
The legendary Saiyan in a fairy's world

Cheelai's wish to the dragon went a bit differently, sending Broly in a completely different reality. How will this magical world, filled with mages and guilds react with his sudden presence? Beware for the legendary Saiyan has arrived!

NimtheWriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 32: Galuna Island Part 2

Beta read by Shigiya and Darklord331




-Hargeon Town, Docks-

"They should be here somewhere. No, we came as fast as possible, so they should still be here somewhere." 

Standing at the entrance of the docks, Gray commented with a sour expression as he surveyed his surroundings. Both scared and annoyed how Erza, of all people, actually went on an S-class quest while bringing Broly, Lucy, and Cana with them. 

"We'll find them for sure and force Erza to let us tag along!" Natsu, just as furious as the ice make wizard, shouted out loud with his fists flaming blazing fire. "You sure they came here, Happy?" 

The floating blue cat eagerly nodded his head while munching on a piece of fish. "It was a quest made by the people of Galuna Island, so they should be heading there as well." 

"But don't you find it weird how we didn't find them in the guild, on the road, or even in the new house?" Gray asked, noticing how despite having left earlier in the morning, the group shouldn't have been able to arrive here at the normal place while he and Natsu ran to the point of having their lungs collapse. "They couldn't have run faster than us… right?" 

"Pft, yeah, right, I can hardly see Lucy or Cana running more than a mile without collapsing." He adjusted his scarf, having Happy soon sit down on his head. "Man, I'm starving…" his stomach grumbled loud enough that even the passersby heard it.

"You only think about eating all day! Look, even the people around are ashamed of you!"

"They are reacting like that because you aren't wearing any clothes again!" 

"Argh, where did they go!?" 

People wondered who these two clowns were, some going as far as to contact the local authorities for a pervert and his accomplice flashing in broad daylight. Seeing the approaching guardsmen, Gray and Natsu stopped arguing and swiftly rushed out of view and hid behind a building. Their faces sweating as the armored guards rushed past them, ignorant of the two Fairy Tail wizards sneaking towards the docks on the other side. 

"Hah, that was close," Gray said, wearing a pair of underwear he just bought from a passing store. "This is all your fault, flames for brains. If only you hadn't been so obnoxiously loud, then none of the townspeople would have called the guards. You suck when it comes to stealth."

"What!? You are the idiot who started it all—"

"Fish!" Getting increasingly loud and about to attract another crowd of people, Gray and Natsu turned their heads to find Happy having flown towards one of the fishing boats and started munching on some of their hauls. "So delicious~!" 

"Oi, whose cat is this!?" One of the men shouted, about to whack the cat off with a broomstick, only for Natsu to beat him to it and slap the fish straight out of the feline's hand — much to his horror.

"Don't go stealing fish without permission!" 

After a quick round of apologies, which was mostly Gray doing all the talking with Natsu dealing with a sulking Happy in the background. Taking this opportunity, the ice wizard decided to ask about Galuna Island and if the fisherman was willing to take them there.

"You crazy!? No way I'm going anywhere near that haunted island!" 

"Haunted?" Intrigued by his words, all three members decided to pay full attention to his words. "I didn't know that place had ghosts. The quest never mentioned anything like that."

Natsu and Happy went pale, frightened by the idea of having to face entities like ghosts and souls of the dead. 

"If only it were ghosts, then at least I'd have some business by bringing stupid tourists there for a quick coin. Unfortunately, we are not dealing with ghosts. Rather, that place is inhabited by demons! The kind that will hunt you down in the middle of the night and eat you whole as a snack." 

"Noooo! I don't want to become a snack! I taste bad… they can take Natsu instead."

"Traitor!" Shouted the pink-haired Dragon Slayer, annoyed at his best friend callous betrayal. 

"You kicked my fish away!" shouted Happy, believing Natsu had committed the greatest taboo.

Rolling his eyes at the two arguing behind him, Gray imagined this matter with demons must have been why the quest was posted in the first place. 

