
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasy
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157 Chs

In the ballroom of death.

A vampire is a formidable creature that excels extremely well in the dark. With their body having the same constitution as what a human has, it would be hard for someone to tell the difference between them.

This makes sense due to most vampires being originally human.

Yet the vampires have different anatomy compared to what humans have. For instance, a vampire's strength is several times stronger than what an actual human is capable of. Or the fact that they have claws and teeth that are tougher than steel and many other different abilities depending on the individual vampires.

There are 3 ways for the vampire to get stronger.

One: Converting.

By converting more humans into a vampire, allowing his/her influence to spread among humans. In return for converting the human into a vampire, a portion of the newly converted vampire's strength would be passed to the converter, strengthening him/her permanently. The vampires who served under the one that converted them will be bonded together as families.

Two: Feeding. By ingesting more blood, the vampire essentially sucks up the life essence within the living being, stacking it on top of their life essence, making them stronger.

Three. Fighting. Plain and simple as it is.

However, they are not invincible species. Even the mighty vampires have fatal weaknesses that will be able to harm or kill them, yet those same weaknesses wouldn't harm a human in any way.

Contrary to popular belief, sunlight doesn't kill a vampire, nor does it smite them to death immediately. However, the sun does weaken them, causing an effect that is similar to debuffing. The vampires could only operate 1/3 of their powers under direct sunlight, which is fatal to them in a fatal battle.

Magic, more specifically: Mana, on the other hand, can affect a vampire severely depending on the spell. There are some insane spells that no amount of healing can bring the person or vampires back to life. That was why Red was able to kill the vampires with ease even though they had powerful healing factors helping.

As for why he wasn't able to finish Vone off easily, it was due to Vone being a powerful vampire himself despite having a lower noble title.

Lastly, divine power has the greatest effect on the vampires. With their species being created with the usage of mana, divine powers are superior due to it being a power given directly from the gods. Holy water can burn and scald the vampire to a high degree. A deployed holy knight would be enough to decimate an entire noble family. This is also the reason why the vampires do not get involved with the awakeners and champions due to their power being linked to a higher being.



With a heavy sigh, Vone slashed the bottom of his palm, allowing the blood to flow. From there, the blood starts forming the shape of a long sword as he grabs the handle of the blade and swung the weapon, materialising it instantly.

From there, he flew straight into the pile of mess where the conflict continued.

The vampire known as Nelly succumbed to her injuries as she wrapped her hand around her neck and dropped to the ground without warning.

"I... *pant*... can't... *pant*... breathe for ...*pant*... some reason..."

Upon saying that, her eyes turned bloodshot red as she continued gasping for air to no avail. Then, an old vampire stepped forward and tended to her while the rest of the vampires continued chasing the person who caused all this mess.


[Red's POV]

Crap, now what. They are everywhere. I can't even catch a break for even a second because of how aggressive they are. The doors out of this room are blocked with a sort of barrier.

Unless I find the person who cast that spell, I'm going to be trapped here.

[On thou six.]


Before I could react to what happened, something sliced through the beggar clothes I was wearing, and then something warm started filling the ribcage area of my clothes.

Still running in circles, I grabbed and took a look. It was a deep slash mark. Looking straight, I see the person who caused the injury.


He started rushing his attacks aggressively, slashing vertically and horizontally in a barrage, making it barely survive by parrying with Naga. But he wasn't the only opponent.

The countless nobles in the room started following Vone's footsteps as they slashed their hands, letting their unique blood magic invoked.

Most of them formed their blood to the shape of a spike as the sharp end is then pointed towards me.

'Oh shit.'

[Find something to block now!!]

But it was too sudden. The attacks were already made while Vone distracted me, leaving me with no time to react while in midair. The only thing I could do was to change Fang into the greatsword form and hide behind the blade while I fell from a great height.


Soon, the barrage of blood spike flew towards me as it sliced and pierced through some of my body even though the greatsword was there to block some of the attacks. Yet I crashed onto the ground when the cutting and piercing finally stopped. I grabbed Fang by the hilt and lifted myself off the ground.

Only to find the second wave of blood spikes ready to finish me off.

At least this time, I'm on concrete ground.

"[Mana Shield]"

Soon, my mana depleted, forming a solid hemisphere barrier around me as the blood spike flew straight towards the barrier, causing the vampire's spell to bounce off.


"How the___"

Without giving them a chance to react, I flew straight towards 2 unsuspecting vampires, who were still trying to find me under all the smoke

created by the spell exchange. One of them was doing something rather strange her palm was sticking out as she continued murmuring something under her breath.

[*She's the one who put up the barrier.*] Blue announced from seemingly nowhere as I took a closer look at her lips. She was chanting, that's for sure.

Leaping out straight from the smoke without warning, I drew out Fang in its long sword form and swung it horizontally, only for someone to block it off.


He parried my blow with his sword as he redirected my entire blow off of him and kept a distance between us.

The 2 of us stared at each other before the exchange between 2 swords broke out as we were throwing attacks at each other at a rapid speed.



With every exchange we traded, the speed of our sword increases exponentially. The attack pattern would continue as he slashed horizontally, only for me to block it diagonally and return with a vertical slash, which he would parry and swoop in with a diagonal upward slash.

The exchange heated up, making it hard for even Vone's ally to interfere as one of the vampires who tried gaining an advantage, aiming for me, was met with multiple stab wounds from Vone and slash marks from me.


Seems like Vone's strength is weakening since I was overtaking him in terms of power and speed after a while, forcing him to take a defensive position guarding my attack, giving me a chance to change target. With one last clash against Vone's sword, I kicked off the ground and aimed straight at the barrier caster.

Only for me to be restricted once again.

Turning my head, I saw the two vampires that were supposed to be frozen in ice were free from their confinement. The lady who used shadow magic once again restricted my movement again.

That's rather unfair. Vampires do not have shadows. This meant that the noble was able to use her spell because of my existence as a human.

With no other choice, I shouted to Blue.

'Blue, spell list now!'

The list of magic spells showed on the window screen as the behemoth vampire started charging straight for me with full force with his arm protruding out.

[That's dangerous.]

'I know.'

With Ryong's constant sarcasm, I was finally able to find the spell to let me escape from this situation.

Mimicry: [Frozen Mist]

Sensory Spell

Freeze the surrounding air with wind magic and water magic, forming a small blizzard, causing mist to appear, covering the intended area.

Magic Requirement: 1st Magic Circle

Mana Consumption: Low

The whole ballroom was filled with mist, covering the lights so that nothing could be seen.

Although I couldn't see what was ahead of me, I had another skill.

[Mana Sense]

Since there could only be one person who has been constantly using her mana to use the barrier, it was fairly easy to find her.

Crouching down in a much lower stance, I grabbed Fang in its greatsword form and took a step to the left, dragging my sword upwards, slashing at the vampire who was rushing towards me with brute strength and with the use of the blade, followed up with a chop towards his body, sending him flying off once again.

With that done, I rushed towards where Stix was placed previously from my memory, grabbing it and thrusting it straight at where the barrier caster was.


It seems to have worked since the sound of a mirror breaking to pieces could be heard as I dashed straight towards the door and kicked it wide open.

[Finally free.]


It was time to gather the information I needed in this castle.