
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

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119 Chs

Elegant coquettish-I

Lan's Immortal Mansion is located in a deep mountain outside Gusu City.

In the well-proportioned waterside pavilion garden, the long stretches of white walls and black tiles are shrouded in mountain mist all year round. Being in it makes you feel like you are in a fairyland and a sea of clouds. The morning was filled with mist and the morning light was hazy. It goes well with its name - "I don't know where the clouds are".

The mountains are quiet, the people are quiet, and the heart is like still water. Only the sound of bells came from the tall buildings. Although it is not Jialan, it has a lonely cold mountain Zen feel.

This Zen mood was suddenly broken by a long howl, which made many disciples and disciples who were reading and practicing swords in the morning tremble and couldn't help but look towards the mountain gate where the sound came from.

Wei Wuxian was crying while hugging the donkey in front of the mountain gate. Lan Jingyi said, "Why are you crying! It was you who said you liked Hanguang-Jun. Now that I have brought you back, why are you crying!"

Wei Wuxian frowned.

After a night in Dafan Mountain, he had no chance to summon Wen Ning again, nor did he have a chance to explore why Wen Ning lost his mind, let alone why he reappeared in the world, only to be brought back by Lan Wangji.

When he was a boy, he and other children from other families were sent to the Lan family to study for three months, and he experienced firsthand the dullness and boredom of the Gusu Lan family. I still have lingering fears about the more than 3,000 family rules in his house that are densely engraved with disciplinary stones. He had just been pulled and taken captive up the mountain. When he passed by the discipline stone wall, he saw that there were another thousand carved on it, and now there were more than four thousand. four thousand!

Lan Jingyi said: "Okay! Stop making noises, no noise is allowed in Yun Shen I don't know!"

It was precisely because he didn't want to go into the Cloud Recesses that he made such a loud noise!

Once you drag it in, it will be difficult to get out again. Back then, when I came to listen to the lesson, the disciples of each family were given a jade token of passage, which they had to wear on their bodies to be able to come and go freely, otherwise they would not be able to cross the barrier of Yun Shen. More than ten years have passed, and the security will only become tighter, not looser.

Lan Wangji stood quietly in front of the mountain gate, turning a deaf ear and watching with cold eyes. When Wei Wuxian's voice became quieter, he said, "Let him cry. When he's tired of crying, drag him in."

Wei Wuxian hugged the little donkey, cried even more sadly, and bumped his head against the donkey.

Bitter! He thought that being whipped by Zidian would clear away all suspicions. He was temporarily in a state of ecstasy. In addition, his mouth had always been frivolous and fond of teasing, so he casually disgusted Lan Wangji. Little did he know that Lan Wangji didn't behave as before. The routine comes. What's the point of this? Is it possible that after so many years, his cultivation level has become so much higher, but his mind has become narrower?

Wei Wuxian said, "I like men. There are so many beautiful men in your family, I'm afraid I won't be able to control them."

Lan SiZhui reasoned with him: "Master Mo, Lord Hanguang brought you back for your own good. If you don't come with us, Sect Master Jiang will not let it go. After all these years, he has captured you and brought you back to the Jiang family. Countless people were tortured at Lotus Pier, and no one has ever been released."

Lan Jingyi said: "That's right. You haven't seen the methods of Sect Leader Jiang, have you? They are very vicious..." At this point, he remembered the article "You can't tell the difference between people behind their backs". He took a peek at Lan Wangji and saw that Hanguang Jun had no intention of punishing him, so he ventured to continue muttering: "It's all because of the evil trend brought up by the ancestor of Yiling. There are too many people who follow his tricks and do not practice seriously. This Jiang Sect Master is also Suspicious. Will he be able to catch them all? Don't even look at it. Just like you, playing the flute is so virtuous... Haha."

This "ha" is worth a thousand words. Wei Wuxian felt that it was necessary to defend himself: "Well, actually, you may not believe it, but I usually play the flute pretty well..."

Before he finished his defense, several cultivators in white stepped out from the gate.

These people were wearing the school uniforms of the Lan family, and all of them were dressed in plain clothes, as light as snow. The leader is tall and tall, and in addition to a sword, there is also a white jade flute hanging on his waist. When Lan Wangji saw this, he bowed his head slightly to show his courtesy, and the visitor returned the favor. He looked at Wei Wuxian and said with a smile, "Wangji never brings guests to his home. Who is this?"

