
The Lies Between Us

Samantha_Aldridge · Fantasy
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Chapter Two

Juan was first to make a jab. He missed, he missed every time, it was like Jack had a sixth sense. He was able to dodge every punch. His footwork was incredible, it was like he was dancing. Jack hadn't even thrown a fist but Juan had thrown many and he was starting to slow down from fatigue. Liv was starting to understand Jack's tactic, let your opponent wear themselves out. Smart, she thought.

    Finally Jack pulled back his arm and came down on Juans face, hard. Juan sputtered and collapsed. Everyone waited on baited breath, time seemed to slow, Juan wasn't getting up.The referee ran to Juan and checked his pulse. He was alive but knocked out, unbelievable. Juan's people came and started collecting him to remove him from the ring while the referee stepped over to Jack. Raising Jacks arm he boomed "Jack Night is the winner tonight by Total Knockout".

    The public house went mad. Cheering, booing, shouts of frustration at such a short fight, shouts of excitement at such an unbelievable feat. Jack Night, a nobody from nowhere had completely knocked out the reigning middleweight champion of Grenfeld in less than 5 minutes, and not a scratch or bruise on him.

Liv stood there slack jawed. Slowly she became aware she was clapping. It might have been short but what an amazing fight indeed. She turned to Tasha who looked much like Liv in utter awe.

"THAT, is not what I expected"

"You and me both" Tasha replied

"Should we go find the boys to share in our shock and awe?" Liv asked.

"Lets, you lead the way"

    Tasha held onto Liv's hand so as not to be separated and they beat through the crowd to the area by the bleachers that Thomas had pointed out. At first Liv had heard more booing and had assumed most were upset but as they shifted through the crowd she saw that those loudly booing were outnumbered by the ones clapping or smiling and eagerly speaking with their companions about the match. Liv finally saw Thomas and his friends and pushed herself and Tasha in their direction.

    "-insane, I told you he was good!" Liv assumed this must be the Brent that Thomas had talked about. His bright orange hair stood out in a crowd and he was probably about 5'8 lean but muscled. He didn't look like a middleweight, maybe a featherweight? Brent was talking excitedly with Thomas and the other man in their group. Thomas noticed Tasha and Liv once they were closer and started introducing everyone.

    Thomas motioned to the man Liv had assumed was Brent. "This is Brent Till, he's a lightweight boxer and he's ready to give up women and marry our new champion as you probably heard" Brent made a face and Thomas laughed. "And this is Luke Mace, we work over at the Bank together" Luke, who was quite dashing with his dark skin and sparkling smile, nodded his head in hello.

    "And this is Liv Ashwood and Tasha Summers, we used to get into all sorts of mischief back in University together"

    Brent and Luke smiled and said hello but their eyes were almost trained on Tasha. Liv was used to it by now. Tasha was beautiful, stunning. Slim and tall with large brown curls and tanned skin. She looked like she could be the muse for the next great artist or one of the famous actresses that performed at the theater. She was one of the most gorgeous people someone would see in their lifetime. Liv was short with a frame that held a few pounds more than was necessary. Not really ugly but nothing out of the ordinary. She was ok with this but sometimes when they were introduced to new people together and she saw the reaction play on their faces it gave her a pang of jealousy, which then made her feel like the worst friend in the world. Liv gave her head an indecipherable shake to change her thoughts.

    "Well if it makes you feel any better, Brent, I don't think you're the only one in love" Liv teased and jerked her thumb in the direction of the mass of men and women crowding Jack Night.

           "Hopefully he will be able to make it out" Luke said with a slight chuckle. "Enough about Mr. Night though, what do you do for work?" He had responded to Liv's remark but was looking at Tasha.

          Tasha, impervious to the eyes ogling her responded "oh I took up the family business, I'm an apothecary. Nothing too exciting I'm afraid. Liv's work is exciting though, she works in the castle"

          Liv smiled, Tasha loved to tell people that and it felt nice, she was proud of her friend. After all it wasn't  an easy accomplishment. All the eyes turned to Liv though, waiting on her reply.

        "Is that so?" Brent queried.

