
Chapter 15

A particularly powerful blow sent the door rocking in its frame, nearly sending Isaac and the girl sprawling onto the floor. The noise outside was deafening, the hunters' grunts and cries blending with the sounds of wood splintering.

The cupboard was shaking violently now, the walls shuddering with each hit. Isaac could feel the girl trembling beside him, her body rigid with fear. She was muttering something under her breath, a low, constant murmur that Isaac couldn't make out.

Just as it felt like the hunters were about to break through, a low, deep growl echoed from outside. The sound was primal, otherworldly, and the hunters outside fell into sudden silence. Isaac felt a shiver run down his spine. What could make such a sound?

The sudden silence was just as unsettling as the growl had been. The hunters were not as aggressive now, their voices a low murmur outside the cupboard. Isaac strained his ears, trying to figure out what was going on. Beside him, the girl had ceased her murmured mumbling, her body tense and still.

The hunters' voices outside had become more hushed, a sign of caution and confusion. There were whispers and gasps, sounds of surprise mixing with the low rumble of the growl. Isaac still couldn't make out any words, but it was clear that something extraordinary was happening outside the cupboard.

A few moments later, the deep growl sounded again, this time closer. It seemed to come from right outside the door. There was the sound of movement, as if the hunters were backing away. Some whispered words that Isaac couldn't quite catch. Then, suddenly, there was a loud crash, followed by a pained cry.

Isaac's heart skipped a beat at the sound. It had been a human cry, filled with pain and shock. The growl outside the cabin was getting louder, more intense. The hunters outside were clearly shaken, their voices now tinged with fear.

The hunters' voices outside were becoming increasingly panicked. There was the sound of panicked footsteps, rustling, and then, suddenly, the door to the cabin flung open. Light seeped through the cracks in the cupboard, the sound of voices and movement rushing into the small space.