
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · Fantasi
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27 Chs


Malaya heard Elani's growled even though it was a quiet one. She glanced over to her and saw her face looking a bit worried or better yet anxious. She landed on the treehouse which made Elani want to open her eyes. When she saw how high they are now, her heartbeat ran like wildfire and she hid her face behind Malaya's back.

Malaya chuckled and went inside. With the little energy that she has, she managed to take a glance at Malaya's house. Of course, it is made out of wood and is sitting in two boughs. Her house is rounded and a tall roof made from nipa created space above the living area to which warm air could rise whilst her house is built above the grounds.

Elani was put down in a soft bed by a room. Elani had thought that Malaya's house is cozy and that she wanted to live like her--in peace in her own space.

"Let me make you something to drink." Malaya left her for a moment giving Elani more time to appreciate the unostentatious room.

Malaya's single bed was near the wooden window. The room doesn't have doors but there's a huge window frame at the end of the bed. Her room was small--just fit for a single person or just perfect for Malaya. To the left side of her bed are a bedside table and a lamp above it. She noticed that Malaya's wardrobe is in clutter.

"Can you sit? I don't have a lot to offer, but I have this fruit juice." Malaya entered the room. She was holding a tray and a glass of orange juice. Elani smiled at her and tried to sit. She leaned on the bed frame and reached out for the juice.

"Thank you," She managed to say. Malaya sat down at the end of the frame--looking worried. "I'm okay, Malaya. You need not worry."

"And for the record, I'm not worried." She stood up while looking at Elani and crossed her arms. "If you can speak well now maybe tomorrow is the best time to continue your training?"

"About that... I know this might waste your precious time but can you please tell me why I should do this? I was drag into this training without anyone telling me the importance of it." Elani looked at her juice and took her sip. The fresh orange juice was quite refreshing although she was becoming hungrier each minute. When's going to be dinner? She had thought.

Before Malaya could speak, she looked at her for maybe around two minutes, and then she spoke nonchalantly, "I know you're ignorant but I hope someday, you won't lose someone you love just because you're untrained." Elani, who still couldn't understand what she was talking about, just looked at her baffled.

"The world does not and will not look at you like how Olivia sees you. Let me put it simpler for you though, every child in this country is obliged to study at the Academy. No matter how old or young you are, the king proclaimed that every nimphians are to be trained to fight." Elani just looked at her waiting for her to continue as if Malaya is telling her good night stories. She rolled her eyes to that thought and sighed but continued.

"Napolia has been like that for as long as I could remember. When I was your age I..." She paused for a moment as she remembered what had happened to her and her mother. Now she doesn't know where to continue as raged have tried to consume her judgment once again. I killed a duke because of what he did to me and Mathilda. She wanted to say but it was a secret she buried and will be buried when she dies. "I was taken under the wings of Aleria who had helped me deeply in achieving my goals after I graduate." She managed to put quite a story and smiled at her.

"Wasn't everyone's goal is to be a Divine Knight?"

"I believe every one of us has a reason to be at the Academy and Divine Knight is not for me."

"Maybe it's not for me either." Malaya chuckled.

"I don't know, Elani. Why not enjoy it while it is here. It's not like you have any other choice but to follow your father's commands." Elani sighed in defeat. Malaya stood up and was ready to leave Elani, "You should rest as tomorrow would be a good day for training."

After that conversation with Malaya, Elani thought that they're becoming a bit closer together and was feeling more comfortable with her. Before she goes to bed, they had dinner and talked about her training. Malaya briefly explained to her student the importance of the training but for her, she believes that Elani must have a reason to keep the drive going. That is if she wants to keep going.

Days had passed since the accident that happened to Elani. Malaya had yet to discover what was behind it. In those days, Elani finally got to get a hang of the training. She's also used to Malaya's bad mouth and is currently enjoying her company. She had meditation training and more physical training this time.

Elani's favorite days must've been the days she almost perfected meditation. She was told to control her thoughts and her mind. It wasn't easy but she tried to do this every day for 8 hours until Malaya was contented with the results. After her meditation training, Malaya had then asked her to run over the field with Levi.

At first, Elani was having fun, having the speed, endurance, and energy of a young child surely gave her the advantage but after a while when she wanted to rest, Malaya shooked her head and says she'll run more miles if she does pause even for a minute.

After her training, she sat down under a huge tree, panting. I can't feel my feet! She thought while she looked up was gasping for air. Malaya went over to her and handed her a jug of water.