
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Komik
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23 Chs

Special Journal entry 11

My descendant, if you are able to open this Special Journal and read it then the world is in danger and you are the chosen one.

Pfft...hahahaha... You believed that, didn't you? This is what happens to arrogant shits. Hahahaah...

Anyways, as you have opened the journal then

You are my descendant

You have stick up your arse. Yes it's true no matter what you say. This Journal has been 'sealed' to only open when an absolute arsehole descendant of mine opens it

Yes I know sealing doesn't work that way but I am a next level Sealing Grandmaster. Master Jiraiya couldn't compete with me. You definitely can't.

This book is the guide to becoming a human from an arsehole.

You are a genin OR an academy student. The book is rigged to open another page if you aren't.

What's that? You don't want to study it? Well there is a juicy juicy reward in the form of a sealing lesson and an excerpt from the Third Ninja War whenever you complete a step in the book. It's your choice my arsehole descendant.

Oh so you decided to stick around? Very well! We can make a human out of an arsehole..maybe? To prove that I am not talking out of my ass here's a freebie!

Sealing 101*

Sealing is fucking boring initially. Get that through your skull. If you can't? Then you have no more right to even try to read the lesson.

Sealing is a powerful art. It is majorly divided into 5 types. Yes, normally the academy teaches that it's three but it's actually five. Any competent Jonin sensei will tell you that. Well after I introduce it to the course *ahem* Anyways by now you definitely have identified me. Well well no need to fanboy. Let's just continue the lesson.

The five types are:

Seals. Just normal containment to popular belief there are actually many types of storage and containment seals. The specification for material to be sealed inside is very different from seal to seal. This is the reason why every genin doesn't have storage seals. Even the genin under actual Jonins only acquire 2-3 storage seals for use. This is the category most seal artists practice for well ...practice in basic sealing. Were you expecting some profound knowledge here? Well I'll have to disappoint you

Chakra seals. These are the seals most ninjas use in combat. Chakra seals is category under which most of the seals you see in your Ninja career belong. This includes Chakra suppressant tags, storage seals with ninjustu enhanced material in them, chakra refreshing tags,justu seals and many more. Out of these, chakra refreshing seals are banned for practicing if you aren't a chunnin because they are highly dangerous. Not in their production process but because when used they use some of the extra life force of the user to provide half the initial quantity of the user's chakra. While this might seem easy enough, the problem comes when the seal isn't fine tuned for the shinobi using it. Not using a seal fine tuned for you leads to DEATH as the seal draws and draws and draws from your life force until you are a dry husk. Most probable question: Why don't we use it on enemies like exploding tags? Answer: YOU have to apply it on yourself as allowing a seal to perform an action on your body requires to guide the seal so therefore it is inapplicable on enemies.

Exploding tags. This is the category most combat oriented seal masters specialise in. There are hundreds and hundreds of types of exploding tags. There are poisonous exploding tags, kunai exploding tags, earth exploding tags and many more. For you to gain a lesson in this topic. You have to pass the 7th test of not being an asshole and at LEAST be a chunnin. This is NOT for your enjoyment but for strictly your benefit. Most probable question: Why the hell are there so many tags in this category when they clearly should be in the first one? Answer: You are thinking from a shinobi's perspective not a seal master's perspective. A shinobi sees the reason for which the seal is used. A seal master sees the seal being used. E.g. For you, there's probably no difference between a poisonous exploding tag and a poisonous storage scroll.. the answer is while both release poison when opened, the exploding tag does it for the purpose of spreading it in a enemy area ASAP while the storage seal just releases it.

Sealing arts. These are the arts specialised by either religious organizations or village Seal Grandmasters. These arts are extremely versatile and let you seal and use any type of being or power. The downside: Sacrifices. No not the sacrifices of bandits or anything like that. They require the sacrifice of something that is important to you. Your life? Your loved ones' life? Your arms, your legs or your chakra? You HAVE to sacrifice something for the seal to work. e.g. the Shiki Fuin seal: it requires the soul of either an extremely loved one or your own life to seal ANYTHING inside ANYONE. This is mostly a last resort seal for a Jinchūriki sealing. You don't know what Jinchūriki are? Well find out after you complete 4th test of not being an asshole. These are the seals my master specialises in.

Legendary seals. Finally the ones I WILL teach you when you pass one test at a time. For every test passed by you after the 3rd one, you will gain a technique from this treasured library. Second Hokage: Edo Tensei, Hirashin the first. Third Hokage: Summoned animal power sharing, All Genjustu disrupting seal. Fourth Hokage: Hirashin 2, chakra sealing (complete version) seal, Ability gaining seals, Railgun seals and many more, Tsunade senju: 100 power seal

Now that the lesson is complete and you KNOW who I am, I expect you to start your rehabilitation cause no descendant of mine will have a stick up his arse like Pre-war Hiashi and be constipated shit. Now go and rest. We will continue the lesson in the next chapter.

Sounds of a book closing* *Sounds of running down the stairs*

"Moooom, am I an arsehole?"

"Who called you that, sweety? We will have a talk..*sound of a byakugan activating* Granddad Minato called me that in the novel he left behind."

"Look... Sweety .. if he called you that then you probably are...Boruto dear"

[A/N: huh... I want to actually build the world according to my standards before any war actions happen actually. I gave a hint to what will be happening in the opening but I want to first explore the time before war and each country's reasons for being in the war. I haven't seen this elaborated in many fics. Most fics leave it to the vague hint that Hatake Sakumo failed an important mission, the Kazekage was eliminated and bam! Done. In my opinion war doesn't occur like that. There are reasons to things other than hubris. This fic will try to explore that before going to the actual slugfest that is the Third Ninja war.

Don't worry.. I won't unnecessarily prolong these pieces. Minato will get his screentime but this will also go along side by side]