder." A Hyena Tribe Chief said as he too looked down on the Rat Tribe.


"We are here to discuss what to do to face the one that rides the shadow wing, he has not made a move but we can for sure he is the chief of that tribe. I have seen many look at him in reverence." A rather astute Wolfwoman Tribe Matriarch said as she held her spear tightly making those present have a solemn expression.


The last they saw him was when he rode the Shadow Wing without even sitting, but stood atop like the back of the beast was flat surface looking down on them as his own horde of Flying Lizards clashed with theirs.


He just stood while flying atop with no plans to even join the fight, the Blood Tiger gnashed his teeth as he remembered those eyes that looked down on him like he was nothing more than a pebble on his path.


"ROAR!!" the Blood Tiger raged again as he felt something inside him brew which he did not like, a sour feeling of something breaking down in his psyche, his pride and honor as a warrior felt bruised by that single look.


As they discussed they did not notice a small inconspicuous puppet the size of a hand spy on them atop the Yurt where they held the war council.


This was why Paul did not immediately take care of this group of warlike tribe chiefs since he needed a whetstone to sharpen the soldiers he is raising.


He does not need a million cannon fodders but wanted thousands of elites of many battles, thus he ensured that this war to last longer and that it should raise more experienced soldiers on his side.


For the next few weeks skirmishes happened in the vast forest of the Green Hell, Paul had the death toll on the enemy side at a minimum to give them some form of hope.


One regiment that gained a lot in this war was the Wyvern Knights that shone within the aerial fights.


The new ranger division also got their moments to showcase the skills they trained as well as the support regiment that made this war go without any hitches.


 [Two months later]


"Okay you did what?!" Paul looked at the fidgeting Shiera in front of him as he could not process properly the action she took after learning of the complications within Joanna Lannister.


"Well… I had no choice if I say so since something just came over me and everything was sort of a blur in my memories. If teacher is angry you can read my mind but after the incident I had to do what I did to at least save Lady Joanna." Shiera said as she took of her mask and bowed in front of Paul to let him access her memories.


"What? You don't need to bow for me to access your memories at all but that is not the point, you said something took over your body? Could you describe what you felt when this happened?" Paul frowned as he felt that if there as something else at hand that influenced the events then maybe Shiera is not the one at fault here.


"I felt something ancient and powerful took over that time, I can distinctively feel a great fire burn within me as my actions were halted and only prioritized the birth of the child." Shiera too frowned as her face showed great confusion as to why this happened to her.


Paul took a step forward and held Shiera's hands as he let his senses envelop her to find something and he did, he found a small ball of flames within her that was not there before.


"Tsk, you did not just mess with my plans you motha-!!" Paul looked angry this time as he took his hands away from Shiera then closed his eyes.


It was at that moment that everything went to a still as the bracelet in Paul's wrist was humming like crazy as electricity is running through his body.


His eyes blazed as he was a bit pissed at the moment, he had plans already on motion but if some eldritch beings out there could just go and take over the bodies of his subordinates to mess things up then that is not something he was going to be silent about.


"Don't worry, I'm just a bit pissed so I won't break this world or anything. I just need a few moments to calm myself or else I might just go and give this prick a real beating people will forget he's the so called Lord of light." Paul felt it inside him, ever since accepting the truth that his powers were the product of the energies of sin he is very susceptible to things related to such matter.


And right now wrath and pride were raging within him as he closed his eyes trying to ascertain how he is being affected by the power of Sin.


Time was paused and what seems to be a longer moment Paul was finally able to take control of himself, looking back he had known this might have happened when he is currently tied down by the bracelet but it was really apparent that should he not go past these tasks given to him then he might not have known he could lose control like this in the future.


Other than his powers being suppressed, so is the power of Sin and now he has an idea when or what he might feel when these powers affect him.


Thus he could know what to do the next time it flares up and maybe one day fully claim these powers as his alone.


He had placed himself in between the spaces of reality and time so as not to affect those around him in the split second and now he is back it seemed like nothing ever happened in that moment.


Paul looked at Shiera again and reached out his hand so as to invoke the new power that was blooming within him, the power of faith which means he is slowly turning into a god like that of Thor or Loki.


He slowly found that small sliver of flame inside her and felt the ancient aura within making him know that the God of Light was a being that predates many civilizations and empires.


This being thought having ruled the humans in this world for so many years ignored his presence, which was one thing Paul was sure off they know.


The local deities here knew of his arrival yet they intervened anyways, either this means they do not know of his true strength or they do not know the real purpose he is present in their world.


"Whatever, I don't need to know but I will let them know there is a price for taking control of my subordinates." Paul's eyes gleamed as he sent a mental order towards a specialized puppet, Stein(S10), which was an assassin build puppet leading a company of assassin puppets.


He would really like to see if this prick of a god of light could still do shit like this if he had his assassins destroy the records of this god existing from every record all around the world.


From Old town up towards Asshai he would have these puppets scour the world of anything related to this god and have it deleted out of existence.