"That's not all. Bobo went missing a few days ago. He was the only idiot foolish enough to travel to that island daily, bringing along a few wizards here and there. I bet my left nut that he was either captured and eaten or just swallowed by the sea." 

Wait, wizards? 

"Did you perchance see a girl with red hair, armor, accompanied by a big fellow with black hair, a blonde, and a brunette who wears only a bikini top pass by here?" 

The old fisherman thought for a bit before shaking his head. "I'm afraid I don't remember such people coming by here anytime in the past few days. If they were your friends who were trying to go to the island, then they probably left since no one is stupid enough to take them there." 


A few minutes later, Natsu, Gray, and Happy now sat at a restaurant. The former devoured the food before him while his rival passively drank some coffee. Their conversation with the fisherman didn't go anywhere as the man adamantly refused to bring them anywhere near that island. The same applied to the other people with boats who avoided his group like the plague after hearing their request.

"So, what do you think we should do now?" Natsu asked. "We can always wait for Erza and the rest to get here and follow them secretly. I don't think Happy can fly us both to the island without dying of exhaustion." 


Gray sighed, "It's just weird how we got here first. Erza, of all people, is a sucker for always respecting time and takes the fastest mode of transportation to get to her desired location. No, I think they must have found a way to get to the island." If not, then he and Natsu would have encountered them on the road back to Magnolia. 

"Well, not like we can build a boat. Honestly, I'm kind of glad the old man refused to take us. I would have gotten so freaking seasick."

The raven-haired boy's eyes widened as a great idea came to his mind. "I know a way we can get there." 

"Really?" Natsu was taken by surprise, having no idea what ways this bastard could have found to get there. "Man, Erza will be so shocked after she's going to find out that we somehow made it there before her. Hehehehe, I can already imagine her face! So, are you sure whatever you have in mind will work?"

"Yup, we just built a boat with my ice magic and used it to get there. I have practiced a lot lately, so maintaining one for a few hours shouldn't be a problem. And I can always repair it in case a storm hits us and when it starts melting."




Dread formed in the pits of Natsu's stomach at the imagery that formed in his head. 

"Oh hell no, you stupid nudist! Did your brain get damaged from frostbite!?"

"You wanna go, dumbass!?"

"Bring it on!" 

And so, they once again started their fight in the middle of the restaurant, breaking furniture. The waiters tried but failed to calm these two down and had no choice but to call the guards. Their antics had the owner sigh, kneeling his bald head before going back to his office to get away from the chaos. 

"Fairy Tail again, I'll just mail the bill to their guild." 



At the shore of Galuna Island, surrounded by dense vegetation and plenty of sand and rock formations — Cana fell on her knees then proceeded to empty all of the content inside her stomach. Mind-splitting vertigo hitting nearly made her pass out. For the first time in her life, she finally started to understand Natsu's pain. To experience this on a day-to-day basis surely would not only break her will to work but also ensure an ingrown hatred for all moving vehicles. 

Though she never imagined that her case would be related to high-speed flying. 

"There there, deep breath. You'll get used to it soon." Lucy, her ever-so-loyal friend, gently rubbed the brunette's back comfortably. Cana wanted to hug the girl and ask her how she managed to get used to such a way of traveling regularly with Broly. "I should have brought some mint with me, but I stopped using them a while ago." 

"U-Used to it, my ass. Even Erza can't stand up on her own!" She exclaimed, pointing at the redhead lightly leaning against a palm tree and taking a deep breath of air. Her face flushed as she held herself together, having even taken off her chest plate, wanting to elevate some of the weight on her body. 

Lucy couldn't help but have a weird expression at the scene. Was it really that straining? She remembered not feeling this bad the first time Broly flew at a fast speed from his home to a nearby village. 

"I… I think I flew too fast," Broly said, scratching his chin, embarrassed. "Next time, I'll make sure to fly slower." He made sure not to push it initially. Guess that wasn't enough. 

He looked around, finding the place to be more beautiful than he imagined. A nice little island in the middle of the ocean, great weather, and even a tall volcano in the middle — it sure beats the location where he lived before. "Weird, was there an earthquake here?" 

