
The Lion's Bond: Grandfather's Gift

In the far-far distant future, a mission to record the events of history of man-kind without interference in the timeline is approved and Commodore Vi Edevane sets out with her handpicked crew, including her twin sister Commodore Viv Edevane, second in command, to travel to the past. However, their orders to not interfere in the timeline are put to the test when their recording bots encounter a medical emergency and alert the crew of the Midnight Angel to the urgent situation. Their great-grand ancestor, Darrol Jun, is in danger of losing not only his life, but the life of his unborn daughter, Vivian! A decision has to be made. Alter the events of the timeline and risk being court martialed by the Grand Admiral, who granted this mission, or cease to exist due to the grandfather paradox!

SimMermaid · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

4 – A Change in Plans

Dr. Vivian turns away from one of the smaller monitors to address Commodore Vi. "Sorry Commodore, but intervention is required, or the timeline will change, and we will no longer exist."

"Before I can allow the mission parameters and the Navy rules and regulations to be violated, I need an explanation. Care to provide one." says Vi.

"It's simple, part of the data we are collecting are medical scans. Each robot is equipped with a med scanner to assist the medical first responders with any victims. So according to the readouts, Darrol Jun will die in about 15 hours due to his injuries if he is left untreated. We can be over his residence within three hours and administer life saving medical care to not only Darrol, but his unborn child Vivian." She responds calmly.

"I know that when it comes to medical you do not exaggerate in the least bit. So, have you formulated a plan to minimize the interference?"

"Yes, a high-altitude insertion of the medical team, myself and Nurse Evelina with our field kits and one person on overwatch. Sergeant Karl, care to stretch your legs?"

"I'm ready."

"Good, prepare yourself and one of the grav cycles. Seeing as killing is not allowed, equip yourself with a tranquilizer rifle and pistols, just in case. Evelina and I are going to prep our field medical kits. Commodore Vi, shall we get under way, someone needs our help."

The ship lifted off in minutes and headed south as it climbed high into the sky. Two hours later they are over the city where Darrol lives. Out of the aft airlock the grav cycle slides out and drops in a controlled free fall. The grav cycle is a more advanced version of the ancient earth motorcycle but with antigravity units, not wheels.

Driving the grav cycle is Sergeant Karl and behind him is Dr. Vivian and then Nurse Evelina. Sergeant Karl is dressed in battle armor with the other two in standard vacc suits. They will be isolated from any pheromones, viruses, and bacteria in the environment. As well as not introducing any from the future thanks to the decontamination before they left. Strapped to the grav cycle is the tranquilizer rifle at the front, a field trauma kit and a field surgery kit are at the rear.

In less than ten minutes they dropped over ten thousand meters and start to slow down at two thousand meters. They land quietly on the roof of Darrol's building where he arrived an hour ago. Dr. Vivian pulls out her medical scanner and scans the building underneath her.

"There are two people in the building, one on the next floor below, currently unconscious, the 16-year-old male omega, Darrol Jun; and on the ground floor is the 19-year-old male omega; Kaito Edevane. Sergeant Karl, please take an overwatch position as we attend Darrol." says Dr. Vivian.

"Agreed, activating overwatch scan, all clear, proceed with medical intervention." says Sergeant Karl as he activates the Chameleon Skin of his battle armor, the grav cycle, and they fade from view.

Dr. Vivian and Nurse Evelina collect the medical kits and activate their grav harnesses as they step off the roof, they float down to the unlocked window and enter one at a time. Heading to Darrol's bedroom, Nurse Evelina follows Dr. Vivian.

In the bedroom Dr. Vivian walks in and Darrol is laying in bed partially covered by the bed covers, but he is still in his street clothing. Groggily and painfully, he turns his head to look at Dr. Vivian. "Who are you? What do you want?" his voice tinged with fear at the two alien looking figures standing over him. After what Rex did to him, trust is a foreign word.

"I'm Vivian, I'm going to help you." she says through the vacc suits external speakers.

"Vivian, that is a lovely...  ...name...  ...so tired...  ...good night..." he mutters as the blood loss is affecting his mind.

Dr. Vivian injects Darrol with a sleep drug to put him to sleep; it also contains a short-term memory erase that should remove his memory of them. Once he is out, she begins to work on Darrol by first performing a full medical scan to see where and what needs fixing. He is currently laying on his back and Dr. Vivian is finding all the life-threatening damage is in the pelvic region, after tossing the covers back, she cuts away the clothing to gain access. Opening an incision in his lower abdomen she begins to operate. The field surgery kit is open and active, not only is it projecting a sterile field, but it is also displaying his vital information as Vivian is operating.

Meanwhile Evelina crawled onto the other side of the bed where she opened and activated the field trauma kit and hooked Darrol up to it.

The trauma kit automatically gives blood and fluids after sensing the patient is in need of it. Evelina begins by inserting a suction hose into the incision and removing the semi-clotted blood that has collected in the lower abdomen from the internal injuries. The trauma kit processes the recovered blood with a special blood thinner that returns it to an un-clotted state before sending it back safely into the patient.

The amount of damage is horrific. The extent of the damage is comparable to a very severe impalement injury.

An hour later the surgery is completed, they close the incision and coat it with a dermal regenerative spray that doesn't leave any scar tissue or trace that an incision was made, once it has completed the healing, in less than thirty seconds, they tuck Darrol into bed to finish internal healing over the next few days and weeks. It was decided that only basic life saving surgery should be performed, leaving the body to heal the remaining tissues, and forming the scar tissue that is listed in the historic records.

Once completed, they clean up all their medical waste, including the clothing that they damaged, and gather their equipment. Heading back to the living room and the window where they came in. With the window closed behind them, their grav harnesses lift them up to the roof where Sergeant Karl is waiting.

"Any problems Sergeant?" Asks Dr. Vivian.

"Negative, all quiet for ten thousand meters. No intervention required." He says as he switches off the Chameleon Skin.

"Excellent, radio for pick up at twenty thousand meters."

"Yes ma'am."

As Karl opens a comm link to the ship they load themselves and their gear onto the grav cycle and take off, making a rapid climb into the sky where they enter the aft airlock and get properly decontaminated.

The ship lands at their chosen spot in British Columbia. Where they document everything they did before finishing the month out sorting the last five years of data.

Fortunately, no other events require them to intervene as they had to for Darrol Jun and his daughter Vivian.