
The Mafia Boys' Contract Marriage [BL]

"Even if it's with a man, just get married and stop playing around already! The clans need an heir, and we don't care how we get it!" Theater musical actor Wolfe Fang and Interpol agent Leon Mo share 2 huge secrets: One is that they are secretly the heirs to two of the most prominent Mafia clans in China. And the other is that even when they act like they hate each other.... They were actually childhood friends!? But now they grew as playboys fooling around and never taking any serious relationship. They sometimes flirt with the same girl and this caused.... much rivalry between the two of them. Their parents are getting old and got involved in an accident. If they weren't going to continue the crime business..... The least they could do was a cute baby for them to pamper and turn into a crime boss! And they don't care if it's with a woman anymore. Surrogacy exists, and they're perfectly happy so long as they marry someone they love and have a child they cherish. Mrs. Fang: You never take women seriously! Can it be that... You still haven't got over Xiao Mo? Mrs. Mo: All you do is sleep around! Is it because you're trying to forget the beloved memory of Xiao Fang? Wolfe: Who? Leon: Who? Mr. Fang: Wolfe Fang, didn't you promise to marry each other? As long as you get married, even if it's with a man, this old emperor of the Fang empire can rest in peace! Mr. Mo: Leon Mo, didn't you say you will love and cherish each other till death? As long as you fall in love and settle down, even if it's with a man, this old emperor of the Mo crime empire can rest in peace! Wolfe/ Leon: ....That was so long ago! It was childhood joke, a joke! We completely hate each other now! ---------------------- 1v1 Seme/Gong/Top MC Smart, sassy top MC with a strong sense of justice x a dramatic and flamboyant but badass bottom ML Genre: Smut, Comedy, Crime Mystery Updates 1 chapter everyday Would release bonus chapter : For every 100 powerstones in a single week For every 5-star review 10 chapters for Magic Castle or Higher Please support me this WPC by giving me powerstones, reviews and comments!

Aries_Monx · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
185 Chs

Clubbing and Espionage

Although China was much more reserved at the surface, and the bars were quieter, that does not mean that there were no places to have some wild, wild fun. You just need to find them.

And the best ones were always those underground.

The entrance to Heifu Yang Club was under some shady multipurpose building. This was were several C to B-class rich people come to party and look for someone to spend the night with, not to mention get into some... other business.

Handing out drugs and 'yellow*' stuff were quite common.

Hostess calling cards were also common. In fact, Heifu Yang was well known for its beautiful of and young-looking hostesses, according to the intel Leon and Wolfe gathered from The Cave.

"If there's someone who knows the ins and outs in this club, and all the happenings besides the bosses, it's the hostesses." Leon said.

He wearing a dashing blue polo shirt with two buttons undone, his slick hair gelled back.

"That's true. Plus they all seem to very knowledgeable in all types of matters." Wolfe grinned as he eyes some girls wearing very short skirts. "Like how to have some very good fun."

He was also wearing his girl-hunting getup, although much flashier and stylish than Leon's more simple and casual look. He wore a red leather designer jacket, quite a lot of rings and a diamond in-laid watch.

Leon elbowed him. "Remember, little wolf. We're here on business. Don't have fun for too long. Meet me back here at the dance floor within 15 minutes."

Wolfe elbowed him back. "I know that. Jeez, so demanding. I'll meet you in 45 minutes to gain as much info as I could."

"20." Leon frowned, trying to intimidate him with his eyes again.

"30." Wolfe did not back down, returning his scowl.

The tension was so high in the air that some girls could not help but look at them, wondering if these two hot newcomers would get into a fight.

"Deal." Leon said, laughing fakely and smacking the back of his head. "And that's 30 sharp. You make me wait and I'll drag your ass back here myself."

Wolfe just rolled his eyes "Brute."

They parted ways, forgetting about each other for a while since it was now their time to play. The music continued to beat at a lively rhythm along with the flashing neon lights.

They walked up the stairs towards the chairs and tables were people flirted and got drunk with each other. Leon taking the left side, and right side.