Just before he landed, Broly noticed a few weird points. A certain part of the beach was in complete ruin. Large boulders that seemed to have been crushed by something, and others even cut into multiple parts. "No, an earthquake wouldn't do that." He looked up, closing his eyes and concentrating for a few seconds before shaking his head and releasing a sigh. 

The girls, having mostly recuperated, noticed his weird behavior, and Erza was the first one to ask, "Something bothering you?" 

"It's quiet." He said, a weird feeling swimming inside his stomach. The Saiyan failed to put it into words, but it almost felt like they were somewhere they shouldn't be. 

"Well yeah, we are still far away from the village. It's rather small and doesn't have that big of a population, from what I gathered. So they can't have people all around the island. They don't even have a ship dock."

Broly shook his head.

"Not that," he whispered. "Didn't you notice that since we came here, there has not been a single sound of birds chirping?" 


The others went silent after that, and after a moment pass, they realized it as well.

"Woah, that's true!" 

Lucy, Cana, and Erza frowned, finally understanding what Broly was saying, but they had different reactions to it.

"Does it matter?" Cana said, wobbling around on her feet before splashing some water on her face. "It might be the reason why we came here, something feels off about this place, and I can't exactly say what it is." 

He agreed. Furthermore, he promised Erza that they would first assess the quest before anything else. So the best place to start was to speak with the village chief and get all the information there. "Alright, let's go." 

Truth be told, Broly was actually excited about this mission. An S-class quest meant more powerful monsters to battle, right? This is backed up by the reason why only wizards at a certain level could take it. 

The dangers that were presented by such a quest only had to mean that some great beasts or monsters would be lurking somewhere here. Not eating any time, Broly and the girls walked deeper into the forest, passing by small rivers and ravines until they finally reached a giant wall made of tree logs. Reaching a dozen meters in height coupled with the crimson red words "Keep out!" written in front. 

"Hello, is anyone there?" Erza shouted, punching the structure a few times as if she was knocking. 

"Who goes there?" From above, a small head peeked down. 

"We are members of Fairy Tail. We are to discuss matters concerning the quests your village posted." 

The man above frowned, "Fairy Tail? We never got any word that the quest was taken by anybody." 

"There must have been some delay with relaying the message. We left our guild not that long ago." Cool as ever, Erza answered the man and waited for him to answer. Sure enough, having believed their words, the gates to the village started to open up with a small quake. Before them, a group of people awaited on the other side, wearing large masks and clothes that pretty much hid their entire bodies. 

Their get-up creeping Lucy out a bit.

"I welcome you, young wizards." The person in the middle bowed, greeting them politely. "Before we begin, there is something you should see beforehand." 

With one swift movement, they removed the cloaks, revealing their appearance, which earned a shocked reaction from the group of wizards. The girls gasped at the sight of the strange demonic limbs each person possessed.

"This… I think you can understand our situation and why I gathered what little our village has to post that quest." The village elder, which the group found out was named Moka, spoke with grief. "Not just us, but every single animal, bird, and critter living on this island became affected by this curse!" 

The people around him started crying. 

"We tried everything available to us, from cleansing our body with countless mixtures of medicinal herbs and salves. Even calling forth various priests to help us, none of them worked. The latter would run away in fear after seeing us turn into full demons." 

"Full demons?" Erza commented, carefully listening to each and every word. "Can you show me?" 

"Unfortunately, that is an impossible task at this time of day. For you see, during the day, we remain mostly normal and human. It is only when the moon itself turns purple do get afflicted with the curse and become hideous creatures of the night." 

"A purple moon? That's a first." Cana said, trying to recall any instances which could cause such a phenomenon, but came blank as no such knowledge came forth. "Weird, the moon is the same as the last time I saw it. If it turned purple, then I'm sure everyone in the world would have noticed." 

