
Chapter 16

The noise outside was now a full-blown commotion. The hunters were frantically trying to figure out what was happening, their voices frantic and confused. There were sounds of struggle, cries of surprise and pain, and then, unexpectedly, a soft knock on the cupboard door.

Isaac jerked at the sudden sound, his heart leaping into his throat. The knock was soft but distinct, a single tap of knuckles against wood. Someone, or something, was outside the cupboard, trying to get their attention.

The girl next to him suddenly straightened, her body tensing. She put a finger to her lips, her eyes silently telling Isaac to stay quiet. The sound of movement outside had died down, but the knocking against the door continued, soft yet insistent.

Isaac could hardly breathe, the fear and uncertainty making his heart pound like a drum. The knocking against the door continued, almost rhythmic, as if it was trying to convey a message. The girl shifted beside him, her hand clenching onto his arm again.

The knocking suddenly stopped, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Isaac could feel the girl's grip on his arm becoming tighter, her body tense with anticipation. They waited in the darkness, every sound from outside magnified a hundredfold. Suddenly, a voice spoke, deep and raspy.

"I know you're in there," the voice said, its deep tone sending chills down Isaac's spine. The girl next to him drew a sharp breath, the grip on Isaac's arm becoming even tighter.

The voice outside was as commanding as it was ominous. "You can come out. I'm not going to hurt you." The statement sounded almost too good to be true, but the girl's grip on Isaac's arm relaxed slightly.

The girl hesitated, her body taut with indecision. Isaac could feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest, a sign that her heart was probably beating as fast as his. Suddenly, the girl seemed to come to a decision. Leaning in close to him, she softly whispered, "We should listen to him."

Isaac felt a surge of surprise at the girl's words. Listening to the unknown entity outside sounded like a terrible idea, but she seemed so sure that it almost convinced him. "Are you sure?" He whispered back, his heart in his throat.