
The red castle (taiful)

In a wondrous world full of monsters and another breeds of Creatures....there was a great ,Huge , beautiful castle and scary in the same time , It was sculpted in a huge mountain ..... And stretched out the top of the mountain , It was consisted of 5 floors , On each floor there are guards guarding the castle , The guards are chosen by the lord of the castle or the (taiful) name of the castle , And the lord of (taiful) is (pretos) , The lord of underworld and (taiful) , The (taiful) was existen from first rule for the underworld , And (pretos) he the first ruler of this world , He build the (taiful) and many of buildings with his friends they're creatures from (cyclopes) and (titan) , The (cyclopes) are specialized in the manufacture of tools, Weapons and items , The (titan) have excellent construction capabilities , Because of that make the (taiful) more greatest castle in the world .