"Hah, that's what everyone who previously came to this island said, but I assure you that this is the truth, and the only way I can prove anything is by asking you all to stay over until the moon rises. You will see the effects yourself." This village chief's eyes started watering up as well. "Please help us. I had already lost my son, who had his mind turned into a demon. I don't want to lose anyone else." 

Erza thought for a bit, "Fine, we can stay over." 




"You decided to go through with the quest?" In a small wooden shack provided by the villagers for Broly and the rest to rest in, Cana couldn't help but question Erza over her willingness to stay the night after the redhead agreed they would just learn about the details before going back. 

"And I stand by that. We have yet to know the root cause of this 'curse' affecting the village. So I can't make any decision without having this purple moon myself along with the transformation." She turned around, seeing a certain Saiyan unusually quiet this entire time, looking out the window. "Is something wrong? You've been unusually quiet this entire time." 

"I have," he admitted. "This island… it doesn't feel right to me." It was hard to put it into words. A fleeting feeling that was barely noticeable at first — yet it continued to annoy him.

He couldn't relax.

His body tensed the entire moment, ready to move at any instant. 

Almost as if he was being watched this entire time. 

"Man, they only gave us two beds. After that long trip, my back is killing me. I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking a nap. See ya!" Without waiting for an answer, Cana jumped on the bed with a blissful expression and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. 

"Now that she mentioned it, I'm not feeling too good," Lucy said, pushing Cana to the other side of the bed and laying next to her almost instinctively — having grown a habit of pushing away the drunkard every night. 

"You want some help?" Broly asked, deciding to focus on something else for now. "I can give you a massage like last time." 

"I would love t—EEK!" Before Lucy could even finish her sentence, she felt a cold gaze land on her. It didn't take a genius to find out where it came from. She hesitatingly turned around to find Erza staring at her from behind the Saiyan. Not an ounce of anger or any negative emotions was present on her face, but the way she was staring at her with those blank, dead eyes really freaked her out. "N-No need, I-I wanted to try something else today!" 

Quickly trying to change the subject, she retrieved a Golden Key from her belt and showed it to him. "Look what I got from the last quest!" 

Broly squinted his eyes, recognizing the pattern of the key. "Isn't this the fat maid I blew away?" 

"Eh… yeah, this is Virgo!" Lucy then smirked, "I made a contract with her before we got here, and let me tell you something. If you see her now, I guarantee your jaw will fall to the floor. Open, Gate of Virgo!" 

A large golden circle formed on the ground, and soon enough, a young woman emerged from it. Broly's eyes widened in disbelief at her appearance. The monstrously obese woman who he blasted away along the Duke now changed appearance into that of a girl around the same age as Lucy with similar body proportions. Their eyes met. He had trouble believing that this person was the same one. 

The pink-haired girl with her wrists cuffed with chains bowed politely. "I have answered your call, Gorilla-sama. How would you like to punish me?" 

"Punish?" This further threw him out of the loop. 

"Wait, I am your summoner, Virgo!" Lucy shouted.

"Ah," reacted the Celestial Spirit, tilting her head cutely with a blank expression. "Will you be punishing me then, hime-sama?" 

"Why would I punish you!? The answer is a no!" 

"Oh…" almost as if disappointed, Virgo's posture sagged before she turned towards Broly once again. "Would you like to learn how to become a Celestial Wizard? I can offer my service to Aquarius-sama's boyfriend at any time. If you find them unsatisfactory, then feel free to blast me with your magic again." 

"Who are you calling 'Aquarius's' boyfriend!?"

Okay, now this was starting to feel weird. Broly wondered if he attacked back then and didn't mess up her mind. He took a step back which Virgo followed by taking one forward. "Have you found me unsatisfactory? Then you can hit me for my misconduct." 

"What's with you and getting hurt?" He asked, feeling more confused than ever. "And how did you become so small from last time?" 

"I can freely change my mass depending on the preference of my current summoner. Duke Everlue detested my current form and asked me to change it into something more appealing to his taste, thus the form I had when we first met." 

"Ooh, that's amazing." said Broly in awe, amazed by this information. Truly, Celestial Spirits were amazing entities. He wondered if Aquarius could change into different forms as well… maybe he could ask her next time. 

