
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Komik
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23 Chs

Minato 1-8, Kushina 1-1


I will warn you that the stuff ahead would require you to remember the lesson on Uzumakis by Jonin Hiragena to make sense. Otherwise, you would be extremely confused. Read that chapter again after reading this one if you don't get some details.


The one month holiday is going on and I am incredibly bored. I know that for now, I can just maintain my Taijutsu skill and can't improve it any further. Mostly High Chunnins and above rank ninjas have a sufficiently evolved sixth sense which I can't really get without being witness to actual bloodshed and I don't think academy students can be taken to kill bandits:p

Anyways, while my mastery in Taijutsu is at the Standard level for a low level Chunnin(A/n: He thinks so because of him thinking that his instructor was nearly a High Chunin), my growth in Taijutsu is blocked due to three different annoying reasons:

I am still only about 8 and a half year old. I am a growing boy and will most likely grow very fast till I am 13 or 14. 15 is the age where the body stature of a Ninja starts stabilising. I would have to constantly refine my Taijutsu to even remain at the level of a low level Chunnin because my body weight, height and even muscle density will change rapidly from now on. The ninja puberty hits kids at about 10-11. That's why Naruto had an actual crush on Sakura even though it shouldn't have been possible. That was a news which shocked me more than the reveal that Shikaku's dad invited me to the Nara manor over these holidays. Shocking,right? Yeah no! I knew that Shikaku's dad was going to call me sometime. He's a Shinobi of course and has to check the friends of his son to see whether they are qualified to be their friends or not. Casualty rates for inexperienced and clanless genin are very high. You don't want a deep bond with a guy that is almost guaranteed to die in 2-3 years or in a weeby way, you don't want to have a mob character as a friend as they have no value. Wow, I went really dark didn't I? Kay,kay! Topic change... Anyways, I was shocked and horrified because I didn't want to go through puberty again let alone puberty at 10. God if I start oogling girls my age, kill me. I may still not be much knowledgeable about ninja customs but pedophilia is frowned even in Ninja communities even though the whole community is made up of sex fiends. The acceptable age for even trying out sex is 15 as sex before that age could always lead to some complications and destruction of your potential due to n number of problems. I know that I won't be bagging any Milfs as the only one fitting that category in this time period is Tsunade and I won't go near her and open that can of worms even if you pay me to do so. The only chance for me to get an actual wife are girls in my age range but I will definitely try to postpone any kind of romantic or sexual shit till whoever I date is above 15 at least. I died 19 years old last time so I think I can consider that age acceptable. And I went off a ridiculous tangent didn't I? Focus Minato focus! You are listing your progress for god's sake. At least think of that properly without going off and chasing another ridiculous thought.

Anyways...if I tried getting accustomed to the high speed combat that goes on with Jonins, I would either damage myself irreparably or have too many bad habits drilled into me. Jonins mostly fight on muscle memory and their own sixth sense. Taijutsu battles between Jonin and above levels are mostly based on your reaction time. Yes, Might Gai was a Taijutsu beast but there are very few like him. That guy had an insane regimen and a fucking cheat like 8 ! I am not salty that I can't be his father's disciple without going to T and I department. Nope, not salty at all. Anyways, most Jonin fights happen on muscle memory with the few Jonin not doing that having some kind of bloodline limit or a highly powerful technique. That's why an only Taijutsu approach is deemed futile. Even if you are a fucking master of Taijutsu, S-class threats always have something nasty up there sleeve. Just being a master won't help you. On the other hand, if you have something like the Eight Gates, this approach is not also viable but also recommended. Sadly for me, that doesn't work so yeah I can't just linearly increase my Taijutsu skill by practicing. I need actual experience and I won't be getting that for some years so my best option is to keep my Taijutsu skills sharp for now until I actually get somewhere on that front.

This is the most ridiculous and the most real reason and I hate it for that. If I focus more on Taijutsu after this, I won't be able to actually practice other things as the subjects taught from this year onwards are actually very important and must haves in the field. The returns I would get from continuously practicing Taijutsu are minimal when compared to the other things I could learn in this period. Why should this world have to make sense goddamnit? Why couldn't it just function on the rule of making 8 year olds S class like in most fanfics?... Oh kami sama... Why do this to me? Complains continue...(A/N: Eh.. it was because I didn't want to make you a Gary Stu?)

Huh... Complaining to God never stops feeling refreshing. Anyways, that was the Taijutsu dillema. Now what to do? I have to visit the Nara compound tommorow and I have completed today's regimen... What to do? Maybe some pranks? Yeah.. that's a good idea. Let's contact Shikaku and Choza. They will definitely be up for it. Although Shikaku complains a lot, I know he enjoys our pranking time. Guy always has that smug smile on his face whenever we pelt people with balloons. The targets have reduced in the last few months due to our pranks but some stubborn shits continue with their facade.I get up and make a Kamen Rider pose and say," We will bring justice to the evil doers". Thank god no one lives in nearby apartments. That was cringy as fuck. Anyways, let's go bring JUSTICE!