Both approached a group of ladies who were obviously hookers waiting for someone to gain interest. They said the same line of:

"Excuse me, ladies. Is this seat taken?"


"Hahaha! Oh, you're so funny, little lion~"

Time has passed and Leon had already managed to get these ladies super drunk, surrounding him as they chatted with small talk and some dirty talk mixed in. His arms were wide spread as well as his legs in a very sexy yet casual and aloof way, and the all cling on to him like sticky rice.

"I try to be. I bet you girls just say that all the time and have met funnier guys than me." He let one lady placed her hand over his chest.

"Mm..... That is true." Another one sitting on one of his legs said. "There was a funny foreign guy who talked funny and also called us some strange names in his language."

Leon's investigative radar was alerted with this. "What kind of names? I happen to be fluent in more than 60 languages. "

The other girl massaging his shoulder giggled. "Are you an ambassador, Shizi? Or maybe a translator? I wouldn't have thought you were the smart type."

He chuckled. "That's no fair. What did you think I was like?"

"An athlete." She said.

Another one added: "You're more like a rising actor or a model. Like that foreigner guy. You fit the bill too with how silver-tongued you are."

"My tongue's definitely not silver, you wanna check?" He said mischievously at the girl, sticking out his tongue.

"Ah, it's hard to check, I think I would have to look closer~" She said and...

Eventually kissed Leon, who just returned the kiss like it was nothing.

When he let go, he asked. "This foreign guy..... Do you remember his name?"

"Mmm..... I don't, but I remember him proudly saying what it means." She said. "Seems you're not the only animal in the jungle, my little lion~ He said his name means 'noble black swan' or something similar to that."

Leon smirked. His intuition didn't fail him again.

"Adrik Lebed."

He then asked again since the girls were too drunk on both the alcohol and him at the moment to deflect any questions or not answer truthfully.

"Well, what else did he say? What names did he call you?"

"Something like..... krasivyye glaza."

"Beautiful eyes." Leon translated. That's a pretty common petname.

"Hehe, and silnaya mat, I think."

Leon blinked. "Come again? Silnaya mat? Are you sure?"

"Yes, why?" The girls asked him.

"Well..... That means 'strong mother'. Which is really strange." Leon rubbed his chin.

It was not just strange. The fact that this man has a wife who had just become a mother, and he suddenly calls random hookers in a club a 'strong mother'.....

It was very disturbing.

"I don't think it's strange. He talked about wanting to have the perfect wife who would bear him the perfect child many times." One of the girls said, her words slurred. "He said it's not enough to pick just about anyone, the stars should align..."

"The stars?" Leon asked.

"He also had this fat astrologer friend with him, you see." Another poured him some more whiskey.

Leon just took it but did not sip. "An astrologer, you say?"

"Mn. Wearing some fancy dragon embroidered clothes. I pity that Black Swan. That crook is definitely robbing him off money by telling him all these nonsense."

Leon thought about this for a long while until his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked the message, and sighed.

"Well, I would have to go now, girls. I have some business to take care of." He said.

"Aww~ Can't you stay, little lion? I haven't tasted enough of your silver tongue yet~" They said, clinging on to him.

"I want a taste too!"

"Me too!"

Leon just smiled. "Maybe some other time. For now, my business is pretty urgent so I have to go immediately."

"Your boss must be really scary, then." One of them chuckled. "Well, go on now~ We won't like for you to have trouble with your boss."

Leon snorted and quietly said in a mocking tone. "Yeah, right. My boss...."

He went down to the dance floor to see an annoyed Wolfe Fang waiting by the wall with his arms crossed.

"I was here at precisely 30, but you aren't. Talk about not being a man of your own word, Leon Mo." Wolfe noticed how messy his clothes were and brushed them off. "Well, did you have fun?"

"I did." He grinned. "Have you?"

"Of course. If it weren't for you, I would have booked a hotel with three girls tonight." He said. "But I'm very diligent, and only played around to get what I need."

"How about you? Did you even gain any info, or did you just spent 30 minutes making out with someone?" He wiped the lipstick on the side of Leon's lips.

"Can't I do both?" Leon chuckled. "Just because you didn't manage to get a score doesn't mean that I can't. I had the chance so I took it."

