
The Legitimacy of Elmorian Realm

'Almeria,' one of the six continents in Elmore, embodies virtue and tranquility. In contrast, 'Cathartic,' the largest among them, is known as the Infernal Realm. Enya believes there's a way to end their grudge. Aspiring to become the Grand Chief Commander of Almeria, she's committed addressing injustice and a wide array of issues afflicting her realm. With a strong will to protect her loved ones and unveal the truth behind her past, Enya aims to become a valiant knight. However, a pressing question looms: Will the Imperial family and the mysterious Second Prince of Almeria entrust her and grant her the honour of wielding her sword for them? What secrets will be unveiled within the constraint time...?

Nimra_Khan_2444 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

(Part 3)

The Next Morning

With the arrival of the morning breeze, a newfound coolness graced the air, and the weather had reformed into a pleasant one. Birds soared through the sky, while trees swayed softly, leading to the restoration of the beauty that once remained.

The Imperial Palace

"Everen! A letter has arrived from the Camellias realm. It appears they will be arriving tomorrow," the Emperor announced upon entering the room.

The Empress clouded in thoughts remained silent. The Emperor stepped ahead repeating, "Everen. Are you listening?" The Empress blinked her eyes in realisation, "H- Huh?" The Emperor smiled, "Sudden. Isn't it?"


"What's wrong? Did you not listen?"

"... It seems the case... Pardon me."

"Huff, I said that the Camellias realm sent a letter informing their arrival tomorrow."

"What? So sudden?" the Empress queried perplexed. The Emperor nodded, "They're interested in discussing trade, specifically the challenge of travelling across the sea to import our crops in Almeria. They're proposing an agreement to use our Elvien port for smoother trading. I'm considering this opportunity since it could provide insights into the Cathartic realm's situation regarding their unexpected scouts and covert breakthroughs. I intend to query about their conditions within the framework of this agreement. What do you think of this plan?"

The Empress nodded, "I agree. This approach would ensure we stay alert to any potential risks originating from the Cathartic realm. After all, he's your brother, and considering their past support for us, it's a justifiable choice to promote their trading interests." she invisioned.

"Understood! I'll provide them with the schedule to ensure their timely arrival," declared the Emperor. "By the way, who will be visiting?" questioned the Empress. He replied, "Edgar and his son Draven, along with other accompanying members."

"I see." she acknowledged.

Knights Training Base

"Enya, you really should consider taking a break before you exhaust yourself," Rowan advised, his concern evident as he offered her a water bottle. Enya expressed her gratitude, accepting the bottle and taking a sip.

"Don't worry. You are already resilient. Even more than me. I believe it." He said. Enya eyed him touched yet furrowed her brows at once, "You should not underestimate your strength." she replied cross.

Rowan gazed at her in awe soon cracking a soft beam, "Alright. My mistake. But for now, take a breather. Or else, I might not be able to duel with you...Um. Do you need a towel by any chance?"

Enya chuckled stepping forth and teasingly smirking. "You know, your innocence as a leader is quite endearing. I might need to guide you a bit, though, because I'm curious to see how long your innocence can hold up. Haha." Rowan blinked responding, "Well, it's not that I anticipate your win, but this might just be the opportunity needed to alter destiny." Enya smiled, her eyes closing, and noted, "You're just too kind. Others might take advantage of your goodness."

The moment the other squads repositioned, she exited the Knight's Training Base. Stepping into the open air, "The duel was extended to tomorrow, huff. Why? What shall I do now?" she held sad.

Soon, she wandered leisurely around the Imperial Palace, waving some parchments in her hands. Her attention was suddenly caught by Abel in the garden, occupied with his roses. Ameren stood before him, a soft smile resting on her lips. Enya's mouth fell open and eyes popped out.

She purposely blinked, her expression miffed hiding behind the tree, stealing glances at them.

"Look! What do you think of my new rose field?" questioned Abel with a sense of pride. "Wow! My seeds actually did the trick!" Ameren exclaimed with delight. "Yeah, and how do they appear?" Abel repeated, seeking her opinion. Ameren's smile widened as she praised, "Absolutely beautiful. Truly."

"Here." Abel spoke pleased while extending a camellia rose to her. Ameren's eyes blinked in astonishment as she gently took the flower, "Thank you."

Upon beholding that, Enya twitched her brows and gritted her teeth, her expression utterly disgusted, "Ugh. Liar. Such a big liar. He really is into frivolous ways!"

Abel gazing at his rose field questioned, "How did you come by here?" he inquired. "Oh, just passing by..." Ameren casually replied.

