
The Lies Between Us

Samantha_Aldridge · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter One

"And that, my dear, is why we stay away from boys"

Princess Lili giggled, a magical lilt. "I don't think that was the moral of the story Liv"

"Really?! It seems so obvious to me. I mean if the little mermaid just stayed in the ocean she could have had a roaring good time with all her fishy friends. No boys needed." Liv gave Lili a little tickle on her tummy and scrunched up her face.

Lili still laughing retorted "But then she wouldn't have ever experienced love! That would be sad."

"I think its sadder turning into sea foam, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree" Liv said with a wink. "But for now, it's bedtime so I'll leave you little one. Is there anything you need before I leave?"

"No, your storytelling thoroughly bored me so I will fall right asleep" Lili said dryly with a smile.

"Goodnight Princess" Liv said and turned out the lights.

Liv smiled to herself. She probably shouldn't tease Lili but she wanted the eleven year old to stay a little girl just a while longer. Soon she would become a young lady and the thought of that made Liv a little melancholy. Now, however, was not the time for melancholy emotions. She had her first night off all month and she was going to meet Tasha at the Sparring Baboon.

Geez, who came up with the name for that place? Liv thought as she hustled into her room that adjoined to Lili's. Boxing was a huge deal in Grenfeld but Liv never understood the appeal of it. Her father had been a boxer among other things; alcoholic, abusive husband and father, gambler. Just to name a few. Watching the boxing matches reminded her of him and those weren't memories she liked to remember. Tonight though was Tasha's turn to pick the night out. Tasha loved boxing but the men and booze weren't a horrible prospect either in her book. So here Liv was throwing on her favorite worn pants and grey wool tunic. She hesitated for a second and then grabbed her dagger, her only inheritance after her parents died. She didn't know how to use it but as a lone girl walking the streets of Grenfeld to the Sparring Baboon she wanted to have something to protect herself with.

Liv grabbed her warm Cloak and dashed out the door. She made her way down the bleak halls only illuminated by the torches burning every few feet. The castle always gave her the creeps at night so she walked a beat quicker than normal to try and escape it as fast as possible. She didn't care that she was 23... creepy was creepy.

As she finally pushed out the service entrance the frosty air slapped her face and she breathed in. She loved the cold, As long as she had enough clothing to keep her warm. The Sparring Baboon wasn't too far, only about a 15, no may be 20 minute walk. Hopefully her fur lined cloak would be enough for the trek. She wrapped her cloak tighter around herself and took off.

The streets closest to the castle were beautiful and well kept, with the grand houses of the ton who clamored to be closest to Grenfeld Castle and the royals who lived in it. Liv let out a snort, it would be better to be closer to the sparring baboon, all the castle and its occupants had to offer were golden gilded lies at least with the Sparring Baboon you knew what you were getting. As she made her way further from the castle the cobble stone streets became more uneven and unkempt, something she was far more comfortable with. And what it lacked in up keep it made up for in life. The street food carts dotting every corner with their delicious smells wafting too and fro through the air and the occasional shop keeper shouting out deals hoping to sell off their inventory. It was busy, only 9pm but Liv already saw a few men and a woman drunkenly sashaying through the street as she neared.

And there it was in all its glory, the Sparring Baboon. It looked like any other public house with brick and wood except for the people spilling out from every entry way it seemed. Liv would have to fight her way in to find Tasha, hopefully she would have a beer waiting for Liv. There were a little more people, definitely more women, than usual for a Friday night but Tasha had told her that there was a new contender who was supposed to be quite good and to Tasha's excitement VERY handsome. Ok may be that made Liv a little excited as well. Lili needed to stay away from boys and so did Liv but Liv could look.

Liv pushed her way past a few girls giggling, probably having a girls night out as well, and some big men who to their merit tried to move out of the way as best as possible, extending courtesy to a lady. Liv finally spotted Tasha's large gaggle of curls just as Tasha saw her and beaming waved her over. She had 2 beers thank god.