"I appreciate the compliment. Do I get a punishment?" She asked eagerly.


Once again, he was reminded how weird she was. 

"Hey, I'm the one who summoned you. Why don't you ask me what I want?" Lucy called, still salty over the fact that Virgo called Broly Aquarius' boyfriend. Then again, he did accept her proposal back then… but he didn't know the meaning behind it!!! That woman must have gone to the Celestial world and blabbered to everyone about this.

"Ara, what do you desire then, hime-sama?" 

Starting to emphasize Cana's need to sleep after dealing with a draining day, Lucy lay down on her belly once again with a sigh. "Just give me a back massage and one to Cana as well if you have the time." 

"Will I get pu—"

"If you ask for it one more time, then I won't ever punish you in the future!" Never in her life did Lucy think she would make this kind of threat, her face flushed with embarrassment at the weird stares she got from Broly and Erza. 

"Understood," said the Celestial Spirit, happy that her new master will indulge her desires. She hopes that she will get the receiving end of her master's whip. While thinking of all the things that involve Lucy and her whip, she went over and diligently began her duty. And soon after, Lucy started to feel more drowsy before falling asleep. Virgo, having completed her duties, returned after giving a bow to Broly and Erza. 

"You guessed it too, didn't you?" He said, the tone of his voice changing as he stared at the sky with Erza looking at the volcano in the distance. "There are other people on this island."

"Did you sense them?" 

"Hmmm," he nodded, closing his eyes and focusing. "There are lots of them, many gathered inside the volcano itself, and… weird, there are two ki signatures that are dim. 

"Do you think whoever is inside is responsible for the transformation of the villagers and their curse?" 

"Possibly, I can't be sure." 

"Still, that's quite the handy technique you have there." Despite them being on a possible quest with two other people snoring in the background, the redhead found herself enjoying such moments more than ever imagined. There were too many people with the Duke Everlue mission, and she could not enjoy their time together as much as she liked to. 

Maybe accepting this quest wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

Her comment made him smile, "Thanks, you're one of the few who actually recognize it as a technique rather than magic. Lucy knows about it, but I think she still has doubts."

"I don't blame her. Your powers are unique to you. Even after years of training and pushing my body as far as possible, I barely made any progress with Ki training. It just doesn't feel as familiar as Ethernano." 

He stayed silent, not sure what kind of advice he could give her. Ever since he was born, his earliest moments as a child, the Saiyan still remembered how easy it was to produce and manipulate Ki. It came to him as easily as second nature, and his father was surprised at how quickly he became stronger by the day. So for Erza, who was having trouble, he knew nothing else to tell her aside from continuing to train hard. 

"You never told me, but how do these Ki signatures feel or look like?" Erza asked, imitating Broly's stance unconsciously. 

"Ki doesn't really have a specific form. It's just energy that is inside each living creature. All have different forms, depending on the person. Some are brighter, while others are dimmer. For example, the people inside the volcano don't have that much Ki. So dim, in fact, that I'm questioning how two of them aren't dead. Then, one of them feels similar to Ul—what?" Surprise flashed before his eyes as he got up and closed his eyes before focusing. Taken aback by his sudden shift in tone, Erza asked what had happened. "Just now… one of the stronger Ki signatures disappeared." 

His worry further worsened when multiple disappeared soon after. 

"Disappeared?" Sensing the implications behind his words, Erza got prepared with a sword appearing within her grip. "They are killing each other?" Now was no longer the moment to guess whether she should accept the quest or not. If there truly was conflict, then the chances of the village getting attacked at any moment were high.  

Just when Broly was about to mention he would go and check the situation, a large earthquake shook the entire island. 

"W-What's going on?" Even the village chief outside wasn't prepared for this sudden occurrence. Having fallen down to the ground and saw the people around him run around and try to save as many of their belongings as possible from possibly getting crushed by the wooden houses. 

"Don't tell me it's going to erupt!?" Moka explained, terrified that his village was truly going to come to an end under a bed of lava and toxic fumes. 