This man and Lan Wangji stood opposite each other, as if they were looking into a mirror. It's just that Lan Wangji's pupils are very light, as light as glass, but his eyes are a darker and gentler color.

It is Lan Huan, the head of the Gusu Lan family, and Lan Xichen, the Lord of Zewu.

Where the soil and water support the people, the Gusu Lan family has always been recognized as a family with many beautiful men. The twin jewels of this generation are particularly outstanding. Although these two brothers are not twins, their appearance is very similar, making it difficult to distinguish them. However, one color, two styles. Lan Xichen is gentle, elegant, and gentle, but Lan Wangji is too cold and serious, rejecting people thousands of miles away, and makes him unapproachable. Therefore, in the ranking of the appearance of the sons of the Immortal Family, the former is ranked first and the latter is ranked second.

Lan Xichen was worthy of being the head of a sect, and when he saw Wei Wuxian holding a donkey, he didn't show any unnatural expression. Wei Wuxian let go of the donkey with a smile on his face and stepped forward to greet him. The Gusu Lan family attaches great importance to respecting elders and inferiority. As long as he talks nonsense to Lan Xichen, he will definitely be beaten down by the Lan family. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to show off his skills, Lan Wangji glanced at him and his upper and lower lips became inseparable.

Lan Wangji turned around and continued to talk to Lan Xichen seriously: "Brother, are you going to see Lian Fangzun again?"

Lan Xichen nodded: "Let's discuss Jin Lintai's next symposium together."

Wei Wuxian couldn't open his mouth and returned to Hua Luzi angrily.

Lianfangzun is Jin Guangyao, the current head of the Jin family in Lanling. He is the only illegitimate son recognized by Jin Guangshan, Jin Ling's uncle, and the half-brother of Jin Ling's biological father, Jin Zixuan - and also the half-brother of his current identity, Mo Xuanyu. Half-brother. They are both illegitimate children, but they are completely different. Mo Xuanyu slept on the floor in Mojiazhuang and ate leftovers, while Jin Guangyao sat at the highest position in the world of cultivation and controlled the world. Lan Xichen invited everyone he wanted and held talks whenever he wanted. But it's no wonder that the heads of the Jin and Blue families have a close personal relationship. After all, they are sworn brothers.

Lan Xichen said: "My uncle took a look at the things you brought back from Mojiazhuang last time."

Hearing the words "Mojiazhuang", Wei Wuxian couldn't help paying attention, but his upper and lower lips parted. Lan Xichen lifted his silence and said to Lan Wangji: "It's rare for you to bring someone back and still be like this." Happy. You must treat your guests well, not like this."

 Happy? Wei Wuxian took a closer look at Lan Wangji's face.

How can you tell that you are happy? !

After watching Lan Xichen leave, Lan Wangji said: "Drag him in."

Wei Wuxian was dragged alive into this place where he swore he would never set foot again in this life.

In the past, all the guests of the Lan family were distinguished people, and there had never been a guest like him. The juniors were pushing and shoving him, and they all thought it was new and fun. If it weren't for the strict family rules, there would have been a lot of hip-hop along the way. Lan Jingyi said: "Hanguang-Jun, where are you dragging me to?"

Lan Wangji said: "Quiet room."

"...Quiet room?!"

Wei Wuxian didn't understand. Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything.

That is the study and bedroom that Hanguang-Jun never lets others enter or leave...

The furnishings in the quiet room are very simple, without anything superfluous. The flowing clouds drawn with fine brushwork on the folding screen slowly float and change, and a piano table lies across the screen. On the three-legged incense table in the corner, a hollow jade incense tripod emits light smoke, filling the room with the scent of cool sandalwood.

Lan Wangji went to see his uncle to discuss business, and Wei Wuxian was pushed in. Lan Wangji stepped forward, and Wei Wuxian stepped out with the rear foot. After wandering around in an unknown place in Yun Shen for a short time, as expected, without the passing jade order, even if he climbed up a white wall several feet high, he would be immediately bounced off by the barrier and quickly attract patrols nearby.

Wei Wuxian had no choice but to return to the quiet room.

When anything happens to him, he will never feel anxious. He paces back and forth in the quiet room with his hands behind his back, believing that he will find a countermeasure sooner or later. The refreshing sandalwood scent is cold and quiet. Although it is not lingering, it has its own charm. He took his time to think about it: "Lan Zhan smells like this. I guess it was when he was practicing piano here and sitting quietly, the fragrance got on his clothes."

