

I arrived at the Quidditch field a little late and almost all of the seats are already occupied, so I went to our house's stand while waiting for the Quidditch teams to come out. The atmosphere was extremely lively too. There were banners hanging in front of the stands, members of the houses screaming their respective houses' names, even the teachers were excited too. After all, Quidditch is the only physical game that exists here. There's no magical football or basketball or anything other than Quidditch. They can even invent a hippogriff racing tournament or something of the likes. This just shows how...underdeveloped the wizarding world is.

I didn't hate Quidditch, but I didn't like the game too. It just doesn't make sense that the game only ends if one of the seekers successfully catches the snitch, I don't know. Well, whatever. I am clearly not playing the game anyway. I am just here for Cho.

'I wonder when will they come out?'

As soon as I thought of that, trumpets were blown and the huge wooden gates opened on the far ends of the Quidditch field. Every member of the two teams came out, revealing all of their players. Most notably was Harry as the new seeker. Well, some things were still canon of course. The only thing that changed was Slytherin was supposed to be Gryffindor's first opponent of the season, not Ravenclaw. After all of the players went out to the field, Lee Jordan started his role as the game's commentator.

"Hello! Welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season. Today's game, Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor!" The whole crow roared at that. Each house cheered on their teams. The two teams spent a moment and roamed the whole stadium. Circling across stands and basking in the attention of the audience. They must like the feeling of being cheered on.

I saw the Ravenclaw team do the same too, with Cho scanning the whole crowd looking for someone. The moment she saw me, I waved at her and she smiled back.

'Hey, I fulfilled my promise. I'm a good friend, aren't I?'

After one lap of roaming around the fields, they gathered around Professor Hooch, with a wooden chest and a broom on the ground beside her. I remember clearly what she's saying to the two teams. Although I wondered why she didn't interfere in the canon the moment the crowd realized Harry's broom was jinxed.

After a few seconds, she lightly kicked the chest, and it opened up. Releasing the two bludgers and the snitch. Although the crowd can't see the snitch at all given the distance.

" The bludgers are up, followed by the golden snitch. Remember the snitch is worth 150 points, " Lee reminded everyone, even the players.

A few moments later, Professor Hooch released the quaffle in the air, starting the match. The Gryffindor chasers went to catch the quaffle, with the other team chasing them to block their way from the hoops. Harry was up there, observing everything. What he did wrong was that the seeker should constantly move and possibly assist his teammates if needed. But he's still a beginner, so I understand that.

Continuing to the game, it seems that the Ravenclaw chasers were having a hard time chasing the other team's chasers. With the beaters constantly distracting them, they can barely follow the quaffle. The Gryffindor led them around the stands as they continue the chase. Until the chaser with the quaffle decides to pass it to her teammate and deliver it to the hoops.

It's quite an irony that the chasers and beaters from the house of the intelligent were being outsmarted by the Gryffindors, so I just turned my attention to Cho, who was busy flying around the field and trying to search for the snitch, and Harry who was still up there observing everyone. He must be a beginner, but he is a natural if he decides to fly. Cho must have realized something too, as she began to fly towards the battle for the quaffle and help her teammates. Her flying skills were starting to prove herself as a worthy opponent as she keeps assisting her teammates in the most crucial moments, effectively decreasing their burden too. The lions must have acknowledged her skills too as some of them turned their attention and blocked her from supporting her team.

'She really is a talented seeker. She just lacks knowledge.'

Even the crowd was now watching her as she performed tricks that I taught her. Barrel rolls, corkscrew, and the other maneuvers that helped her escape her pursuers.

'She basically hard carried her entire team. How disappointing. Well, this game is for seekers, so she very well deserved the spotlight.' I concluded. This is why I don't like the game. It mainly focuses on the seekers, and you're very lucky if your role managed to give you fame.

Eventually, Cho discovered the snitch at the same time Harry found it too. He quickly dived and drove to the snitch. Both their full attention is already on the snitch, and the ravens were now being demolished by the lions with the loss of their support.

The seekers both chased the snitch, and you can differentiate talent from hard work from how they fly. One was flying like they've been sitting on the broom for a long time, while the other looked like she rode the broom that it took her effort to do every maneuver she knows.

Eventually, the boy's broom suddenly halted and swung wildly. It's like watching a rodeo show while the rider is trying his best to stay on the bull, or in this case, a broom. Cho was still at a disadvantage even if she already overtook Harry. Her broom was simply slow and hard to turn. It was one of the old models after all.

After a few more minutes, Harry's broom returned to normal and continued the pursuit. I already saw the turban-wearing teacher casting a jinx on Harry and the small fire incident that Interrupted his chant.

Eventually though, as to how canon ended, Harry managed to catch the snitch by swallowing it. Cho and the jinx made him work for his victory, and standing on the broom was a gamble he made that won him the game.

"Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch!" Lee commented, looking the happiest. Then a whistleblow from Madame Hooch ended the match, announcing Gryffindor as the victor. The Ravenclaw crowd may be disappointed, but I am looking happy. Cho became better at flying, and she's a more competent seeker than she used to be.

She looked at me while looking sad, but I nodded at her and smiled. Congratulating her. Her captain might have noticed her plays earlier. Surely, she will earn her place in the Quidditch team.

'I'll still tease her though' I grinned a little bit wider.

I'll see her tonight. I still have a business in the Room to attend to. I quickly left the field and headed towards the castle.

Once I was inside the room, I had it made target practices and broken furniture to use my spell on. I tried exercising my Telekinesis, starting from 15 kilograms. By the end of the training, my limit is 20 kilograms in one powerful lift. But I can constantly lift an 18-kilogram object. I was always trying to push my limits, although not too much as to not overextend myself.

The next thing is my own reparo magic. The only difference is that I use the element of time. Basically, I am reversing the damages of an inanimate object to its original state. Although it's not as powerful as the Reparo charm in its current form. My charm needs the objects' original parts for the spell to work properly. Although this will be much more powerful than the reparo charms as my spell can repair wards. I know it's effective since I already tried on the more basic ones.

In its final form, it can completely repair even the most complex objects, like powerful wards, and return it to its original state. It's only possible because time is a very powerful element, and it can bypass any kind of magic.

On the other hand, I've already asked grandfather if he possessed vaults in Gringotts's. He actually grumbled, saying that I ruined his surprise. Apparently, that's where I will get my funds for the future. The bank also has the list of properties that the grandfather possessed. Before he was defeated by Dumbledore, he paid quite a lot of money to protect his properties and secret investments. He knew that if he ever lost, the international government will try and steal his properties, investments, and his connections. All of them were recorded inside the vault, and he still possesses the same power even if he's already imprisoned. He actually invested in large muggle corporations, earning him a lot of money. He's not as prideful as ordinary pureblood that they will refrain from relating themselves to muggles. He said that is how muggles serve him. By secretly being the biggest shareholder, he held a certain power in making decisions in those companies. Well, I have a few businesses in mind that I know will succeed in the future. Something like Google and the Apple company. I've never thought how very close my grandfather was in achieving his goals. His methods are very efficient and strong. By controlling huge companies, he already seized the muggle world through capitalism.

Also, his vaults contained a lot of his collection of books and artifacts. He told me those things are very powerful, and I am only allowed to take them outside once I reach the proper age. but he informed me that I can very much use his other collection in the Grindelwald Manor. It's not surprising since he was once a world power and wealthy enough to fund his group in achieving their goals.

He only warned me that I should never request to open the vaults in public. Grandfather knew the government didn't even reach his possessions and now that his grandson emerged, they will wait for the chance when I open the vault and order a search warrant. I still don't have enough political power since I'm still eleven, and my opponent at that time will be the international authorities. He advised me that I should go to the bank in disguise and secretly make an appointment with the family's account manager.

That night, the house was gloomier than usual because of the Quidditch match. Well, It's not like we're weak. The Gryffindor team was just strong. Now that their new seeker is even equipped with a better broom, Cho's chance of catching the snitch was low. Though she became a star in the dorm because of her performance. That earned her fame inside the house. The team will surely focus more on her from now on.

I was reading near the mini-library when Cho and her team came in. Even though they lost, the rest of the house still congratulated them. Some of them even cheered on Cho because they saw how she rode the broom during the match. Her friends circled and asked her a bunch of questions, and she was too polite to not answer them. She approached me as soon as she saw me and she smiled.

"How are my lessons? Effective isn't it?" I talked while sitting on a sofa. I don't know why but the sofa feels cozier than usual.

"Yeah, the lessons are really great. Thank you, Fred. Although you can still teach me more?" She requested. Well, I'm not a flyer myself. I just found it fun and exciting. The maneuvers I know were just from the fighter jets I used to see in movies.

"I can't really help you more after that. Those are the only things I know. You can just keep practicing and discover other tricks you know? That's how I learned them myself." I gave advice. Not that I plan on flying on a broom. I'm on my way to achieve unsupported flight.

"Well, good night Fred. Thank you for watching me," she said before going upstairs.

"I'll still tease you. You lost to a first year after all." She glared at me for that while I chuckled.

All is good for a few more days until I reached another bottleneck. This time though, even with the necklace, my progress stopped.

It went like that for the next few weeks, and I was starting to get frustrated. Even with my occlumency, it didn't do anything much. The only positive event is that Ravenclaw won against Hufflepuff, and Cho's team placed third in the rankings.

Even grandfather can't help me because he has not studied considerably on anything about flight or levitation.

Soon, winter break arrived and it's time to finally put my plans into motion. It's quite unfortunate that I have to stop working on my spells. But it's only temporary, so all is well.