
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

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157 Chs

Picking a fight again.

"Pretty brave for a human, aren't you?" The vampire Queen muttered while placing her hand along Red's mask.

Her long, slender fingernail gently grazed across the mark, leaving a trail in its wake. Her fingernail was sharp enough to almost leave a scratch mark across the pure white mask. The queen dragged her fingernails up to the bottom of the mask and... tried to yank the mask off of Red's face.


She tried yanking it off several times. However, the mask just wouldn't budge.

"??? For a mere pesky mask, you planted it on your face rather tightly, didn't you human?"

Refusing to speak a word, Red forcefully tilted his head, rejecting the Queen's advance on trying to remove to mask, making her much more furious. Her demeanour changed as the room turned cold, and she pointed with her finger, ready to____

"My apologies, your majesty, I was the one who brought this human to you."

Vone immediately intervened before the situation escalated into something uncontrollable, bowing and placing his head on the ground, in hopes that the queen would give mercy.

"Vone... You bring a rather peculiar gift to me this time. Who is this?"

"The one who defeated the Nine-tailed Beast."


The revelation caused the audience to be shut with silence as the Queen widened her eyes upon hearing this information.

"Although the Nine-tailed Fox has not fully awakened, you are telling me this... insect, managed to defeat her?"

Vone nodded his head while continuing to lower his head.

"The most notable feature of the awakener was that he was wearing a peculiar mask. How are you sure this is him?"

"Because I was the one who nearly lost my life, capturing him alive for you, your majesty.

The Queen paused for a second before....


... she started laughing heartily. She then held on to her laughter and returned to her usual calm composure.

"Surely his life essence must be strong then?" The Queen asked as she revealed her fangs and swooped directly to Red's neck, preparing to sink her teeth in...


The queen finds herself sinking her teeth into something completely different. Chains. More specifically, chains that were used to hinder the human she was about to bite.

In a split second, Red managed to sneak past the queen and had the chain wrapped around her neck as he kicked the glute of the queen, forcing her to kneel with one knee on the ground while holding her hostage.

Red raised his head and stared at the rest of the vampire menacingly as he tucked the chains that were wrapping the Queen's neck, serving it as a warning to the rest of them. The beast in the mask would be portrayed in a very rough sketch as the once bright red had darkened to maroon, and the paint marks have smeared throughout the mask.

The vampire nobles, however, had bloodshot eyes as there was only one thing that came to mind for them.

The insect in front had broken the noble rule and, on top of that, attacked their sacred queen. Death would not be the end for him.

Vone himself was pissed. He knew for a fact that Red would be causing trouble, yet he wasn't fast enough to act against him. Because of this, there was no way both of them were going to come out of this situation alive.

The nobles started acting, as every one of the nobles started dashing forward towards Red, aiming for his head.

[Now what?]

'I dunno, I didn't think that far.'

With the chains still wrapped around the Queen's neck, Red stood his ground, anticipating the rest of the vampire's attack. But he failed to notice the queen was on the verge of breaking the chains that were choking her.

In a few minutes, a loud crackling echoed through the room as the queen broke free, sending Red flying off in midair.


As he was still in midair, several vampires went in for the kill as they flew straight in for Red with their claws and teeth exposed.


However, they weren't the only ones who were ready. Emerging from seemingly nowhere was a large sword. The type that doesn't seem feasible for a human to wield due to its mere size of it.


In that instance, the 3 Noble that came for Red was sliced in half, followed by having their entire body engulfed with huge crimson flames.


[Enemies are engulfed in flames upon contact.]


The vampires were stunned by the events that just transpired. The 3 vampires that went after Red had ranked higher than Vone had, yet he was able to kill them easily with a single swing of a weapon.

'Did he get stronger again?' Vone wondered as he continued observing the situation from a further distance.

Yet, this wasn't a time for them to be surprised since the royalty had spoken.

"Get him."

Like mindless creatures listening to their leader, the vampires started moving at extreme speed, catching the masked human.

Red immediately circled the room to avoid getting caught when he caught a glimpse of one female vampire from a distance, standing still and murmuring to herself while staring at Red.

"That's dangerous!" Red warned himself as he took Stix out from inventory and threw it in the air.

The moment he threw his spear up, his entire was stuck and immobilised.


Glancing through the ground, he found out the cause of it. His shadow was caught by the female vampires.


A loud voice boomed from the back of Red's head as he remained stuck in position, which was followed by the emergence of a large man appearing in front of him, seemingly from nowhere, accompanied by an explosive uppercut right to his body.


