
The Legitimacy of Elmorian Realm

'Almeria,' one of the six continents in Elmore, embodies virtue and tranquility. In contrast, 'Cathartic,' the largest among them, is known as the Infernal Realm. Enya believes there's a way to end their grudge. Aspiring to become the Grand Chief Commander of Almeria, she's committed addressing injustice and a wide array of issues afflicting her realm. With a strong will to protect her loved ones and unveal the truth behind her past, Enya aims to become a valiant knight. However, a pressing question looms: Will the Imperial family and the mysterious Second Prince of Almeria entrust her and grant her the honour of wielding her sword for them? What secrets will be unveiled within the constraint time...?

Nimra_Khan_2444 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

(Part 2)

After Training:

"Hey, General Void! I wish to become a squad leader." spoke Enya smirking.

"...You realize, it's only been a few hours since you attained this position yet you already wish to become a squad leader?" General Void questioned her unamused, instructing the cavaliers ahead at the same time. Enya moaned, "And? What's the harm?"

General Void exhaled stern, "Becoming a squad leader isn't a walk in the park. You need to prove yourself by defeating the current squad leaders. The rank you achieve within the battalion determines the outcome."

"You're so great that you achieved the 1st spot." Enya complimented with a playful grin, "Can I duel with you?" She popped the question unexpectedly, only to be met with General Void's firm refusal, "Absolutely not. You have a long, long way to go." Enya teased, "Oh really? Don't tell me you don't want to, huh?" Evading her, General Void continued with his duties, while Enya let out a sigh, "Alright, then. How about a duel with Leader Rowan?"

"Hm. You do have the option to battle with Rowan who holds the 5th rank. I can't be sure about arranging the duel but it is my job. However, are you certain?" inquired General Void. "I won't lose! Believe me!" Enya assured confident.

"Alright then if you insist. When do you wish to duel with him?" he queried. "Tomorrow. Please inform him!" she answered blatant. General Void exhaled as she exited.

Sighing deeply once more, he contemplated, "It has not even been as day as an ordinary knight and she wishes to obtain such a rank...how stubborn but... nostalgic."

Some time later, Rowan, while on patrol around the Imperial Palace, met General Void who called, "Rowan. Listen." Rowan directed his gaze at him, walking forward.

"Yes, General Void?" he asked with his usual calm voice. General Void in a composed manner responded back, "Nothing in particular, I just wanted to have a brief chat with you."

Rowan gazed at him confused, "General Void are you perhaps not feeling well? Aren't you with Commander Roy or Deion more often?"

"I intend to talk to you. Could you please listen to me now?" stated General Void serious. "Oh?... Why yes, sure." replied Rowan with a slightly perplexed smile.

"There's something I want to talk to you about and I believe that it's necessary since I can't object it." General Void bought up.

"Hm? What is it that makes you so serious?" inquired Rowan. General Void sighed as he spoke, "Enya challenged you to a duel."

Rowan looked at him, exhaling, a smile rested on his lips, "That was expected."

"She had even asked me to engage in a duel with her, but I turned her down since it is not suitable. However, considering there's no rule against it and she seems to hold you in high regard, I can't refuse her again." continued General Void as Rowan chuckled, "Alright when does she want to duel with me?" he asked.

"Tomorrow. Thought it is not finalised yet."

Rowan looked at him amazed, "Oh, dear…" he smiled. "What are you happy about, huh?" Inquired General Void while gazing at his smile curiously. "No particular reason. Well. I've been at this stage for quite a while. A little duel every now and then wouldn't hurt... I suppose," Rowan answered.

General Void cracked an unexpected smile patting his shoulder, "You have a wise approach of thinking. I like it." Rowan blinked, surprised by the gesture, before breaking into a smile once more.

After her shift, Enya strolled across the narrow passage and reached the herbal and medical store. "Ameren!" She called as Ameren looked back, "Enya?"

"What happened?" Ameren asked concerned heading over. "No. Is Noah awake now?" Enya asked.

"Yeah," Ameren's confirmation was swift. "How's he doing?" Enya inquired. "He's alright at the moment, but as you know... he's still struggling to sleep through the night," Ameren responded with a faint look. "However, I provide these herbs to him twice daily. They're both safe and essential for his growth. Additionally… I also provide him with these medicines that aid sleep with minimal side effects. The doctor checked on him earlier today as well... however," Ameren paused, indicating a container filled with herbs and medications.

