


Kenji:Look like I'm in the naruto world now,I'm right outside the uchiha District too perfect

I looked up on a pole to see uchiha itachi sitting on it getting ready to kill off the clan.but before he could I shape-shifted into an older gojo and teleport behind him kicking him in the forest.I saw him hit a tree and roll to his feet.

Itachi:What who are you

Kenji:My name is kenji of the gojo clan

Itachi:what I have never heard of the gojo clan

Kenji:It's a long dead clan so you don't need to worry about that but what are you doing

Itachi:Non of your business

Itachi then activated his Mangekyou Sharingan and tried to put me in a genjutsu but come on it not going to effect a god like being like myself.

Kenji:I see you tried to put a genjutsu on me but to let you know no illusion can work on me,Now boy tell me what's wrong.

Itachi:I said it's non of your business

Itachi rushed behind me trying to chop my neck but I just rolled out of the way and kicked him in the stomach knocking him out.I put him in a tree hiding him and decided that why don't I just kill the uchiha clan for him.

So there I was with my best serious face I proceeded to kill every uchiha except sasuke he needed the trauma for his emo arc to begin.

I went back to Itachi seeing him about yo wake up.

Kenji:Calm down everything is all it's all over

Itachi:what do you mean it's all over

Kenji:Simple I did the job you were going to do

Itachi:No It was my responsibility to kill the uchiha clan

Kenji:You don't have to worry I made sure their died painlessly,but there no more time to talk you have to go

I proceeded to walk away disappearing in the shadows.

Itachi:Kenji I will always remember you for talking the Burden off my shoulders

The next morning I decided to teleport infront of the gate because I didn't want them to see me as a trespasser or enemy shinobi.I walk up to gatekeepers

Gatekeeper 1:I'd please.Ok keji of the gojo clan,ok I couldn't care less your can go now

I walk into the village thinking about how lt was that easy to enter the village.i proceeded to teleport to the hokage's tower reaching the reception he said.

Kenji:I would like a meeting with the hokage please

Reception lady:Sorry he is in a council meeting right

Kenji:That's perfect tell him there is an important matter to be discussed with him and the council

The reception lady then asked for a anbu to lead me to the council Chambers.

The knocked on the door and you could here the place go silent.

Hiruzen:Come I'm

Anbu:Sir there's a man out here saying he has an important matter to talk with you and the council about

Hiruzen:Bring him in then

I then walked in going into the middle of the council room saying some recognisable faces.

Like the elder council members Danzō Shimura, Koharu Utatane, and Homura Mitocado. I also saw the clan some clan heads like the Aburame Clan.

Akimichi Clan.

Hatake Clan.

Hyūga Clan.

Inuzuka Clan.

Yamonaka clan

The other clan heads were either missing or killed

And there was also the civilian council but no one cares

CCM 1:what do you want

(CCM. Stands for civilian council members)

I just ignored that civilian and looked at the hokage

Kenji:My name is kenji gojo of the gojo clan and I'm here yo take back one of my clan members

Hiruzen:Gojo clan I have never heard of them

Kenji:They were sadly wiped out

Hiruzen:Sorry for your losses but which gojo clan member is here

Kenji:His name is Naruto uzumaki