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Minato flying away*

We were pelt the stubborn fuckers who still haven't started regulating the market prices when suddenly


Anyone who says that I shrieked like a little girl is wrong and I would like their address for some... disciplining purposes.

Fuck! That was scary. Now that I look around, I see a red haired tomboyish girl or a girly boy standing a little behind us three and laughing. I don't why but I start laughing top. Shikaku and Choza join in too. We laugh for a minute or two and I suddenly recognise the person in front of me. Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's mother, the red hot hanabero and most importantly OG!Minato's wife. While I won't be making any moves on girls before I reach 15 years of age, I can certainly see the appeal redheads have but that's a topic for future Minato. For now, I just want more friends.

I extend my hand for a handshake and say

"Hello my fellow prankster, my name is Namikaze Minato. What is yours?"


[Uzumaki Kushina](Age 9)

The last two years have been very bad. First, Grandma Hina went to Kumo and did not return because Kumo did something bad. I don't know what they did but grandma didn't return because of them. Grandpa Hiren was very sad. He cried every night for a month. Even Uncle Kiko and Uncle Saru were very sad. I was sad too because grandma didn't come back but I needed to be a good and strong girl for grandpa. That's what mommy and grandma said. Some years ago, Mommy came home covered in red. Not the red like our hair but that nasty slimy red. Mommy had gone to Kumo to find something about Daddy.

She was sleeping peacefully in hospital but then the bad guy named 'Medic' said that Mommy was poizaned and that she would never wake up. Bad guy 'Medic' was a very bad guy. He made all of us sad. Grandma and Uncle Kiko were the saddest. Daddy 'died' before I was born. Uncle Kiko told me while crying so much that it was his fault as he didn't want anything to do with Daddy and didn't want to go to Kumo himself. Daddy was a Kumo nin but I really didn't care. Daddy was never with me so I don't care about him but Mommy was always with me. For the first time since I gained my sense of self, I cried. I cried a lot. Grandma sung me a lullaby every day after that. She told me to be a good and strong girl for the family.

I comforted Grandpa Hiren and told him that Grandma Hina was a strong girl and that she would want him to be a strong guy. He hugged and kissed me on the forehead and said with a slightly scary but exciting smile that he would 'kill those Kumo bastards'. I didn't know what that meant at that time but grandpa smiled the first time after so many days so it must have been good. I asked and pestered Uncle Saru and Uncle Kiko a lot about this 'killing' stuff. During the first month they seemed to avoid about the subject. But after that Uncle Kiko finally told me all about killing. He told me so many ways in which he would kill those 'Kumo bastards'. Uncle Kiko had nearly stooped smiling after Grandma Hina went away and he only smiled when he talked about killing. I decided that I wanted to smile like him too. So I got into the Academy. I was the top student in all classes. Grandpa Hiren personally taught me how to sneak on people. Pranking people was fun.

I was even taught seals by Grandpa Hiren. He told me that I was 'his legacy'. I don't know what that is but it felt good. I trained and trained and trained. I was the best and I was praised so much. I learnt all about killing and then Grandpa Hiren sent me here in Konoha. I don't like it here. Grandpa sent me because I would be safe here, because I was needed here. Lies all LIES! They left me like Daddy, Mommy and Grandma too. Am I a bad girl? Why does everyone leave me? Grandpa's face when sending me off was sad but if he was sad, why did he send me here? Why? Was I not good enough? Should I have trained more? Should I have been more interested in seals? What did I do WRONG?

I didn't have friends in Uzu but everyone was there for me but there is only Grandma Mito and that mean Yellow 'Senju' cousin of mine. I don't like her. She gets angry so easily and she has a look of pain when seeing me. Did I harm her? What did I do to her for her to be so cold to me? She always tries to avoid me. I have tried going to the park but no one plays with me because I am weird. Everybody makes fun of how I talk. I beat those guys up but then other people tried to avoid me even more.

As I was being miserable, I thought of doing some pranks. When I was looking for targets for my pranks on the top of buildings, I saw a pretty looking yellow haired boy, a pineapple haired guy and a fatty pelting some shopkeepers with water balloons. That's so cool.

I sneakily go behind them just like grandpa Hiren taught and say,"BOO!"


They all scream and make weird faces. I start giggling and then laughing. Oh my God that was so funny. Hahahahaha... They see me and look startled and then join in my laughter.. We stop laughing after some time and then the yellow haired pretty boy extends his hand and says," Hello my fellow prankster, my name is Namikaze Minato. What's yours?"

