
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

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23 Chs

Chapter 13: Shikaku Nara 1-1

Finally the first year of the academy is ending. Last year was a drag.. No seriously it was headache inducing.. Us Nara have a big problem of sensory overload. It is why we are so inherently lazy. We process things way too fast which always leads to headaches. Although I do suppose Mom was right, if somebody lights a fire up our ass, Nara can be very competitive! Wonder who I am talking about?

Well who can it be other than our resident prodigy Namikaze. Namikaze is troublesome..very troublesome indeed. He is the prodigy of our generation apparently. While this title could have gone to our seniors Uchiha Mikoto or Uchiha Fugaku or our classmates Hiashi Hyuga or even me(because competitive Nara are always prodigies. Just a shame the village hasn't produced a competitive Nara in a while), it had to go to that one clanless ninja. Look, I have nothing against clan less ninja. At least his parents were civilians. But the troublesome part is that Hiashi and Fugaku certainly considered it a slight over them when Namikaze was hailed as a prodigy.

Then they both got the shit beaten out of them by Namikaze. Normally in stories, this leads to an escalation and escalation of matter but real life isn't a story. What a drag. I would have been perfectly happy to be in a story. So no, their clans didn't really care either way. Namikaze wasn't involved in any shit by the clans. Whether it was because he was a prodigy or because he was looking genuinely apologetic after beating the shit out of them or because the clans were more angry with their heirs is something I probably won't ever know. Tch..Troublesome...

Another thing to note was that Namikaze behaves mostly like an adult. I know that other people say the same thing about me but I am a Nara and our job is to be intelligent. Namikaze is unnatural. His drive and focus towards becoming better, consistently being at the top of class for the whole year in all topics or even beating me in Shogi after playing with me just for a few days. It's all unnatural. Children aren't like that. Choza,my best friend is a child and is like a child. He says dumb shit, does dumb shit and finds fun in that. Even I find it hard to match Namikaze's focus and concentration. The incident of three months ago comes to mind.

Flashback no jutsu*

Troublesome teacher! He has gotten us to do chakra control exercises and told anyone who knows one of them to proceed with the next level! I was hoping to skip the exercise as Father has already taught leaf sticking to me. Teacher has apparently already seen clan kids slack off by making that excuse. Troublesome..

Huh? What's happening there? What the hell is Namikaze doing? Is he trying to walk on a tree with his HANDS? And why are there so many leaves sticking from him? It doesn't make any sense. Sensei's rushing over to Namikaze. The whole class' attention is on him. Let's see what happens.

"Minato! Get down this very instant." "Okay Sensei" Namikaze just pushed off from the Tree and landed in a cool pose. The boys and girls are already praising him.*sigh* Sometimes, I regret being a mature kid.

"What the hell were you doing Minato? And aren't you an orphan? Who taught you these exercises? I personally activated your chakra at the start of this year classes" For a moment, Namikaze's eyes showed some sadness and anger but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"Sensei.. I learned all this from the academy books on chakra theory. It was written by Tobirama sama. It is very fascinating to be honest. Chakra itself is so fascinating that I couldn't stop myself from studying it. I followed what was said in the books. Am I doing something wrong sensei?" Namikaze asked while tilting his head cutely. While others may be fooled by that act, I am the same as Namikaze, an overly mature child. He is just trying to trick others into thinking that he is like others. What a drag... I can understand where he is coming from. It hurts when others call you when you are just more mature. It hurt when so many of my friends broke out friendship because I was 'weird'. Nonetheless, let's focus on the present.

"You... You learned all this from the books? You... didn't have anyone to teach you?" Namikaze's face takes a pondering expression while Sensei looks fed up with Namikaze's weirdness.

"Well I did take help from Uncle Kazuta on how to stabilize my chakra for tree walking when I was only doing the basics" Sensei looked ready to sign with relief during the first part and then got exasperated as soon as the second part was finished.

"Ok... Minato.. Do whatever you want.. *whisper* I will report to my superior and drink to remember when world made sense"

I didn't quite catch what Sensei said but I think he's gonna drink alcohol after this.. Troublesome.. Sake is never a solution to your problems... Fight against it sensei! And...sensei is gone.

Namikaze as always is barely fased and goes to doing that weird chakra exercise. Namikaze as always is troublesome...

Flashback no Jutsu end*

Thinking back to that incident is always headache inducing. Sensei didn't come to the academy the next three days due to having consumed too much sake. Dad(the Nara side of our family) apparently knew Namikaze's name after that incident and asked me to stay close to him. It was after that incident that everybody started calling Namikaze a prodigy. And Namikaze as always rolled with whatever came his way. Tch.. What a drag..

"Hey Shikaku, what the hell are you staring at space for? That's my forte. Let's go to Ichiraku Ramen you Dumbass"

"Coming Minato.. Can you stop being so troublesome for once ?"

"No thanks" And off he goes laughing like a loon! Troublesome Minato. As I say this, a smile crept up on my face

Apparently I am his friend.. What a drag

A/n: So lots of teases of major incidents from Shikaku's POV! Honestly the only character I could write properly without messing up as Nara are showed to be unnaturally intelligent. I tried writing from Hiashi's POV and had to scrap it after I read the shit I had written. He came off as a arrogant teen while he is supposed to be a child who is trying to imitate adults of his clan.

Next chapter will show these incidents from Minato's POV and what he thinks about them.

Also Minato revealed his Chakra control skills because only shitty Naruto fiction have the MC hide so many of his skills in a Ninja village where once it gets out that there was a prodigy who hid so much, they naturally suspect some sketchy shit going on and would most probably send the guy to T and I as children (even prodigies, especially prodigies) don't hide their skills. The only case in which that would make sense is a Orochimaru like possession.

Goodbye and stay tuned for the next chapter.

BTW This is not my work. All of the credits belong to Divyansh Kundu

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