        "Yes, I'm the nursemaid to Princess Lili."

        "Wow, that must have been an interesting interviewing process..." Luke supplied.

        "It was.... different. After I graduated from university I had heard of the opening from my aunt who works in the kitchen. So I figured I'd might as well try, and lo and behold I was chosen. Don't know what the king saw in me but...." Liv trailed off with a shrug.

       "I bet it supplies you with lots of royal dirty secrets" Thomas joked with a little chuckle.

       "Well I can definitely tell you Princess Lili's favorite bedtime stories and common schoolwork struggles. Very sordid stuff." Liv smirked.

      "No fun..." Tasha flashed a sly smile.

       They went on like that for a while. Liv found out Brent was 20 and had only been boxing for a year but he was very enthusiastic about it almost like the kind of enthusiasm children build when they find something new they love, very endearing. Luke was the same age as Thomas and nice enough, but something about him rubbed Liv the wrong way; she just couldn't put a finger on it. It may be the way he was almost predatorily raked over Tasha every chance he got. Thomas was Thomas, fun and always jovial. Liv had forgotten how lovely of a human he was, she made a mental note to remember him for next time they went out. Liv and Tasha always had a good time with Thomas.

        Soon a voice interrupted that Liv didn't recognize, deep and warm. "Brent, It's good to see you"

        Liv turned and saw the voice belonged to the much talked about Jack Night. He had changed into plain clothes, pants and a warm sweater. Jack strode over to their group and clapped Brent on the back. "Would you introduce me to your friends?"

        Brent motioned and introduced Thomas and Luke and then to Liv and Tasha. Liv noticed Jack didn't seem to have the same staring issue Luke and many other men suffered from. "Nice to meet you all" Jack supplied.

       Liv couldn't hold it in any longer "you were amazing" she knew she sounded like yuppie and he had heard this a million times already but the truth was the truth.

       Jack gave a grin and a mock bow "thank you, Miss. Ashwood" it made Liv's stomach do a little summersalt. Idiotic, she wanted to kick herself.

       Thomas, in all seriousness but a small smile tingeing his lips, stated ''Jack you really should be honored. Liv is boxing royalty here in the capitol. Her father was the reigning heavyweight champion for the 5 years before his death."

       "Is that so? Well then I will take it as an extra compliment that it came from her lips" Jack replied with a wink and an almost seductive tone. Liv wanted to groan in disappointment, this guy was definitely full of himself she thought. Shame, she had had hope for him. "sorry to hear about your father though".

        "I'm not, he was an awful man. No condolences necessary." Her candor seemed to shock them all but Thomas, due to the fact that he was used to Liv's shocking honesty, and Tasha, because she knew the nerve it hit. "Well he was" she said with finality and a shrug.

        Tasha broke the awkward moment "please excuse her, she doesn't get out much" to which all the men laughed their heads off like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

         Liv tried hard not to roll her eyes. It wasn't Tashas fault, she was just trying to make light of an awkward moment, but Liv hated people giving her sympathy for her loss and thinking of her father as anything but the abusive alcoholic he was. She loved him, or rather parts of him, the ones that had taught her how to ride a bike or would bandage her cuts. She hated the parts that hurt others, the ones that took her mother and sister from her. She knew she needed to get a grip though. She was acting childish.

        "Yes, a caged animal I am" Liv laughed to distract from the feelings she couldn't name swelling in her chest. "I'm going to go get another pint though to try and subdue the lunatic within. Does anyone else want one?"

        Everyone but Jack asked for a glass. As she turned to escape the group that now felt suffocating Jack called out "I'll come with you to help carry them"

    Liv thought in that moment she might scream but instead she forced her sweetest smile "Thank you but it's ok, I can manage on my own"

    "I'm sure you can but two will make it easier" with an easy smile Jack was already walking forward and clasped her wrist as they left to steer her along.

    Liv grounded her teeth, she needed to calm down. At least it is only one person versus a whole group she reasoned with herself. Again with her sweetest smile she managed  "thank you, I appreciate your help" and tried to extract her wrist from Jack's grip. He wouldn't let go.