"Alright, Thank you," spoke Enya not delving further.

"Enya…" Ameren's voice carried a mix of tension and vulnerability, tears welling up in her eyes, "I am scared."

Enya's gaze lowered, her fist clenching. Witnessing Ameren's tears, her gaze widened soon pulling her into an embrace, "It's alright. Calm down." she consoled, firm.

Ameren closed her eyes, allowing herself to weep, "I don't understand what to do... Sob. His breathing is hardly stable."

Enya wordless, rubbed her back soothingly, "Don't cry. It's alright. I am telling you, he will be fine,"

Ameren's tears flowed as she nodded, her voice breaking, "I know. It's just that I'm scared." she revealed her vulnerability.

Enya's gaze shifted upward, towards the cloud-covered sky, her hair swaying gently in the breeze. "Why be afraid?" Her question held a comforting weight, "I've taken on the responsibility for his well-being. I'll be the one to bring him back to his normal self. You don't have to carry this weight alone."

Ameren's grip tightened as she questioned, "Are... are you really sure?"

Enya's gaze remained steady, assuring her, "Yeah... believe me,"

After consoling Ameren, Enya entered her house. Tidying up the clutter, she then entered the room.

A frail yet beautiful little boy was settled on the bed, possessing eyes of emerald blue and hairs with glossy bluish curls, gleaming, "Sister...you are back...?" his voice weak and wry.

Eyeing him, Enya smirked, "Yeah. I am back." Noah smiled, "I am so happy for you, sister." Moving closer, Enya ruffled his hairs softly, "What else do I need if not your happiness? No need to fret, Noah. Once you regain your health, we'll work together to ensure the safety of Almeria against the dangerous Cathartic realm. How's that?"

With that, she extended a glass of water to him. Noah accepted it smiling, "Of course." Enya vowed, "I promise to protect you forever Noah." Her eyes brimming with resolve as Noah looked below,

"But... sister...It goes without saying...that is something I have always desired to do for you... instead. I want to be the one shielding you. I want to stand by your side. I really do. But I am afraid. I cannot. I simply hope... that there is someone guarding you in my stead." he expressed faintly, his breath heavy. Enya suddenly found herself motionless. Her eyes widened, and she appeared taken aback, "... "

Momentarily, a smirk crossed her face, with a hint of panic, "Calm down. Don't blame yourself. You mean the world to me, little one. Just hurry up and protect me. I will be waiting." Noah's smile widened with a touch of emotion. The both of them chatted, their voices filling the once silent room and transforming it into a vibrant and lively space.

It was amply bright outside, though the sun did not completely shone and there was a peculiar humidity lingering in the air.

From the pale shadows of the buildings emerged a figure with a tall and slim stature, dressed in a lengthy, flowing robe, Arawn Vladimir. This person's presence alone seemed capable of casting a chilling and gloomy aura over the refreshing cool air. Despite his laconic nature that left people overwhelmed, his existance naturally exuded a sad countenance.

Eyeing Abel, who sat in the Imperial garden while plucking a camellia rose from his new camellia rose garden, he halted amid his steps.

"Ah! So that lady was right…these flowers really are beautiful and with my light…they would never die." he spoke while inhaling its fragrance. Arawn's lips curved slightly, soon leaving.

But unfortunately, who could have predicted that he would eventually cross paths with the Emperor during his stride?

The sight was bewildering. Exchanging looks devoid of any sign of curiosity or engagement, Arawn walked past him.

"Wait." called the Emperor, his tone grave. Arawn took a halt. "Where are you headed?" he inquired sharp. There was complete silence in response to his words.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed in disdain as he scoffed at him, "An impertinent rascal to the very end, huh?" Arawn stood apathetic, he was least affected by his words.

The Emperor faced him with a penetrating stare, "Hmm, quite the revelation, indeed. It's suprising. You seem to be growing taller and more handsome with each passing day. Though it wasn't meant for you... " he mused.

Arawn seemed enstranged from him. Nonetheless, he carried on with his pace soon leaving. "Hmph!" scoffed the Emperor while his gaze took on an evil intent as though he had expected such an outcome.

