
Back to the village

The council shouted in uproar until Hiruzen shouted 'enough making the council Chambers quiet.

Danzo:Why do you think naruto uzumaki is from your clan

Kenji:his eye's there one of the rarest bloodlines as you call it

Danzo:And what is this said bloodline called

Kenji:It is called the six eyes

Hiruzen:You do know that he is our jinchūriki

Kenji:Yes I do

Hiashi:which means we can't let you take him even more now that we know he has a rare bloodline

CCM:We should put him under cra

Kenji:I think you got it wrong I'm not asking to talk him I'm telling you I'm talking him and after I trained him in the six eyes he can decide if he's coming back to this village

Hiruzen:You know we can't do that

Kenji:Well let's see you stop me


Anbu then surrounded me but I just flash timed.

(Flash time the ability to slow down or stop time)

Kenji:Now ima just go get naruto

I just ran out of the hokage's tower looking for naruto I found him on the famous swing.

I just took him and ran out the village,never to seen until a few years later.

(9 years past)

Infront of konoha gates were two boys one

blonde hair and bright blue eyes with the other girl having white hair and the same bright blue eyes.

The konoha gate guards looked at the two boys feeling a powerful.The two boys just looked at the guards and they fainted.

The first boy was Naruto Uzumaki Gojo and The second one was kenji but he transformed into a thirteen year old gojo.

Naruto and kenji walked to hokage's tower seeing people faint just by their presence.

After reaching the hokage's tower,they walked into the hokage's office.

The old man hokage was surprised.

Hiruzen:Who are you

Naruto:I can see that you have forgotten Mr old man


Naruto:Seems like you haven't gone seaniel

Hiruzen:And who are you

Kenji:My name is Kenji Gojo the head of the new gojo clan

Hiruzen:New clan head? What happened to the old clan head

Kenji:he died of natural causes

Hiruzen:Sorry for your lose but naruto boy how's your progress in your training

Naruto:It was amazing I can say with full confidence that I am atleast low sanin level

(Flash back)

We see that and me of course the great kenji sorry let get back to the flashback.We see naruto training with kenji with the six eyes and limitless,Kenji ended up wishing naruto had the six eyes and limitless also making sure he had both cursed energy and chakra.

Naruto was panting *ssh*ssh*

Naruto:Kenji sensei I'm finished with training

Kenji:Good go inside there's food on the table

Kenji wished for a house hidden from the hidden village's.for the past 8 years I tought naruto everything gojo,Sukuna and every other sorcerer abilities.

(End of flashback )

Naruto told the old man about only some of the abilities leaving the old man stund about naruto powers.