
The Lost Idol.

Bao Li Xiao , a beautiful and talented heiress suddenly decides to join the showbiz world instead of taking over her dad's seat in both the business and Mafia world. Will she be able to complete her mission and also continue with her normal life. Find out..

Elizalove · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

"This will be your worst nightmare!!!!!"

"Let's start with Jiang Bojing and Jiang Deming" Simon said.

Bojing and Deming did a catwalk and they all went crazy. Next was Daiyu, she told them that she was the one that made the clothes that they were wearing and she also did a catwalk. Bao Li Xiao acted a scene and sang a song. Her voice was melodious and heavenly.

"Now , after those amazing performances I'm sure they will want to make an announcement" Simon said.

"I and my sister with our friends have decided to merge our entertainment companies mine "Diamond entertainment company" and theirs "The Phoenix entertainment company" will now become "The Diamond Phoenix entertainment company"" Yichen announced smiling.

The audience cheered.

"Now this is the end of this debut, I hope you all had a good time with us here" Simon said.

"We're gonna be taking our leave now. Bye and take care" Simon said and bowed to show the end of the event.

Everyone started leaving until they were all gone except for the people backstage.

"That was awesome"Yichen said.

"I know right" Li Xiao said.

"I loved it" Daiyu said.

"Tch, you two were obviously nervous" Deming said pointing at Li Xiao and Daiyu.

"No I wasn't, but I'm not sure about Daiyu" Li Xiao said smirking.

"I was not!!" Daiyu said.

"Ok ok enough, we all enjoyed it, some people were nervous some were not . Agreed" Bojing said.

"humph" Li Xiao and Daiyu humphed.

"Let's all go home since they are all gone" Yichen said.

"Ok" Daiyu said.

"You guys should go, I have some things to do before going home and at least this is 5pm so there's still some time" Li Xiao said.

"Ok but be careful" Bojing said.

"Yeah, he's right!"Daiyu said.

"I'll be fine, you guys don't need to worry unnecessarily" Li Xiao said rolling her eyes.

"Byeeeee!!!!" Li Xiao said.

"Ok bye" Deming and Yichen said.

They all went home and left Li Xiao at the Gala Hall.

Li Xiao went to a building near the Gala Hall, she went to the top floor with the personal elevator. All the staffs were surprised because no one had ever gone the top floor, they heard that it was only for the CEO.

"Could she be the CEO, I can't see her face well, she's wearing a facemask and sunglasses" A staff said to her colleague.

"Yeah she could be, she looks rich and elegant and also looks like someone that is going to be very beautiful" Her colleague said back then they went back to their work since they saw that she had entered the elevator.

Li Xiao got out from the elevator and walked to an office that she opened with a security card and some security pins.

"Wow, I missed this place. So sad that I won't have enough time for this company again" Li Xiao mumbled to herself.

She worked for two hours then left. She went to the secret underground parking lot that she parked her car in and removed her facemask and sunglasses.

The parking lot was very dark, she was self conscious and walked to her car fast when she sensed that something was wrong.

She opened her car quick and entered it then locked it, she wanted to start the engine but her hands were numb, after a few seconds she figured out that it was a trap.

Gas was released into the car and it was knocking her off very fast, she tried to open the door but it was not budging, after a few tries she fell unconscious.

A guy in black came towards her car when he realized that she was already unconscious. He carried her out of the car into another car and drove off heading east.

The secluded part of the country, where most criminals stay, but mainly the habitation of the Mafia.

He drove into a parking lot in a building, the building was uncompleted and bushes surrounded it. He carried her body into the building and tied her in a way that she was literally hanging.

After a while, a lot of men armed with guns and other weapons came into where she was, followed by an intimidating man.

He looked at the direction of the girl that was hanging in the middle of the room and recognition hit him.

"Why is she the one that you brought, didn't you find any other girl to bring!" He yelled.

"Boss, she was the only one that caught my eye in the 5 minutes that you gave me and she looked like she would be good" The guy in black said.

"Go find me another girl, I don't want her. I give you 10 minutes this time" The boss said and the guy in black ran out yo complete his assignment.

The boss(At least in 15 minutes, she'll be awake) he thought looking towards her .

The guy in black came back in exactly 10 minutes.

"Boss I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I didn't find any other girl" He said looking down.

"How can you not find any other girl in the whole of City B in 10 minutes. /Li Xiao made some movements/ but now it's too late she's already awake. You'll be given adequate punishment after I settle this" The boss said and waited calmly for her to open her damn eyes.

Li Xiao woke up after a few minutes and the man was sitting right in front of her. She woke up with a splitting headache.

Her vision was very blurry but got cleared after a while.

The first thing or may I say person that she saw surprised her very much . She narrowed her eyes at him and later widened them.

"Y....yo....you. Why am I here, what do you want with me, how dare you" Li Xiao said.

The man smirked and crossed his legs.

"Ling Chuanli!!!!! . Answer me." Li Xiao demanded.

"Why should I?" Ling Chuanli said still smirking.

"Ok. wait a minute" Li Xiao said.

Bao Li Xiao put her finger into her wrist since she wore a crop top that had long hands and is also off shoulder.

Ling Chuanli watched interestingly, Li Xiao pulled out a razor blade from her wrist.

Ling Chuanli (where did that come from!?)

He looked towards his men asking them with his eyes (I thought you searched her for weapons) they replied back with their eyes (We did boss, we are sorry boss!). (You guys will be punished later).

Then he looked towards Li Xiao again and saw that the piece of rope that was trying her was already cut thin and about to be cut finish. He looked at the ground ( She'll fall , obviously). Then he smirked and looked back at her.

She cut the rope and landed smoothly on the ground. Ling Chuanli (Didn't see that coming) . There was blood on her hands but she hid them and walked towards him.

She put her hand at the back of her Jean bum short and pulled out daggers.

Ling Chuanli and his men were shocked but Ling Chuanli hid it well.

(I shouldn't have asked the least grade of my men to do this job) he thought mentally shaking his head. (Well, I expected this).

Li Xiao went towards him and bent down in front of him, pointing the daggers at him.

"Will you tell me now Ling Chuanli!?" Li Xiao said.

Ling Chuanli chuckled that it sent shivers down his men's spine all except Li Xiao.

Five of his men approached her and she swiftly killed them without moving a muscle.

Chuanli (Nice!).

His elite group came in soon after, that was when he stood up and walked towards her. He towered over her a little bit and pulled the daggers out of her hands and dragged her towards a table with two chairs in front.

"Hey leave me alone, how dare you. What do you want with me!??!!" Li Xiao yelled adamantly.

"Stop talking!" Chuanli said..

"This will be your worst nightmare!!!!!!!" Li Xiao yelled.

"Are you sure about that?!!!" Chuanli said.

"Enough!!" Chuanli yelled at her as he stood with her in front of the table.

"You have to marry me right now!!" Ling Chuanli said looking into her eyes.