He ran his hands over Wolfe's jacket pockets at first, then his collar, then his white shirt, and all the way to his pants---

"Hey, what the--- I'm not someone you should get a score with, you pervert!" Wolfe smacked his shoulder.

"I'm checking for bugs. Can't have anyone listening to us." He finally patted his back pockets last "All clear."

"Jesus Christ on a stick, of course I'd know if I was bugged or not. No need to stop-and-frisk me." Wolfe rolled his eyes again.

"Just making sure." Leon shrugged.

Wolfe placed his hands on Leon's shoulder. "Let me frisk you too then. You smell like alcohol, who knows if one of those girls placed something on you while you're being all touchy with them."

Leon grabbed his wrist and shook his head. "No need. I'm a trained policeman, I'd also know if I was bugged."

"Anyway, even if there's no hidden bugs on us, we can't talk like this. It'll raise suspicion. You never know if one of these clubgoers are just dancing and having the time of their lives or secretly looking out for any nosy people like us."

Wolfe raised an eyebrow. "Where do we talk, then?"

Leon turned to the dance floor, taking notice of the loud music and the many bodies of people serving as a good cover.

"Let's dance." Leon said.

"Wha----" Wolfe had no time to say no as he was pulled into the sea of bodies with Leon Mo holding onto his waist.

"Just dance close to me. Act like we're flirting instead of relaying info that we gathered." Leon whispered on his ear as the song turned more and more into something suggestive and intimate.

Wolfe hissed back. "Are you serious??? I know it's much more open now, but two men acting intimate in the dance floor is still going to raise some eyebrows."

"At least it's just people finding it weird rather than spying on us." Leon said. "Anyway, I hear that Adrik Lebed also went here with some astrologer."

Wolfe felt Leon's warm breath on his neck and shivered a little, but he tried to ignore it and asked. "Ku Qi's husband? Ah, all actors are just horny sleazeballs."

"Speak for yourself. " Leon chuckled, though secretly Wolfe's hushed voice sounded so soft and had an ASMR quality to it that it was getting to him a little.

He cleared his throat and continued. "They said he's looking for a strong mother for his children and that the astrologer seems to have something to do with it."

"Huh. That is weird. Well, mine is much more straightforward and more incriminating than that." Wolfe said.

"Wu Bei was not always a waitress here. Her former job in this club is.... a child star."

Leon's eyes widened. "So the rumors are true?"

"Yes. Ever since the age of 10, Wu Bei had been pimped out. The girls also believed it was a client that got her pregnant. Someone wearing a dragon embroi----"

"Embroidered shirt." Leon frowned, continuing for him.

"Yeah, how did you----"

He turned around when he noticed that Leon was staring at someone from the distance, far from the dance floor and standing at the side wall possibly buying drugs.

It was a man wearing dragon-embroidered shirt.

"You stay here." Leon said. "No, on a second thought, go home. Don't chase after me this time, maybe even get into those girls' pants for all I care but never EVER follow after me."

"I can't do that, you dumbass. Plus my back still hurts from last night, it would be embarrassing if they saw it."

"Saw what?"

"What you did to my..... my hole." Wolfe reddened upon mentioning it. "It might even be bigger than theirs, for god's sake."

"I didn't do anything to your hole. You did that to yourself." Leon scoffed. "Anyway, just stay behind me if you insist of being a nuisance. Take your taser out the moment something happens."

He walked to follow the dragon-vested man as he was about to leave on one of the back doors, but Wolfe grabbed his sleeve.

"What do you mean you didn't do anything? You clearly inserted your fucking dick in it and now it's as fucking large as a blackhole!"

Leon made a face. "You really don't remember, didn't you? I didn't insert you at all. It was you who put that... thing inside."

"What thing?"

"I have no time for this, he's getting away!" Leon said as he rushed off to chase after the dragon-vested man before he closes the door.

Wolfe was so confused as he followed Leon outside, but then it all came back to him when he passed by a woman eating sweet rice balls on a stick by the side of the streets.

It reminded him of a certain shape. A beady shape.