
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Komik
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: Minato 1-4

As I step into the academy compounds, I study the area a bit. The Anime and Manga did not do any justice to this place. This compound is the area where every Jonin, every S class,every person in Konoha's military has graduated from. The compound isn't like your typical school. Instead, it looks like a proper military camp...well with some childish decorations.. after all the compound is for children. Anyways, there are many parents coming to see their children off. I see some almost familiar faces amongst the crowd. A ash blonde haired boy about my age, A pineapple haired boy and a 'big-boned' boy as well. These are the Ino-Shika-Cho team of this generation I think. So that makes Inoichi, Shikaku and Choza. Neat.. I think I can get along with them. As far as I know, the Ino-Shika-Cho team of this gen was pretty chill. They would be war veterans as well if they don't die like Mom and Dad. Overall, I can safely say that I can be friends with them.

I also spot a pair of male twins who look like they are constipated. Pftt.. No really. They walk a little stiff and their face just screams that they have been in a bad mood for days. Honestly, when people have actual constipation, that is the face they make. I don't really have anything against the Hyuga as I understand their reasons for the Caged Bird seal. Most bloodlines don't have the inherent disadvantage of being stealable like the Byakugan. The warring states era had many people steal Byakugan of their dead foes and using the stolen Byakugan. While the implanted eyes didn't actually last long and led to brain damage on intense use, they were still extremely valuable. You see, this is the reason why the Caged Bird seal was applied. It was the tribute given to Hyuga for joining the village. It was specially made by Mito Uzumaki. While fanfiction may have corrupted people into thinking that Main house Hyuga members lord this fact over the branch members, it isn't true.

Neji's case was born due to the bitterness between Hiashi and Hizashi already existing despite of their love for each other, Hizashi's dead when Neji's mother was most likely dead and his jealousy over the fact that Hinata, the useless kunoichi(according to him) didn't have the Caged Bird seal. At least that is what I think. it was also due to children being petty as fuck. Believe it or not, being the son of the branch house leader is a prestigious position. Neji would likely not have been marked and would instead have been nominated the heir to the main house due to Hiashi not having a male heir but his Hizashi's death made his claim over the position very very weak. This in turn gave the kids jealous of Neji's status a chance to bully him mentally. Kids are petty as fuck and most of the times don't realise the damage they do to other people's psyche.

The only reason Hiashi and Hizashi were from different houses(main and branch) while being twins is because they are twins. If they weren't, there wouldn't have been a problem. Secondly, no one likes to think that they are lesser than their siblings and the branding of the seal on Hizashi would have most probably given him a inferiority complex. This is the only reason I think their relationship could sour in the future because as far as I am concerned, while they both do look constipated, their isn't any hostility amongst them. The main house members have a very small number. There is usually an heir every generation to pass down the responsibility of imprinting caged Bird seal in the next generation. Only the heir of each generation and some old veterans whose Byakugan has mostly deteriorated are in the main house. This is because you have to trust at least your heir(the person receiving th most resources and training) then you are paranoid as fuck and the old veterans to mostly give their opinion. The reason why Ao(Mei terumi's bodyguard) could use his implanted Byakugan was because it was of a direct lineage Shinobi's Byakugan and beacuse he used it intensely very sparingly.

While I won't say that Hyuga don't have a stick up their arse, at least they are polite over the fact. How do I know that? Well, you know.. when you live in a pseudo-city...ahem..village and one of the major clans there are Hyugas, you actually accidentally meet some of them. I actually heard a Hyuga branch member(mostly likely a chunin) give a vegetable shopkeeper complement though it was mostly along the line of 'While the vegetables aren't as good as the imported goods, it's still quite good'

So facts established: Hyugas are polite arses and they prefer giving backhanded complements.

Also the other clans in Kono-

"Hey you.. Yes, you. What are you doing standing there gazing into space? Go to the auditorium. The Third Hokage's about to come and give a speech to the new students. Don't just stand there!" Oh fuck! I start running towards the auditorium. I glance in my surroundings and yes, there are actually very few people remaining. Note to self: Don't monologue when some important event is about to happen. Thank God or actually thank that chunin. He saved my arse back there. As I reach the auditorium, I settle in the middle of the crowd of the hyperactive children.I only see the clan kids and an odd one or two kids actually silent and trying to concentrate on the stage. Rest of the kids are..being kids. Just normal happy kids. It's moments like these that remind me that I am not in my old world. This is a death world and it won't change whatever I do.