As for the believers, Paul plans to use a spell similar to that one Strange used in that certain reality to have everyone forget about spiderman.


"Let's see you gain believers now…" Paul let his inner pettiness flare up as he planned a way to decrease the influence of this R'hllor in this world.


"I just wanted to finish up whatever I need to do here as soon as possible but if some nutcase not even daring to show his face and keeps possessing my people is going to slow it down then maybe I should just ensure none of these fucktards ever try to." Paul went outside as he held the small sliver of flame in his hands.


"You might be listening you piece of crap, I don't care if you are a god here. I've fought beings much more dangerous than you are and still lived to tell the tale so don't think I am beyond for crossing a line you do not like crossed." Paul looked at the flame then focused what power he could use to conjure up a spell, he formed a large scale spell as he stood out in a large clearing within the camp in front of his subordinates.


Soon a cascade of spell circles came to life as Paul spared no expense in making the large scale magic as he poured in thousands of soul energy within the soul lamp by his side to empower the whole thing.


Shiera Seastar, Ser Duncan, Shaera, Ogap, Ruka and many subordinates were awed at the golden lights that glowed as Paul waved his hands. His every gesture bringing about a beauty upon the mystic arts that many thought to be legends but here it is in front of them manifesting as Paul's petty rage brought about newfound belief within his people.


The show of his great arcana skills even was witnessed by the enemy who watched from afar as they felt they could see another sun rise above the sky from the west.


First they thought it was a good omen upon their war but when some were curious they saw Paul floating above the sky fiddling with a very large spell circle that also brought awe and especially fear within the ranks of the enemy.


Fearing for the worst to come, the Blood Tiger felt within him a creeping doom of death as he saw the man that wielded powers beyond his comprehension.


He forgot all tactics and gathered all of his forces as soon as he could to attack the enemy as he thought that whatever the enemy leader was doing might just be the end of his ambition.


"They are aiming for his Majesty! All forces gather and defend our Lord!!" Duncan not understanding what Paul was doing but realizing the aim of the enemy mustered their forces that were a bit dazed, but when they saw the enemy's forces march straight towards where their lord is snapped something within them.


"They dare to raise arms against such divine power?! Brothers, these enemy of ours are nothing but godless rabble trying to fight our god!" First to react was one of the beastmen knight that became Paul's own personal guards.


He was the one they call Ser Brown Ramshorn, since he was indeed a brown ram with quite a large curved horn.


He went and led his own mounted force made up of goatmen swordsmen, along him followed the other two personal guards of Paul, Ivory Cloudhoof and Grey Cottoneyes.


Their names mostly were from obvious physical appearance about them that was rather distinct when they turn four namedays old.


Now they rode upon zorses adorned with studded leather made from the best skins taken from the largest and toughest of the crocodiles hunted from the rivers near Yeen.


They were all armed with spears forged by the best smiths Paul made and shields that even Valyrian steel swords would have a hard time breaking.


They know they had to face the concentrated force of the enemy from the looks of the tide of red and black in the horizon.


The open fields became an cacophony of shouts and roars as two armies forgone restraint as the other charged with no sign of tactics nor retreat as even the lowest of the enemy soldiers also feared their lives seeing this action so divine done by their enemy.


Duncan led the charge along with the boar riders atop his own steed specially bred to carry the heavy armor both the rider and the mount would wear.


This world of Planetos took witness of the Iron Tide that left death beneath its hooves, the forces of the Blood Tiger did not realize it at first but when they felt their charge never moved nor made progress did they see the thousands of mounted soldiers that brought ruin upon their former comrades.


The Blood Tiger himself paused atop his wyvern as he saw the devastation brought about the full forced charge of Yeen mighty army, stragglers were brought to heel as even the simplest footmen of the enemy held their swords with finesse and coordination that it felt surreal, like a machine at work.


Only it gave him the image of a gigantic shredder of life as pools of blood formed.


The Blood Tiger looked beyond the army he could not get past through and still saw the enormous spell circle Paul was still constructing.


His hairs stood up in fear as he felt the gaze of the man that stood midair like a God looking down on the mortal that dared to oppose it.


"ROAR!! I will not be denied my kingdom!!" bloodshot eyes he roared in unwillingness as he urged his giant Wyvern to fly directly towards enemy lines, the large creature roared as it commanded its flock to follow with as they made a very desperate attempt.


As they took higher into the skies they saw the enemy flyers, the ones the Pale Riders, due to the silver or white colored hair these people had even when their faces were obscured by their ornate armor.


Soon a massive battle was seen in the sky as Wyverns met each other and tore their enemies with their fangs and claws.


The one that faced the Blood Tiger was Kaash who held her spear as she held herself steady atop her own Wyvern, a rather large Swamp Wyvern which was a bit smaller than the one the Blood Tiger rode, but large nonetheless.


The two beasts fought with fangs and talons bared to kill, their riders trying to injure the other as they held fast in their seats. Kaash had the advantage because she brought a rather long valyrian steel spear and her wyvern was armored in its vital parts.