Thinking this, I couldn't help but get closer to the incense stick in the corner. As soon as I leaned against it, I felt that the wooden board under my feet was obviously different from other places. Wei Wuxian was surprised and started knocking here and there. He had done a lot of digging holes and digging graves to find holes in the ground. Within a few moments, he actually turned over a board.

Wei Wuxian was surprised by the discovery of a secret place in Lan Wangji's room, but he was even more surprised when he saw what was hidden inside.

After the wooden board was turned over, another mellow fragrance that was originally mixed with the sandalwood and could not be easily detected spread out. Seven or eight small round black jars were crowded in a small square cellar.

This Lan Wangji has indeed changed, even hiding the wine!

Yunshen didn't know where to drink alcohol. Because of this, the two of them had a small fight when they first met. Lan Wangji even knocked over a jar of "Emperor's Smile" that he brought from Gusu City down the mountain.

After returning to Yunmeng from Suzhou, Wei Wuxian never had the opportunity to drink the "Emperor's Smile" brewed by a famous Gusu master. He remembered it all his life and always said that he would come back to try it if he had the chance, but he always failed. As for the wine hidden here, he didn't need to open it to taste it. As soon as he smelled the aroma of the wine, he knew it was the "Emperor's Smile". Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji, a stickler for rules and a teetotaler, would one day be discovered digging a hole in his room to hide alcohol. It was a blessing in heaven.

Wei Wuxian sighed as he finished the bottle. He had a very good drinking capacity and was addicted to alcohol. After thinking about it, Lan Wangji owed him a bottle of Tianzixiao. After so many years, he had to collect some interest, so he drank another bottle. Just when he was drinking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. How difficult is it to pass the jade tablet? I don't know where Yun Shen is, but there is a cold spring with many miraculous effects. It is used by the male disciples of the family for their spiritual practice. It is said to have miraculous effects such as calming the mind and clearing the nature, and driving away evil fire. You have to take off your clothes when you go to the cold spring. He has taken off his clothes, how can he still hold the jade plaque in his mouth?

Wei Wuxian clapped his hands, drank the last sip from the jar in his hand, looked for it and found no place to throw it away, so he filled the two empty jars with water, sealed them and stuffed them back as they were, and covered them with wooden boards. After finishing the work, I went out to find the jade plaque.

Although Yunshenzhuang was burned down once before the "Sun Shooting Campaign", the layout after reconstruction was the same as before. Wei Wuxian walked through the winding path from memory, and soon found the cold spring in a secluded place.

Shouquan's disciples are far apart. The fairies have a separate area in the Cloud Recesses, and they won't use it here. And no one in the Lan family has ever dared to do such a shameless thing as spying near the cold spring, so the defense is not strict, and it's easy to fool around. It's just right. It is convenient for Wei Wuxian to be shameless. What a coincidence. On the white stone behind the overlapping orchid grass, there is a set of white clothes. Someone has already arrived.

This set of white clothes is folded very neatly, which is outrageous, like snow-white tofu cubes, even the forehead is folded meticulously. Wei Wuxian could barely bear to mess with it as he reached in and rummaged through the Tongxing Jade Tablet. After crossing the clumps of orchid grass, he glanced at the spring and suddenly fixed his gaze.

The cold spring water is bitingly cold, not as hot as a hot spring. There is no heat to fill your eyes, so you can clearly see the upper body of the person in the spring with his back to him.

The person in the spring is tall and tall, with fair complexion and long black hair, which is gathered wetly on one side. The lines of his waist and back are smooth, graceful and powerful. In short, be a beauty.

But it was definitely not because Wei Wuxian was so shocked by watching the beauty take a bath that he couldn't look away. No matter how beautiful she is, he won't really like men. It was actually the thing on this man's back that made him unable to look away.

Dozens of criss-crossing scars.

This is the mark left by the whip. Among the immortal sects, there is a kind of whip used to punish the disciples of the clan who have made serious mistakes. After being punished, the scars will never fade. Although Wei Wuxian had never received a whipping, Jiang Cheng had. Even though he tried his best, he couldn't make this mark of shame fade away, so Wei Wuxian would never misremember this scar.

Usually one or two strokes with a cane is a serious lesson, enough for the punished to remember it for life and not dare to do it again. There are at least thirty marks on this man's back. I don't know if I made some treasonous mistake and was beaten like this. But if he was really rebellious enough, why not just kill him and clean up the family?

At this time, the man in the spring turned around, and there was a clear mark under his collarbone, near his heart. When he saw the brand, Wei Wuxian's surprise suddenly reached its peak.