
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Minato 1-2

My Birthday was ...7 days ago... I miss you Mom, Dad. I really do. My years spent with you were too good to be honest. This was the first birthday of mine without you. It was really lonely. Even though your friends try to be there for me, they have their own lives. They can't fill that hole left behind by you. I really wish wherever you are, you are happy and I will try to be happy too. I have seen what happens when one shakes off everything but revenge and I really don't want to go down that path... Give me strength Mom, Dad to not become like THAT and to execute those Iwa SCUM...

The months before the start of the academy were hazing days of depression and rage. I put my everything into Taijustu katas. Only rested when I knew any further workout would damage my chances of revenge and was being a overall emo kid. Yes I know that is bad and no I am not gonna change. You know I always hated Sasuke more than Naruto due to him fucking up every relationship of his be it Naruto, Sakura, Karin or just anyone in general due to his "revenge".

Nowadays I know how he felt but I won't let Iwa fuck up my life any further than they already have. I will always be more vicious towards Iwa ninjas but over the months I have calmed down enough to not dedicate my life to death of Iwa. Uncle Kazuta and others were becoming increasingly concerned with me because while other grieving kids also practice taijustu or ninjustu to deal with their grief, I was taking it to next level. See when you combine a revenge drive with an adult's determination and the never ending stamina of children,you get a torturous taijustu regime. While adult ninjas obviously practice much more intensely and more dangerously than me, a child dedicating this much attention to shinobi skills was concerning. Thankfully about 2 months ago, I cooled down a bit. So while I still continue dedicating myself to perfecting Taijustu as much as I can with the help of Uncle Kazuta, I am not doing masochistic training.

A month ago, I registered in the academy and have been waiting for the academy to start since then. Meanwhile, I read all the first year books in the academy curriculum and realised why the academy existed. The shit Naruto anime fed to me was becoming increasingly clear. Academy is very important. The so called dead lasts are apparently the dead last of the 9-12 selected genins from a class. Jiraiya was a dead last of the children who passed the exam to be trained by Jonin not the dead last of the class.

The actual dead last either quit the academy or are eternally genin because if you can't even have a rank in the top 9 or 12(depends on the roster available) in 100 kids not actually knowing real killing techniques, how the fuck can you expect to either have a field promotion or pass the chunin exams?

The academy course is concisely divided in 4-6 year courses. It is done so because of the age varying in the numerous academy students. However intelligent a child, they are a child. You can't expect a 7 year old to know what to do academy has taught him in the field correctly unless he has been through a Spartan regiment ever since they could understand the world. Apparently, sometimes such cases also come along *cough Uchiha cough Hyuga* but they mostly remain a chunin due to the hard conditioning for following the orders and most of such children being training maniacs. See, the anime skipped a very important part about Lee and Might Gai..

While they were undoubtedly very hardworking and were training maniacs, they had an actual plan and Gai was a taijustu genius. I will not belittle their hard work on the path of power(or youth as they might say) but it is evident that the Strong fist and the eight gates were very very high level techniques. They were similarly hard to learn and master but they were incredible force multipliers. The conditioned training maniacs become restless without training and then... well..please remember the first lesson drummed into me by... Father.. that you shouldn't experiment with chakra on your own till you are a special Jonin or you have an expert with you. These dumbasses are normally too egoistic to follow either of these guidelines and either die in a ditch or cripple themselves for the life.

This is the reason most clans don't start training their heirs from the moment they learn walking. Why would this information be in first year academy books? It is there to educate us to NOT be dumbasses. The first year is hazard training, some basic taijustu, basic chakra control exercises and letting children be children. The books were made with the explicit objective of teaching the children to not be dumbasses but obviously Tobirama never got it in his head that children don't actually listen to such advice and they mostly can't even process it. It certainly explains why even after being such a genius, Tobirama wasn't as praised as the other hokages. Man was a combat genius but had the EQ of a caterpillar trying to have sex with a butterfly.

Obviously that was an exaggeration but whatever titbits I have gathered clearly indicate that the reforms made by Tobirama while helping the military crippled our relationships with all other nations. Suna our on-off ally since the founding of the village isn't our permanent ally because Tobirama was a antisocial prick. By now I have actually stopped relying on the Anime's knowledge to deal with my problems as firstly the anime was about Naruto not Minato so there are only handful of things I know about my period. Secondly, those handful of things were also heavily without context.