He seems like a nice guy. He isn't trying to make fun of me. He looks like he is trying to be my friend.

Hmm... Grandma Mito said to not give my name to strangers but this pretty boy is not a stranger is he? I smile vibrantly, shake his hand vigorously and say," My name is Uzumaki Kushina Dattebane"

No..no.. That tic! I hate it. They will start making fun of me as well won't they? I wait for a moment and then look up expecting them to start laughing anytime instead they look confused?

"What happened? Why are you looking like we will beat you? Oh..right! Don't worry! We know that was a prank. You didn't mean anything bad from it. Don't worry about that. Anyways! Can you please tell me how you sneaked up on us. I may not look so but I am the best student in the Academy and you just surprised us all. What's your secret?" The yellow hair- no Minato asks starry eyed. It's weird. Now I know how Grandma Mito feels. I feel like I should pat him but that is weird isn't it? And I am not a weirdo. I am not a bad girl! No, not at all whatever those idiots say!

"Hey what are you staring at? Tch... Troublesome. Looks like we got another guy like you Minato. Prank loving.. Stares into space.. I would have believed that he was your brother if not for the difference in hair colour" Wait what?

"I am a girl Dattebane. You were making fun of me weren't you 'tebanne?" I knew it was too good to last.. I was about to flee from there before Yellow hai- Minato took the hand with which I shaked his hand in an iron grip and stopped me.

The pineapple haired guy looked panicked and said," Sorry sorry! I didn't know that. Very sorry!" The fatty then offered me a packet of chips and said," Don't be sad. Take some food. Food is good". Huh? Was I overreacting? Maybe there are good people in Konoha as well. This time I wll be a good girl.

'I will be the best and I would be the Hokage dattebane'

Minato finally releases my hand and says with a smug smile on his face," Sorry to disappoint you but I am going to be the Hokage but you can be my secretary if you want." I suddenly want to punch his face.

I take my fist up and try to punch him but he jumps away. "Let me punch you dattebane. Stop and stay in a place, you pretty boy!"

Minato laughs and continues dodging and says,"Nu uh... If you want to punch me, reach Ichiraku ramen before me." He then starts running. Hey that is unfair. I start running too. Despite that I had a big smile on my face.

And Naruto that is how I met your Dad.

A/N: Phew! You people are awesome. The ideas were pretty good and I mixed a few of them. For those of you who remember how the Uzumaki conquest looked on the outside as seen by our resident Jonin's reports, You would be delighted to see how Ninja world convolutes the truth so much. The main reason Kumo was attacked was this. Expansion time: Kushina's dad was a Kumo nin. He was a clan less ninja of Chunnin rank. Kushina's mother and him fell in love. As we see, Kushina's family is direct lineage and as Uzumaki genetics disregard deformities, inbreeding is quite common. Kiko was highly unimpressed with his sister's stunt but allowed her husband to come through but Kushina's dad was branded a traitor and killed. Note it was because he was a low ranked clan less shinobi that it happened. Of course, Kushina's blood isn't polluted as Uzumaki genes are quite dominant and since the other guy was a clan less ninja, his chakra's characteristics weren't dominant in any case.

So Kushina's mom went to investigate what actually happened to her lover and gets killed. That's actually nothing big. Now, the problem is that Grandma Hina goes on a mission to Kumo just 2-3 years after Kushina's mom's death and is tortured extensively. Hiren was quite broken by it but Kushina the fluffy goodness she is that Grandpa has to remain 'Stronk'. Kushina witnesses Grandpa's smiles and Uncle Kiko breaks down in front of her and tells her tales of blood with an unnatural smile. Now all this cocktails into making Kushina a murderhobo. We don't have the confirmation that Canon!Kushina isn't a murderhobo but even if there is, on popular demand our Kushina is one! So prepare for two bloodthirsty maniacs wrecking havoc in the Third War people.

Anyways, the whole Kumo subjugation quest was a revenge scheme. Grandpa Hiren did plan on subjugation of Kiri and the Land of Waves but Kumo was an unexpected addition. It also shows how incredibly biased Danzo is towards anything Tobirama did as Tobirama couldn't possibly have known this and Danzo suspects that he would Grandpa Hiren sent Kushina to Konoha as she was the best Uzumaki in her generation and Konoha needed a Jinchuriki. He also sent her away as he was going on a nigh impossible mission and wished to succeed. Had he succeeded, Kushina would have been allowed to come to Uzumaki territory whenever she wanted but we all know what will happen. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the chapter. The third and final part of Council's reaction will come tomorrow.

BTW All of the story credits belong to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666creators' thoughts