"This for me?" Liv asked with a smile

"Of course" Tasha returned and handed her the pint

"Did I ever tell you I love you?"

"May be once or twice but it's always nice to be told again" Tasha said with a little hair flip

"You got pretty close, I was worried I wouldn't be able to see this handsome boxer you kept talking about" Liv said with a little eyebrow wiggle "I want to at least have something to look at if I have to endure this den of iniquity"

"Oh shut up, you're going to not even realize where you are when you see his pretty face" Tasha said with a sly grin

"Well if the onslaught of female viewership tonight is anything to go by I think you might be right"

Liv took a big gulp of beer. Perfect. She wasn't a beer connoisseur, all she knew was that she liked it light and bubbly and that's exactly what this beer had to offer. A perfect respite from a busy day.

Just as she was finishing another drag of beautiful beer-y deliciousness she heard a familiar voice.

"Well imagine meeting you here"

Tasha's face had already lit up and when Liv turned hers did as well. It was Thomas, one of the friends Tasha and Liv shared from their university days. Hugs were exchanged all around. Thomas was a riot and always up for a good time. Now that Liv was thinking about it, she vaguely remembered a flirtation between Thomas and Tasha in their last year. She'd tuck that thought away and interrogate Tasha on their way home.

"It's great to see you! How have you been?" Tasha said with her sweet as honey voice

"Oh you know, just the same old same old. Just out with my mates tonight. The fights supposed to be a good one. The new guy... what's his name"

"Jack" Liv supplied

"Oh that's right! Jack Night. He's supposed to be amazing, came from one of the smaller towns I think it was Amber. I'm excited to see what he's got. My friend Brent is a boxer, he trained with him a bit and said he looks good. Has quick reflexes"

"We will have to see" Liv started "sometimes you look good training but not so good in the ring, plus Amber is small potatoes compared to Grenfeld"

"You should know being a boxers daughter" Thomas replied with a chuckle and a friendly smack to Liv's arm just as the bell rang for everyone's attention. Thomas quickly pointed to where he and his friends would be and told them to come over after the match. Tasha and Liv responded in affirmation.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Sparring Baboon!" Boomed the Ring Announcer. "Tonight we have a special treat for your viewing pleasure. Our reigning middleweight champion Juan Sentio..."

As the announcer rung out his name Juan came out and the sea of people parted to let him through. He was may be 6 years older than Liv, she had met him several times growing up and running around to her father's brawls. Tall and well built, his cauliflower ears giving away the years he had spent in the ring. He moved confidently into the boxing ring and placed his mouth piece in. No hint of nerves for the new opponent he would face. Liv understood why, he was a champion of Grenfeld, nothing to fear from some nobody from little old Amber city.

The Ring Announcer started up again "and our new opponent, hailing all the way from Amber City, Jack Night!"

The crowd started parting much as they did for Juan and soon Liv understood what the whole fuss had been about. He was possibly the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Tall and well built like Juan but he had none of the scars of a boxer from years of hard work. His face looked like something you would see on a disinterested angel. Dark chestnut hair, and chiseled jaw and cheekbones that looked like they hadn't been broken once in his life. His Roman nose strong and straight. If she wasn't watching him stride into the boxing ring she would never think this man had ever seen the inside of a boxing pub.

Tasha turned and whispered in Liv's ear "told you"

She looked around and saw all the girls, at least the ones she could visibly see, slack jawed gawking in awe. Well that probably went straight to his head, Liv stifled a laugh, and also how she probably looked a second ago. As she watched Jack put in his mouth guard and lace up his gloves she wondered how this fight would go. He didn't look like he had ever taken a punch, may be her words about being different in the ring would prove to be quite apt.

"The moment is upon us, this will be a 4 round match, 5 minutes each. Nothing below the belt, no biting, anything else goes" the ring announcer backed out of the ring and the ding of the bell kicked off the round.

A hush had started but soon vanished once the bell rang. Juan's supporters whooping and hollering for their champion. Both boxers circled each other, studying each other, muscles tensed. They looked like two tigers stalking prey.