The most interesting things in the first year curriculum were the Chakra theory and introduction of seals. Chakra theory is intensely complicated and seals...well you know just click to me. Chakra isn't that bullcrap physical and spiritual energy mixture the anime taught you. It was dumbed down by Sakura to help Naruto.. God I hope my child doesn't turn out like that.. Anyways, Chakra while considered to be a mixture of physical and spiritual energies isn't exactly that. It is a dumbed down method to teach most child soldiers the basics..Yeah child soldiers... Shinobi aren't different from soldiers and I am fine with that... mostly.

Anyways, as the current curriculum was written and passed by Tobirama, he obviously included some complex shit in the books. My opinion is that Second Ninja War which is about to happen in 6 years approx. changed the academy structure. Otherwise, there is no way a genius like Kakashi or Sasuke wouldn't have been able to make better justu with this treasure. See if you get Science and you have the basics of chakra down, the academy books are a goldmine but most don't appreciate it as most people who read this are children or they are past the age where these things can help them. E.g. Jonins.

Chakra capacity of a beginner is increased not by workouts or being inteligent but rather by using Chakra regularly with some good food habits. This would have most people saying that this was incredibly obvious but then they haven't read the whole book. Using chakra regularly is a headache and a half for most children however diligent they are because there is NO visual or hormonal stimulation for them if they succeed while Taijustu and sometimes ninjustu provide that. The key to using Chakra correctly without killing yourself is doing the basic chakra exercises in increasingly difficult ways. Sticking a leaf on your forehead is boring. Trying to move that leaf from your forehead to your shoulder by trying to cut off the pressure of chakra from one side of the leaf so that it can move is incredibly difficult and boring. See ninjas while having determination that easily surpasses the determination of people in my previous world are also human. Well as human as you can be with Elemental magic... Sorry chakra in your hands.

Doing this type of shit only helps your reserves when you haven't already stopped growing your reserves. The time for that is estimated to be between 16-18 years of age. So you can see where this is going. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't learn shit after that age but quite the opposite. It is the age 15 when your reserves and body structure starts to stabilize for you to actually specialise in some shit. The peak of most ninjas is in there early 20s due to them having been refining there techniques for years and having a good handle on their reserves.

Thus, doing these exercises is only viable before you hit 16 and the best period for doing this is in the Academy so it is a quite counter intuitive process. Only training maniacs who actually love training and not the conditioning of that do these things. I bet my ass off that Hiruzen, his team and the Sannin did this. It certainly explains there monstrous use of Chakra. Compared to Hiruzen in his old age, Kakashi's chakra reserves seem to be very small. This is the result of the extra training.

As for the food, the food facilitates for the sheer effort required for you to learning how to direct your chakra. The seals on the other hand are fascinating. While Tobirama didn't put any actual sealing patterns in the first year curriculum of course (he wasn't that big of a dumbass), he certainly described a lot about sealing. Well I know what I will specialise in. Tomorrow is the first day of the academy. I just hope I can make friends, I certainly need some...

Anyways, yeah where were we? Oh yes.. Seals.. I don't know if I inherited the original Minato's talent or I was wasting my life in my previous life but the seals just click to me. Tobirama was a prick but was a useful prick. His 'Guide to Sealing 101 for little shits' has uses of many non-sexual curses. Obviously the prick had to do that cause sex is forbidden to be accessed by children but obviously being foul mouthed isn't a bad quality for them (sarcasm obviously).

There are three types of seals:

1. Storage/ Chakra Seals. I really think the two shouldn't be mish mashed together but I can see where he is coming from

2. Explosion tags. Nice..

3. Sealing arts. Jiraiya specialises in these I think?

While I certainly didn't want to know about that one time Tobirama used that exploding tag inside a ninja's stomach and how they exploded, it was still very informative. Apparently, the reason everyone doesn't use seals even when they are so powerful is because making seals is an incredibly frustrating task in the beginning.

This is because most aren't able to NOT make those small errors in making seals. This is the area where most quit. Calligraphy required for making seals is some next level shit. In many ways seals are like codes just that instead of a computer, you have your hands and calligraphy. And you don't have a debug console. Shit.. No wonder it's so hard. Most seal masters DON'T know where they went wrong in sealing. But from whatever I am learning, I am actually having fun and understand the basics. Is it because i inherited Original!Minato's unholy talent or is it because I was a web developer in my last life? Things to ponder when you are going to sleep for the last day before academy...

Goodnight Mom and Dad. Hope you are happy...

BTW This is not my book it belongs to the creator Divyansh Kundu

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