"Well, I'm glad you're not like that Enya girl, the knight," Abel muttered with a roll of his eyes. Ameren's reply was swift and positive, "Why? You mean, Enya Verne? ...She happens to be my sister."

Abel looked at her dumbfounded, "WHAT!!!?"

"Yep!" nodded Ameren. Abel, seemingly taken aback, twitched his eyebrows and abruptly left the garden, frustrated, "Ahhhh! That witch again!" he asserted in disgust. His aide followed him behind.

Perplexed by the abrupt reaction, Ameren thought, "What's going on?" Her confusion turned to a touch of annoyance as she retorted, "Now, that's quite rude!"

Enya smiled ironically, clapping one hand on the other, "Oh. Yes. Why wouldn't he just make a commotion and leave? I mean, after all, I'm definitely don't seem like a GIRL, or do I? I am most certainly a witch." she held, vexed.

On the other hand, Ameren left the Imperial Palace, engrossed playfully with her flower. "Ameren!" called Enya as Ameren smiled, "Oh! Enya. You?"

Ameren gazed at Enya who headed over and told, "Look! I told you that I gave Prince Abel rose seeds. Similarly, He planted them and tada~ this is the flower!" Enya forced a smile, rolling her eyes.

Ameren teased, "He offered me this…~" Enya clicked her tongue, "Humph! Such a filmsy person."

Ameren looked at her, asking, "Why are you so angry?" Enya smiled sarcastically, "Why won't I? I wonder just what kind of king does he consider himself? Moreover, I'm on pins and needles wondering what magical wonders his reign would bestow upon Almeria. Tsk, tsk. It would be a disaster!" she added concerned at the same time while Ameren chuckled. "No no. I have to do something." Enya held walking back and forth troubled.

Ameren's attention suddenly shifted to the scrolls clutched in Enya's hand as she inquired, "What's this?" Enya turned her attention towards Ameren answering, "Ah. These are registration parchments. You know there is a recently opened library near the training base and they're seeking employees so I thought I'd give it a shot. The expenses could also be shared this way."

Ameren heard her and exclaimed astonished, "Enya, how many hours are you planning to work?"

Enya's lips curved into a smirk, snapping her fingers as she responded, "How much? Haha. This is nothing but a game of few minutes for me. I will deal with everything. Just wait and watch." Despite Enya's assurance, Ameren's expression remained concerned.

"By the way, this place sure looks very relaxing." Enya commented stepping inside the garden. Taking a seat on the grass with her legs crossed, she unfolded a few scrolls and began studying them. Meanwhile, Ameren let out a sigh and eventually departed.

At The Imperial Palace:

"Father! Father!" called Raven as she barged into the room. "Raven?" beheld the Emperor. Raven puffing her cheeks, asked, "Where are my brothers?"

The Empress responded, "Abel is in his garden and Arawn is..." Raven crossed her arms cross, "What's up with Brother Abel!? Always in his garden, humph! Roses seem to be his only concern! And what's with Brother Arawn? Always...Nowhere?! I bet he doesn't even spare me a thought! Am I a nuisance?" She cried.

"Raven…What can we do?" asked the Emperor politely while Raven shouted, "I don't want to be caged here! And I don't want anyone to make them realize my importance! They'll have to realize that themselves! I won't talk to them until they do, I wish I had a sister rather than those two selfish brothers!"

The Empress heaved a sigh, "Raven dear...You hold great value in their eyes, but they both have their separate matters to deal with. Regardless, I believe they genuinely care about you." The Emperor laughed, "Who cares if they don't even display their concern about you huh? My courageous girl won't let that bring her down, right?"

Raven, rolled her eyes, leaving displeased.

"Draven is coming tomorrow by the way!" told the Emperor sharing a smile.

Raven halted in her steps, her gaze widened. Curving around, her face lit up, "What...?"

The Empress smiled, "That's true." she stood up heading out, "Let me take a look at Abel. I might as well make arrangements." The Emperor nodded while some subordinates followed her.

Raven pursed her lips excited, "I look forward to meeting him again." she held silent, her cheeks flushing red. 

After a little while, Abel returned to his garden once again, "Jeez, where did I forget my belongings, Raphael?" he asked eyeing the aide troubled. "They must be here, My Lord. Where else could they be?" Raphael responded searching.

Abel's brows furrowed as he spotted Enya in the garden. "It's you," he exclaimed, his forehead creasing. Enya looked back, offering a wave as she cheerfully greeted him with a casual "Hi." Abel couldn't help but slap his forehead, "What are you doing here?" he uttered somewhat politely.

Enya engrossed in her work, responded, "Me? Oh. I am studying some parchments..." With an eye roll and a frustrated exhale, Abel complained, "Ugh, seriously? Oh God. Why am I stuck with such a massive punishment? Having to deal with people like her is beyond annoying."