The quaking kept getting worse, fissures appearing on the ground with each passing second increasing the despair they felt at the moment. 

Then, the entire top of the volcano exploded before their eyes. But what shot out of there wasn't magma or burning debris and smoke engulfing the sky. Rather, a single sound shook the hearts of every living being on the island. 


The roar of a beast is forgotten by time. Turned into legends, myths from old fairy tales told to young children. 

One feared by every human, demon, and Celestial Spirits themselves, with large wings whose color was as dark as the night and blue flame covering its scales and beady white eyes that looked down upon the world. 

"A… A dragon?" 


(A few minutes before)

How thrilling it was to stand so close to his goals, a mere day away from fulfilling his lifelong goal to finally surpass his master and, in a way… avenge her death. 

Countless hours, endless nights, and years of training for this very opportunity for him to seize the moment and kill his one and only enemy. The demon before him, despite having the stature to reach the clouds, posed not an ounce of fear in his heart. 

One could even say he felt excited more than anything else. His heart beat like a drum as he imagined his magic decimating this monster into pieces. Where all the trauma of the past, the regrets, and the pain would burn away for good. 

"You look happy, Reitei-sama." 

Despite having worn a horned mask that hid most of his features, Lyon secretly questioned how this shaman always managed to read him like an open book. To some, it would seem unsafe to have such a person near them at all times. But he honestly trusted this individual, as this Moon drip ceremony wouldn't have been possible otherwise. 

"How can I not be?" He chuckled. "I am this close to my goals. I can just taste victory already, Zalty." 

The shaman, just like him, had a mask that hid his upper face — showing only the mouth, and smirked. "Then I guess I can understand your feelings. I myself know what it's like to have the thing you've been searching for so long so close to." 

"What are you implying?" Lyon asked, still disliking the tone this person used. Sometimes it felt like the other party openly mocked him or threw an insult. 

"Nothing really, I'm no wise wizard, but it seems to me you don't really want to kill Deliora just out of revenge. To me, you're just hoping to get that sensation of standing at the top. Even if it means destroying the last trace of your master." 


A bird made of ice crashed next to Zalty's face, the latter not having flinched and continuing to smirk. 

"You talk too much. If you're not careful, then beneath Deliora's body will be your grave." 

The man scoffed at Lyon's response. "While I admire your confidence in your upcoming victory, let me remind you that underestimating this entity will most likely kill you. It took everything from the late ice make wizard who cast this Ice Shell sealing spell on it. What gives you the confidence that you won't end up like her? I'm curious." 

A smile formed on Lyon's face as he brought up a single palm before having a miniature snake coil around his arm. "You see, I have long since left my former master behind with Ice magic. I stand at a level that even she failed to achieve in her life." 

Zalty's smile fell. A few moments of silence then prompted him to sigh. "If you say so, Reitei-sama." 

"Don't doubt me. Even a Demon of Destruction wouldn't stand a chance against me. Weakened or not, they will all fall before my might." 





Both men flinched at the sorrowful screech. 

"Sherry!?" Lyon was at a loss for words when he found a pink — almost red — haired woman running towards him with tears streaming down her face. He caught her instinctively, not knowing what transpired for her to react like this. "What happened?" 

"I-I-It's Angelica!" That fat rat of hers? Lyon sighed, guessing some wizards from the guilds must have shown up and beaten that rodent. "Someone ate her!" 



Both he and Zalty looked at each other, stumped at those words. The latter shrugged his shoulders, having not sensed approaching people aside from their own people. 

Sherry continued to talk, her body shaking the entire time. "I-I felt something was w-wrong when she didn't come back after I called her. I w-went looking and… and… and I found SHE GOT COOKED AND HALF EATEN!!!!" 


This time, from the entrance, a body flew in and cracked against the side of the wall. Crushing the rocks into dust and bringing forth a sense of urgency into the heart of Lyon as he saw who it was. 