    "I'm sorry but could you let go of my wrist? I really don't like being pulled around by random men"

    "Sorry sweetheart, I just need you to be my shield for a few minutes"

    Liv began to respond when four men descended upon them drunk, clapping Jack on the back and being generally belligerent in their excitement to meet him.

    "Thank you gentleman, but I really do need to get going" he hooked an arm around Liv's shoulders "have to escort my girl to the ladies room" Liv let out a hiss. He should have just stayed with the group or found some other girl to parade around as his defence. They got another two feet before two buxom women approached.

          "We really enjoyed your match" the one purred to Jack completely ignoring Liv. "Would you like to join us for a more exciting round?" The insinuation clear and pretty cheesy, Liv tried her best not to laugh.

          "Sorry ladies, I'm a taken man" Jack again had his arm around Liv using her as his deterrent to their advances.

          Both girls looked between herself and Jack with what Liv knew was doubtfulness but eventually let out a slight hmph of disappointment "well if you ever change your mind we will be around"

         They were approached 3 more times on their way to the bar. Finally they made it and Liv was able to pry her wrist from Jack.

         "Why would you even volunteer to come if you knew you would be accosted every 5 seconds?" Liv was furious. She had tried her best to keep her temper in check but she was not in the mood to meet every person in the public house and she was frustrated that she hadn't been able to be invisible and have some alone time to get her feelings under control.

         "Harder to hit a moving target. If you hadn't noticed, I was about to be attacked by an onslaught when we were with your friends, easier to just keep moving and have a lovely lady protect me" Jack drawled

         Liv took a deep breath, she had in fact not noticed. She could understand not wanting to be stuck in conversation with a new person every two seconds saying the same things on loop and not having an escape. She wouldn't brow beat him about it. She was still frustrated that he chose to use her as his scapegoat but she would be a liar if she said she wouldn't have done the same thing. There was one thing she didn't understand though "I would think as a boxer you would want to languish in the accolades and adoration but if you don't want to why not leave?"

        He looked at her like she had just said she didn't know what two plus two was "I'm waiting for my payment"

        "Ah" was all she said and dropped the conversation.

        She ordered the 5 beers and they waited in silence. Well she waited in silence. Jack was forced into conversation about boxing and tactics by 3 different men while they waited. Once the drinks were poured and ready to go a gaggle of girl's approached. Assuming it would be much of the same illicit invitations and praise she had already been privy to she grabbed three of the beers and ran. She figured Jack was a big boy and he could get himself out to bring the other two drinks. She smiled to herself, she had made her escape.

         Just as she finally knew she was free someone hooked the collar of her tunic and pulled her back, causing her to almost drop one of the glasses. With fire and confusion in her eyes she looked to see who had done it, already knowing the answer.

         "That really wasn't nice" Jack tsked at her "I thought we had an agreement."

          Liv sighed. "I figured I would give you and your fan club some privacy while they solicited you. Also we had no agreement."

           "I think you just saw a chance and took it"

    "Well, you're not wrong"

    "I can't believe you would just leave me to the wolves like that, I'm just an innocent from the countryside. I could have been hurt!" Jack moved his hand, and a beer, over his heart in feigned distress.

    Liv let out a deep and full laugh "Something tells me you would have been completely fine."

    "Such a brave city girl" Jack smiled and looked at her in a way that made her stomach feel like butterflies would burst from it.

           Just then one of the beautiful girls from before at the bar approached "Mr. Night can I at least give you my address? Just in case you change your mind." She pulled out a pen and Jack let her write her address on his arm.

            That was enough to sober Liv from the warm feeling that had been brewing in her. She had always had a soft spot for beautiful men, a shame that was with herself not even coming close to pretty, and an even bigger weakness for men of the playboy variety. Which explained why she had so easily let her guard down. She felt so foolish, of course Jack wouldn't be interested in her. He probably barely noticed she was a girl, which was a good thing at the end of the day. If she became involved with someone and eventually married she would have to leave her post as Lili's nursemaid, which she wouldn't do under any circumstances. There also was the fact that she was more damaged than a smoking dumpster fire, she would inevitably chase off any man who even tried to care for her.