"Alright! Now then! let's talk about something else." Ameren changed the subject, as she walked into the room clasping a bowl of fruits. Noah and Enya eyed her.

"You won't believe what happened, Enya. The Crown prince actually visited my shop today. Can you imagine? I was so surprised, like, how lucky can I get, right?" Ameren exclaimed with joy, "And guess what he purchased? Seeds!" she continued while Enya, sitting on the bead with crossed legs, casted a disinterested glance back, "Uh huh. The one who thinks of himself as some saint." Upon her comment, Noah chuckled lightly.

Ameren looked at her and guessed, "Oh, Enya don't tell me you have held a grudge against him too?" Enya, munching on an apple, looked at Noah smiling confident, "Jeez...Why do you make the surroundings so tense? These little quarrels happen in my life. It's fine. Chill. Right, Noah?" Noah couldn't help but chuckle, a faint red blush coloring his cheeks.

Ameren blinked her eyes and broke into a smile. "Oh! I forgot to mention that I have dealt with the guy who sent you a letter the other day." Enya stated proud, savoring grapes next.The apple that Ameren held slipped from her grasp, "What?"

Enya still munching nodded, "Yep. I am saying that he is done for. I didn't even had the need to take battlers with me. I simply informed his mother, maybe exaggerated a bit and turns out he's been pulling the same trick on many other women. Tsk! Shameless. So you see, I sorted it out within seconds." Her words flowed with an air of amusement. "Oh, and one thing's for sure," Enya added, mumbling with satisfaction, "He recieved a very nice beating."

Noah blinked his eyes while Ameren sat frozen, lines of depression covering her forehead.

"Enya! You little!" she snapped agitated, as she stood up smacking her head. Enya in turn furrowed her brows wailing, "Ouch!" Noah sat clueless. "Seriously behave yourself." Ameren scolded.

Ameren couldn't resist smacking Enya's head again. "Ow, cruel!" Enya rubbed her head with puffed cheeks.

But the mood shifted as Ameren's tone turned sincere and congratulatory, "By the way, I heard you achieved the knight's position and earned your amulet. I even told Noah. Congratulations!" Enya's wailing melted away, yet she continued to pout, her expression still slightly cross. Ameren chuckled.

As the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, it was evening, Enya made her way from the comfort of home to the bustling knight's training base. Boarding the sturdy wagon, she embarked on her familiar journey with ups and lows. Once again, she resumed her assigned schedule for self-improvement, engaging in tireless practice.

Before long, night descended, cloaking the surroundings in darkness. The sky hung heavy with moisture, and a perceptible humidity clung into the air. The soundless drops of rain started to fall tracing delicate paths as they descended onto the wait of grass. Under the warm glow of a street lamp, Arawn stood stagnant, grasping a jade white parasol firmly. It seemed as though he had just returned from some sort of 'work' he was accustomed to.

Arawn glanced behind him over his shoulder, the Empress gazed back, and faced her with a faint bitter smile resting upon his lips, "... I disturbed you. It appears that I have been found." 

Beneath the falling rain, the Empress remained still, the droplets running through her long hair and streaming down to the edge of her robe, trickled, "The weather is truly pleasant... suitable enough to soothe a troubled mind," she spoke up, her voice deep and captivating. Arawn caught her words, his eyes narrowing slightly, "..."

The Empress gave a half smile raising her head to face the sky, "Much like the way clouds eventually disburden themselves..." Arawn shut his eye briefly, inquiring, "Is that how it is...?"

The Empress concurred, "Mm. I also would as well like to stand under the sky with freedom. Every once in a while." Inhaling deeply, she too closed her eyes, embracing the sensation of the rain.

With a graceful stride, Arawn moved forward, his gaze unseen, he halted before the Empress maintaining some distance. Gently, he lifted his hand, positioning the parasol to cover her entirely. In turn, the raindrops descended upon him in a gentle cascade, their caress causing his hair, akin to silk, to shimmer softly. The glimmer extended all the way down to his braid and continued to his feet.

The Empress opened her eyes startled. Before her she could see his presence towering over her. "It's unwise to remain uncovered in the rain, I must suggest," Arawn's voice maintained its calm composure, "Your' Grace."

Upon hearing him say that, the Empress's eyes widened. Her countenance displayed astonishment, leaving her momentarily speechless, facing him beneath the night sky's downpour.