While I do know that there are ways to be all powerful in this world, I know I don't have the drive or the patience to actually bring peace in this death world. I am just a normal guy. While I may have reincarnated and am talented, bringing peace in this world is not about strength;it is about the resolve to see through that dream to the end. My goals aren't as lofty as world peace or domination. I just...want to live my life as a powerful Shinobi and have a family and some close friends. I know that this is most likely because of the trauma of Mom and Dad's death but I don't really care.. I am defined by my desires and emotions and while my goals might change in the future, the desire to get a family won't.

This world is-

"Attention! Attention! The Third Hokage, the legend, the God of Shinobi, Sarutobi Hiruzen is coming on the stage.. Please welcome him with a round of applause" Goddamnit, I really shouldn't monologue in important moments. Ah.. here he is.. Going to honest, it really doesn't feel like he is the Third Hokage.. No, he certainly has the presence but I think the Anime and the Manga coloured my image of his. The warrior in front of me is in the prime of his life and not an old man. He looks like a buffed up Konohamaru(his future grandson). He wears the Hokage hat which regardless of my opinion of how silly it looks, looks like it is in its rightful place. Now that I am over the shock of seeing Young!Hiruzen(note that Hiruzen is in his early 40s), I see the Hokage's presence. He gives a feel of comfort yet strictness. He stands on the podium and speaks,"Hello my dear children, today is the start of another batch of the children in the academy. Now.. some of your parents might have told you to not listening to whatever crap this fool says but please hear me out.. While I might agree that some of what I am saying may be questioned by you young lads and lasses when you become proper Shinobi I still try to teach you what this village was build up on, what Hashirama-sama taught me and what I beleive.

The village, the village is our home.. Konoha was not built because of war or conflict. Konoha was made because Hashirama and Madara joined hands. It was made because the age long conflict between Senju and Uchiha was stopped by two friends. While Madara went insane in his later years, he still was a great friend of Hashirama-sama. I know this because even in his death bed Hashirama-sama remembered Madara. This village's foundation is made on trust and kindness my young kids.

Remember, Konoha is a family and you are a part of it. The whole village will stand with you when you are a Ninja of the Village. Konoha's biggest strength is our unity. Remember to always be united against to always show kindness when you can. You can do a lot of good by Just a simple act of kindness. I know that you kids will forget that this boring guy gave you a lesson some time. But please just remember some of the values I taught you today. Just remember Konoha was made on kindness. Thank you."

Holy fucking shit! I am clapping hard. Everyone's clapping hard. Every fucking kid here was mesmerized by him, me included. The guy's charisma meters are off the chart. I guess I know how he ruled Konoha for more than 50 years. The Third has a fuck ton of charisma. While I don't necessarily believe everything he said, I know that he at least believed most of what he said. He looked fucking genuine which is more than I can say about 99% of the politicians in my previous world. After 6 years of living here, I had expected Konoha as my family but The Third's speech reminded me of what cause I will be fighting for.

Looking back, this was the day when I gained another purpose of my life.. the safety of my home.. the safety of Konoha.

A/n: This chapter's flow may be little disorienting as I am not used to displaying moving scenes. I have done static scenes mostly. Don't worry,I will try to improve. The reason the chapter wasn't a little more bigger was because I couldn't find a way to link the scene at the auditorium to the next scene at classroom. Sorry for that. Anyways, we got to know why Neji could have been a ball of angst and why the relationship between Hiashi and Hizashi soured. I am trying to do a realistic take on the Hyuga as I have seen too much bashing of them. If the main family was that powerful in Canon, Neji would NOT have been promoted to Jonin. My take on the Hyuga clan is presented to you in this chapter.

As for Minato being this easily influenced, do note that Minato while having reincarnated has only heard good things about the Third and he doesn't exactly have a purpose right now well except from exterminating iwa nins. The Third's speech was a big enough match to light the fire of Konohan unity in Minato. This chapter also shows how the propaganda is being developed amongst the ninjas. This is the guy who ruled Konoha for 50 years. I refuse to believe that the guy's Charisma meters aren't off the chart. Minato is still very impressionable about the world.

Goodbye and Stay tuned for the next chapter.

BTW this is not my work. All of the credits belong to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666creators' thoughts