Enya ignoring his words continued her study. Abel rolled his eyes continuing to search, "Nonsense."

Upon catching wind of the bicker, the Empress entered the Imperial Garden alongside aides who followed. Enya, who had spotted her, promptly got up and lowered herself in a deep bow while Abel gaped suprised.

"Abel, dear. Why are you being upset." the Empress spoke up softly. Abel shared Enya a disgusted glance, crossing his arms, "Thanks to her. I am upset again." Enya's gaze fixed on the Empress, with her expression dipicting innocence.

With a smile towards Enya, the Empress's gaze returned to Abel, "Abel, mind your manners. That's impolite. Anyhow, say, what kept you occupied this whole time?"

Abel scratched his head with a sigh, "I am searching for something."

Enya settled down again, resuming her work. The Empress waved off the significance of whatever was being discussed. "Right now, though," she continued, her tone soft, "There's an unexpected visit in Almeria from the Camellias realm. It would be wise for you to have a conversation about it with your father." As they strolled through the serene garden, the Empress shared the news with Abel.

Abel nodded realising, "Oh. Is that so? Alright. But father is currently engaged. I will handle it. Rest assured." he assured. The Empress returned his assurance with a smile and a nod, replying, "I see."

Facing her once more, Abel had a question to pose. "By the way, Mother," he inquired, "there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

The Empress eyed him awaiting his query as he continued, "I've come across a rare crystal artifact, an enchanted amulet known to possess the means to unveil a hidden ability." The Empress raised an intrigued eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what is this hidden ability supposed to contain?" she Inquired. Abel's eyes sparkled as he replied, "Legend has it that it shelters forgotten magic, guarded by mythical creatures. Possessing the amulet supposedly grants access to its power. I wish to obtain it. So I would try to leave for scouting some bit." The Empress nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Enya's ears perked up as she turned around, inquiring eagerly, "Really? Can I ask where you'll go?" Her face lit up with elation.

Abel's forehead creased, forcing a smile, he faced her, speaking politely, "I am conversing with my mother. Irrelevant people should stay out of it."

Enya bit her lip, yet smiling, "Oh. Sorry. But." The Empress tugged Abel, cross, "Apologize Abel. How could you say such a thing to a lady?" she questioned. Abel placed his fingers on his temple, "I? Apologize? To her?"

The Empress responded with a nod. Abel gasped, "Let me just ask this, mother." He stood with his hands on his waist, his eyes rolling in mild exasperation, "You mentioned she'd bring life to the training base? But I fail to see any changes she's brought. And you will see, mother. Very soon she would not only set fire to the base but the entire realm as well."

The Empress became displeased, "God forbid."

Enya's pupils widened. Irritated by his remarks, she got to her feet and rolled up her sleeves, "... Excuse me, mind your language, your highness, the crown prince."

"Oh. listen, madam. What's the scene? I am not wrong or am I?" Abel retorted back, "And remember your place. Where you are standing."

Enya smiled ironically, "Now I get it. Me being here makes you angry. My apologies then." She offered a bow as Abel clicked his tongue at her annoyed, "Stop with this act."

"See. Mother? Do you get it now. How impertinent she is. See how she is taking back to me. This lowly girl." The Empress stood sighing, "It seems all I'm witnessing is your rudeness," she commented straightfoward.

Enya kept her cool, clutching her fists, "Just let me become the grand cheif commander once. Then you are surely a goner." she whispered.

Having said that, she collected her scrolls and swiftly walked out of the Imperial Garden. The Empress gazed at her without a word while Abel blinked his eyes, uttering, "Grand cheif commander...?"

Shifting her gaze toward Abel, the Empress found him suddenly bursting in laughter. Raphael stood wordless.

Enya glanced back, her hair dancing in the wind, as she halted in her tracks. "Pfft! Hahaha! She? This little mice would become the grand cheif commander, pfft!" Abel laughed.

"If she even becomes one, then the entire realm would shower us with donations. Haha. Almeria would progress alot." he continued laughing harder grabbing his stomach.

Enya gazed at him, crestfallen. The Empress casted glances at the both of them complexed, "It's fine. Leave. Enya dear. And don't make up such stories again. See. He has a stomach ache from laughing." she told.

Enya's eyebrows knitted, her expression blackened while looking below. Without delay she curved around running away.

"Haha. What if one day, the wind blows so fast that this little commander flies away, pfft!" Abel seated on the bench, his laughter persisting. Raphael sighed while the Empress stood still as her lips twitched suppressing a smile, "Stop it. Abel. You will get unwell. Stop laughing." she advised worried.