But Blood Tiger's brute strength still brought trouble as his axe strikes made Kaash's Wyvern scream in pain, their battle was one amongst many that decided the tide of the battle.


Yet it was evident the wyverns of the Blood Tiger, riderless were no match against the wyvern knights who had trained for years to fight in the sky with their partners.


Blood flowed, bloomed and rained within hours as crazed fear driven beastmen looked at the sky thinking that their end was near while fervent courage filled warriors of Yeen defended as they felt their Lord was on his ascension to divinity.


Even the rather unsure eyes of the newly added Tribe chiefs that joined for protection saw that maybe the Beast God was indeed real and he is in front of them.


Paul's focus did not waver as he thought about the repercussions of what he would be doing, sure there is a balance between the fire and Ice within this world but who said anything about them really necessary.


If one becomes stronger without the other why not just kill them both and be rid with this nonsense of their participation of this world's fate, because if followed with such analogy then the Doom of Valyria itself was caused by the power of fire becoming too strong.


Thus the largest empire burned down to ashes, no side here was good since both sides caused the death of many.


So why hold on to these entities that do nothing but cause more death for needless glory. Sure the tales of the wielder of the sword of flames sounded grandiose like a fairy tale of heroism and bravery.


But it also entailed the fickle minds of the being that was behind the veil of this world, they have too much of a reach towards the land of mortals.


Sure they need much of the faith the mortals brought upon them yet if they continue to treat this world like a game for their amusement then there is no more need for both of them.


As for the power of ice becoming too strong, Paul will make sure that ghoul up north would stay dead once he finishes what he plans for it.


And the core of that plan is this sliver of flame in his hands, he modified the spell Strange used as he plans to use this sliver of divine power from the lord of flames to fuel the spell as well as an auxiliary power.


Once the spell is complete, instead of a cube there would be a round object that could be used as a weapon to kill the Night King permanently while also causing damage to the so call Others.


Using the fire in his hands he would make a magical nuke powered by divine flames from the Lord of Light, the spell then would affect both R'hllor and the Other which would make people slowly forget about them.


A multipurpose spell which would take a very long time to finish, but since the Lord of Light graciously provided a mark of his power then who is Paul to deny the pie that fell from the sky.


Thus would ensure he would take care of the problems here before he goes away while also getting the revenge he wanted to satiate his pettiness.


Two days pass but the battle did not settle down one bit, as somehow the Blood Tiger's confidants as well as council were able to convince some much more feral Beastmen deeper in the jungles of Green Hell to attack Paul.


As focused as he was, he still paid attention to his forces and gave some timely advice to Duncan who commanded the defense against the hordes of rabid beastmen.


Though there are casualties, they were in the minimum range as to what Paul thought the damages in his army would be.


It was a boon the Blood Tiger had forgone tactics and went on a massive attack in one go which was easier to handle with a trained army that worked like a gigantic machine meant to grind the enemies to death.


Kaash was able to hold back the manic Beastman Warchief as he tried again and again to get past the aerial defense of the Wyvern Knights.


Now he is only left with only a dozen Wyverns battered and beaten left and right as he could only glare in hate as well as fear towards the spell circle that shone the eerie feeling of death.


With reluctance after many persuasion of his war council the Blood Tiger retreated with his army to lick their wounds as the toll of death has become too much for the morale of his troops.


"My Lord, they are retreating. What are our actions sir?" A wyvern knight landed beside Ser Duncan as they saw the enemy forces recede like a tide but the ground beneath was still dark red as blood has seeped in through the soil.


"We will stay here and defend, have the battle field cleaned up and the bodies of your comrades retrieved. They will be given a proper burial back at our home, as for the dead bodies of the enemy? Burn them all, who knows what diseases be birthed from their foul bodies." Duncan looked warily at the battlefield then at a nearby camp where dozens of large wooden cages were seen holding captured enemy forces.


These ones were the few that surrendered when they were near death or defeated in a thorough manner that their will to fight has vanished.


But there are some that caught the eye of the seasoned commander, as a few cages were not for Prisoners of war but for captured beasts that lived on the other side of the Green Hell.


Still he did not cater to these for the moment as he saw his liege still in the sky completing his spell circle.


"Have the men get some rest, the Blood Tiger would not stop with just this much. Get the healers to tend to the wounded and those still able help in cleaning up the bodies." Duncan then urged his steed to go back to the main tent.


For the next few days the golden light did not let up as the army got used to the powers displayed by their Lord, but the awe still persisted as they stood watch in every direction to prevent any from disturbing Paul's actions.


(A/N: It's been a long time since I posted a chapter, but it was because I had to focus on my studies. Lately I rarely had the time to write and to keep the story going I had to reread again to make sense of what direction I am carrying this arc. I feel I might have gone too long here on Westeros so the next few chapters would be more of a timeskip.

I have laid a foundation already for the story to progress and the cannon events shall happen soon as the MC shall be placed on the background as forced upon him by the missions and task by the bracelet. Soon the MC shall go into another world and would face a different kind of task compared to the ones he had to face in this world.)