
The master of Time

The chaotic world called Earth, over which humans have full control. But are they really in control? Or is it just the little thread above their head, arms, and legs that makes them think they have it? The only thing Aaron sees is that this world is different from his old one, and his power is far greater than he imagines. The first thing Aaron saw when he opened his eyes was: [Quest (+1)] : Escape

Hikoddddd · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

It's still not over

I understood why the motive for the quest was 'Escape' just by looking in front of me. When I opened my eyes I saw something that I didn't think I would see or at least not of my miserable life.

I was actually in a sort of vat filled with a viscous, transparent green liquid that entered through my open eyes, but didn't hurt me.

But, the most disturbing thing was the sensation I felt behind my back. So I moved one of my hands with difficulty because it was numb probably because my body was in a ball without moving, in a state of semi-consciousness for I would say, a very long time ...

I put my hands behind my back and what I touched made my blood run cold. I felt some sort of metal tube connected behind my back. It was extremely unpleasant.

'But where am I really?' I thought as I stared in front of me with my eyes wide open from what I saw. It was not normal, I could see a bit through this sticky liquid and what I saw was a big clean room like a hospital.

But most disconcerting were all these people in white coats with blue masks on their faces. Everyone was doing something in particular. Some were on strange computers, others were holding sheets of paper in their hands, unfortunately, I couldn't see what had written on them. One thing is for sure, they all looked serious and focused, each doing their job.

"What is this mess?" I didn't understand a thing, I had just been killed and now I realize that I am not in hell or heaven but that I was in a tube and some extremely strange kind of hospital.

"The testing of the guinea pigs for the Supreme project is underway ... started the countdown!" I heard briefly the voice of one of those people in a blouse talking to the others looking at him.

'Guinea pig? how's that 'My heart clung, I was starting to panic:' Am I a test? How? What? Why ? when? 'My mind was chaotic I couldn't concentrate anymore, I started to shake with fear' Where am I? what are you going to do to me? ' when I heard a sudden voice coming from the white room.

"Countdown on, in 10 seconds.." A robotic voice echoed through the room piercing my ears with a thud despite being behind glass that looked unimaginably thick.

As soon as I heard that voice, I felt a shiver run through my body, I had a pre-feeling that this countdown would herald something horrible for me.

I closed my eyes thinking about everything that had happened to me but mostly trying to calm myself down ...

'I will not die now'


'I have another chance and I will take it!'


'I will live my life to the fullest because I have been granted a new one !!'


'I would never be treated like a DOG again!'


The more I got angry the more my memories came back strangely in my head, and the more I remembered all my past, the more I got upset. My mother gave me her life but I wasted it, spoiling hers in the process ...


The countdown continued to reverberate in my head like a drum, hatred spilling over my body erasing the fear I had inside.

I wanted to explore

Release everything ...

"4, 3, 2, 1"

"TO START ALL OVER!" I cried with all my strength throwing a punch full of hatred into the bulletproof glass in front of me.

* BEEP * * you have received a notification *



The glass exploded into pieces like paper under the pressure of the blow I had put, the cable in my back tore off as I fell through the hole I had made in the glass. I fell to the ground carried away by the viscous liquid with me.

* Cough * * Cough *

The cough took hold of me quickly as I tried to grab something to stand up, I couldn't stand up, feeling like my body had to get used to gravity.

Even though I had 'superhuman' strength due to my ability, it still took a few minutes before I could walk normally.

And there, my eyes rested on the white room, on the people in coats in particular. All of them had frightened expressions on their faces like seeing a monster coming out of its cage. The flashing red light of the room reflected, even more, their faces numb with fear. I even saw a mark on one of a guy's pants.

"Where am I !" I yelled at one of them but instead of telling me it had the opposite effect, they all slipped out through one of the room doors like scared rabbits with the red light continuing to flash.

'One thing's for sure I managed to avoid the end of the countdown.' Heaving a sigh of relief, I had managed to vent all the hatred I had accumulated since my last life.

I quickly saw that I was naked, but I also felt that my physique had changed. Approaching the window of one of the computers in the room, I looked at myself in the reflection.

I almost fell to the ground. it wasn't my self before.

I saw a teenage boy of about 17, golden hair with white features. A beautiful thin, drawn face, but the only thing that hadn't changed was the bright yellow eyes I still had.

Sighing, everything had changed in me but that didn't bother me.

Taking a short break, I noticed a cupboard with transparent glass in it, there were clothes. Specifically the white coats of those damn rats. I quickly walked over to the cupboard to pick one up.

Dressing quickly I remembered hearing a * Beep * as I escaped the tub, indicating that I probably had a system notification "Probably the quest" I said aloud while concentrating.

Not even a second after the blue system light appeared in front of me, I still had the weird feeling that this thing was strangely connected to me… I looked at the screen intently to see my mission completed.


[System Reborn 1.0 / Name: Aaron]

Power / Ability: Temporal manipulation, Efficiency (Unknown) [+] / Superhuman physical strength, Efficiency (A +) [+] / Will, Efficiency (B +) [+]

Race: Unknown? [BUG] [BUG] [BUG]

Age: 17? [BUG] [BUG]

Level: 1

[Quest (1)] [+]

[Reward (+1)] [+]

[Efficiency Level] [+] [New]

[Shop] [+]


Noticing that I had gained a new ability, I focused on the [+] on the side changing the interface of the system.


Will: Willpower can influence a person's potential. The greater the Efficiency of the will, the faster and greater the achievement will be. The potential of a person is great but with willpower, it is almost endless.


'Will' The word stayed in my head for a long time, will, something incredibly unique to one person. Just from the description, I was amazed but that was not all, there was a new tab.

I focused on it but I already knew what it would be talking about.


Efficiency levels are distinguished from weakest to strongest.

It only belongs to the System.

The higher the Efficiency level, the higher the power of the powers/ability will be.

They are :

D (D +), C (C +), B (B +), A (A +), X (X +), Y (Y +), Z (Z +)

D being the lowest and Z + the highest.


"Okay, but why next to temporal manipulation there is no level of efficiency?" Putting this question aside I put my gaze on the [Quest] tab

But what I saw disturbed me:


[Quest (1)]: Escape


'Quest is still active?' Thinking about what that meant I quickly found out 'Wait that means...' But I couldn't finish until I heard the sound of heavy running footsteps behind the door where the blouse guys had left from fear.

"Shit ..." was my only thought.

Poor Aaron for being in a weird tub ... if you like the novel, add it to the library and leave comments. thanks !

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