The explosive blow echoed through the ballroom as the attack left Red flying once again, this time directly slamming against the ceiling of the room before crashing down on the ground.

"Damn, is that it? I thought he would offer more of a challenge." The large vampire said while placing his hands on his head, trying to do whatever was left of the person he just hit.

"You used full force against a mere human. Of course, he would be dead at this point." The lady vampire who used the shadow magic against Red said while petting the dust off her dress.

Vone who saw the whole thing kept his mouth shut and thought to himself:

'If that was enough to kill him, I wouldn't be in this situation.'


The debris created by the larger vampire started crumbling down.

The two vampires who were speaking earlier stopped their conversation, and all eyes were on the rubble.

"Anddddd, he's out now.'

Vone said with a heavy sigh while he hid behind one of the tables that were flipped over for cover.

Red emerged from the rubble slowly but eerily. His expression was still hidden from the mask. However, his posture compared to before was much more animalistic, with him crouching down while his back slouching forward.


"How the___"

Before the two vampires could continue saying a word, Red's spear, which he threw up to the ceiling, was stuck on the roof. However, due to all the shaking caused by the explosive punch, the spear was stuck to the roof and dropped right onto the ground in between where those 2 vampires were standing.

[Freeze activated]

Which instantaneously froze the ground along with the 2 vampires, causing them to be Immobile.

"How the?!?!"

"!! The spear from earlier on..."

"He was able to plan his attack that far ahead?" The large vampire said while trying to free himself from the ice.

"DON'T GET DISTRACTED, CHARGE AT HIM!" Another voice shouted across the room as the vampire nobles regained their focus and continued rushing straight for their attacker.

One of the vampires used her claw to stab her hand, having blood flow. However, they didn't drop on the ground like how water droplets should. Instead, the blood started floating about balls as the lady vampire flings her arms towards as the blood flew straight to Red as a projectile.

As the blood gradually got closer to Red, the shape of it changed, turning it into a sort of spike/spear as a dozen of them were aimed at Red, while the rest of the vampires advanced along with the projectile.

Pulling a peculiar-shaped sword out from his inventory, Red immediately applied mana upon the weapon and swung it wildly around his surroundings, slashing and cutting everything from a specific radius while zigzagging straight for the vampire who shot the projectiles.


"Lady Nelly!"

"I know!"

The vampire known as Nelly, who shot the blood projectile, immediately recalled her attacks and stabbed her hand again, creating more blood. With the additional blood produced, she swings her hand to have the blood scattered all around her.

Red continued pursuing, dodging the other vampire's advance as he came in closer.

Nelly began racing her plans in her head, having to use herself as bait to ensnare the beast.

30 metres.

20 metres.

Come a little closer.

15 metres.

10 metres.

5 metres.


With Red just a few feet away from her, with the magic she scattered around her, using her finger, she immediately started connecting the blood droplets that were scattered around her immediately, forming a line within one another, ultimately connecting them

[Blood Wire]

Using blood as the medium, the user creates a sharp line using the blood, connecting it to his/her desire, which creates a razor-sharp wire trap. Anything living thing that comes through the wire will be cut to pieces.

Requirement: Blood and Blood Magic.

However, Red, on the other hand, just doesn't care.

[Mana infused]

[Aura infused]

[Weapon increased in weight and damage]

[Condition met, New Skill Created]

[Naga Rush]

Single or multiple targets depending on how it is used.

Infusing mana and aura in the weapon known as [Naga], allowing the sword to extend and run rampant on everything the user swings, cleaving everything that comes in its way

Combo: Depends

Status Effect: Poison, Bleeding

Requirement: Mana, Aura, and [Naga]

In that instance, the entire blood wire was cut, including Nelly herself, sustaining heavy damage from that attack.

[Target Poisoned]

Was what appeared on the screen as Red stood by where he landed and observed his surroundings.

He then lifts his hand, provoking the remaining vampire, asking them to come for him.

The Queen stood by as she observed the fight in curiosity while Vone ran forward with his sword, pretending to be engaged in battle as well to avoid suspicion.


Back in London, another body was found dead.

The victim once again had to puncture holes in his neck as he lay dead, seemingly having his entire body sucked boned and dried. There was hardly any blood left in the body.

As the body lay dead, 2 figures inspect the corpse and started having a conversation among themselves.

"Another one?"


"Then we have no choice. It's time to get the Roundtable's involvement."