"Yuka!?" He called out his subordinate's name. Their wave magic wizard is in a terrible state, bodied, broken, and barely clinging to life with a gaping hole in the side of his stomach. "Damn it!" 

Lyon's body moved on its own, having rushed to his side and desperately tried to close the wound by covering it with ice. 


The injured blue-haired man tried to speak, his voice barely audible as he clung to life. 

"I-I can close the wound. We need to get you a healer… wait, the village! There should be someone there who can help you!" 

Tobi and Sherry could bring him there while he killed the bastard who dared to harm his subordinate. Rage filled his veins as his bloodlust extended to another person other than Deliora. 

Yet Yuka pushed him away. Stunned at his action, Lyon tried to understand what was going on with him. 

"R-run… you c-can't beat h-him…" 

"Reitei-sama!" Zalty shouted. Lyon glared at the man to demand what he wanted, but immediately, his fury flared up as he saw the shaman stare warily at something on the other side. No, not something, but rather a person who stood at the entrance. Draped in dilapidated clothes and messy dark blue hair. Markings all over his upper body and a frown as he stared at the demon trapped in ice. 

"Another one of Zeref's toys." He said,  casually walking inside without even bothering to acknowledge anyone's presence. "And a Moon Drip ceremony, huh… you insects astound me with how idiotic you all are."

Touching the ice, Acnologia wondered why he couldn't sense any life within the seal. But he didn't have to wait long before figuring out what must have happened. "Hoh, a shame. It already reached its end long ago. I wasted my time coming here. I thought I had found something interesting." 

"Who are you!?" 


The man didn't answer him or even spare a glance which further infuriated Lyon.

"Ice Make: Snow Tiger!" Beside him, Lyon launched an attack on him with the intention of avenging the wounded Yuka. The white tiger construct punched him, its fangs glistening with light as it came down to shred his neck into pieces. "You'll die here along with the Demon of Destruction!" 

Lyon smirked, fully expecting a shower of blood to appear as the man didn't even bother to protect himself and continued to inspect the ice. 


"What!?" But to his shock, the fangs broke into pieces the moment they came into contact with his flesh. Instantly, the man grabbed the tiger's head and crushed it with so much ease that it made everyone in the area start feeling a suffocating sense of oppression coming from him. 

"I wonder…" Acnologia spoke, rubbing his chin before a light flashed by his eyes. 


"W-what are you doing!?" Lyon shouted with horror as the mysterious man out of nowhere went forward and took a large bite of the ice. A part of it broke off with little effort as he then proceeded to chew it, the sound of glass shards getting ground reaching his ears. Though the man instantly spits everything back out with a disgusted expression.

"Bleh, nothing left. She's already gone as well. Weakling." His disgusted face did not last long as a twisted smile took its place. "No matter, he is here now." 

The ground beneath him cracked as his form blurred for a second before appearing before Lyon as the latter was in the middle of launching another attack.

"Ice Make: Snow Drag—ARRGH!!" Pain erupted from his hand as Achnologia caught the attack with his own bare hands and crushed it before it even got shot. Breaking both the spell and Lyon's bones. 

"Bothersome." Now that he checked, this place was ideal for a bloody battle between him and that man. Yes, he just needed to clear out the pests and force the being to come over. 


A suffocating amount of pressure soon erupted from his body, knocking Zalty, Lyon, and Cherry away with just the shockwave. The earth beneath his feet started to shake, the whole area around him breaking down as his body before the eyes of the terrified wizards grew larger. His teeth turned to sharp fangs, his skin getting replaced with black scales, nightmarish wings erupted from his back, and finally, a sound roar that let every single living being on Galuna Island know of his presence. 

With a flap of his wings, the mighty figure of the dragon flew toward the ceiling and destroyed everything in its path. The rubbles would have almost buried the injured Lyon if Sherry hadn't saved him at the last second.

The sun's rays illustrated his scales as he broke the top of the volcano. White eyes locking into black ones, Achnologia couldn't contain the excitement within his body anymore. 

'I found you.' 


And this time, he wasn't going to let his prey escape.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.