
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Komik
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839 Chs


After 15 minutes of awkward silence, a beautiful silhouette appeared in front of their eyes although a look full of dissatisfaction ruined her beautiful features.

"W-What happens, Kurenai Sensei?" - Ino asked when she saw the expression of discomfort on the face of the red-eyed kunoichi. The first thing that came to mind is that they did something wrong for the kind instructor to have an expression like that.

"* Sigh ~ * Better change the subject" - Kurenai sighed as she shook her head. She didn't want the girls to find out that her relationship with Asuma had ended in the worst possible way - "Anyway, since the Chunin Exams are just around the corner, I'm going to teach you how to resist and use the Art of Illusions or better known as Genjutsu "

The girls were excited when they heard this and Kurama had to admit it, this type of training served him because he knew that being a Semi-Bijuu, he was somewhat weak against illusions.

"We started immediately" - the beautiful red-eyed woman nodded as she thought that perhaps keeping her mind occupied, she could put her problems aside.

The resistance training and application of Genjutsus lasted until lunchtime. Kurenai could only sigh when she saw that only Ino had a talent for Illusions although this shouldn't come as a surprise knowing that she comes from a family expert in the mental arts. Hinata was not so bad but the Genjutsu did not mix well with her fighting style and Kurama was more of using pure power to defeat his enemies although she did teach them how to defend themselves against Illusions.

"Do you want to come with us to eat, Kurenai sensei?" - Ino asked when she saw that her instructor had been thoughtful again.

"Maybe on another occasion" - Kurenai denied as she gave a small smile to her team - "Right now I want to be alone ..."

"But ..." - Ino muttered but was interrupted by Kurama - "Ino-chan ... Kurenai sensei wants to think about her problems ... we can't get into her life and decisions"

"..." - the blonde Genin could only sigh but still nodded - "If you change your mind, we will be eating in Ichiraku"

"I'll keep it in mind" - Kurenai smiled as she disappeared into a cherry blossom petals Shunshin.

"I have to tell her to teach me how to do that" - Ino muttered with emotion. She wouldn't deny it, using that Shunshin was just what an upper-class lady would use.

"Better let's eat" - Hinata said while shaking her head, although she had to admit that it looked good.

* * * * *

The trio continued walking to Ichiraku although the girls were talking about the situation of Kurenai. Kurama, on the other hand, was focused on his world "Color Ramen" - "Ramen ~ Ramen ~ Delicious Ramen ~"

"It's so strange that when there is Ramen in between, Kuro-kun changes spontaneously ..." - Ino murmured when she saw how happy the boy he liked was.

"I think it's a genetic thing because Kushina sensei is something similar ..." - Hinata replied quietly - "I still remember when she invited us to eat when Kurama-kun was on his training trip"

"Don't even remind me ... I couldn't see noodles for a whole month for everything she made us eat ..." - Ino said while trembling slightly - "Luckily she saw her mistake and the next time she invited us it didn't give us so much Ramen "

"I don't understand how they can eat that dangerous amount of Ramen ..." - Hinata sighed while shaking her head.

"I don't understand how they can eat that dangerous amount of Ramen ..." - Hinata sighed while shaking her head.

"The only dangerous amount is zero" - Kurama replied seriously.

"!" - The girls were surprised when they heard that he replied - "Can he hear us ?!"

"Loud and clear" - the redhead nodded.

The girls only blushed when they realized that he also listened to them when they talked about him.

"It's so embarrassing ..." - Ino murmured as his face lit up like Christmas light. Hinata was worse, she was producing steam from her ears.

Kurama just shook his head as he watched as the girls forgot the 'little' detail that he had senses far superior to a normal human.

* * * * * *

After a few moments, the three arrived in Ichiraku and to their surprise, Ayame was at the entrance of the place - "It's good to see you again girls"

"Good afternoon, Ayame-san" - the two Genin greeted while Kurama gave him a joking smile - "Hi Ayame Nee"

"Hi, Otouto" - smiled the beautiful brown girl - "Are you coming for lunch?"

"Of course!" - nodded the young redhead - "But that can wait ... what I want to know is how it was on the date with Itachi"

"Date with Itachi ?!" - exclaimed the two Genin while their eyes shone. This was information that they would like to know.

"Wa! W-What are you talking about ?!" - exclaimed the pretty waitress.

"Who do you think was the person who helped you with the restaurant reservation?" - Kurama asked with an innocent look.

"I didn't know that Ayame-san was seeing Sasuke's brother" - murmured the blonde Genin with surprise - "Sakura will be surprised when she finds out she has an older sister"

"~" - Ayame just blushed with Ino's words.

"You still don't tell me how it went" - the redhead smiled

"Hmph!" - Ayame just snorted as she looked at him annoyingly.

"They haven't even gotten married and you can already use the unique ability of the Uchiha clan" - Kurama said while letting out a small laugh.

"S-Stop teasing your Onee-chan!" - Ayame said with a red face.

"Come on Ayame Nee, it's just an innocent little joke" - Kurama said with a smile.

"Ugh ... I swear I'm going to talk to Itachi-kun so he doesn't ask you for more advice ..." - the brown waitress murmured as she let out a sigh - "Who am I kidding, you are the only one who can give him good advice... "

She knew very well about her boyfriend's friendships. Kakashi was a pervert who would most likely end up alone unless someone gave him a hand. Shisui was a good boy but acting childishly most of the time had made him unable to get a girlfriend. Itachi had a certain friendship with Gai but being honest, she didn't believe he could help him with the issue. That just left Sasuke and Kurama on the list. While Sasuke was popular, he had zero experience with women and Sakura wasn't exactly someone hard to please, that just left Kurama on the list and who was ironically the best in the area of relating to the opposite sex, which was strange knowing that he was only 12 years old.

With Ayame's thoughts, three men felt like someone stabbed them in the heart.

"And I was going to recommend that he take you to that new clothing store that they opened on 7th Street" - sighed the redhead - "According to a very good source, they told me they had brought a new shipment from Tsuki no Kuni"

"It is for real?!" - Ayame exclaimed while taking him by the shoulders - "Tell him! Tell him to invite me on a date ... now!"

"Is that information true ?!" - Ino exclaimed while shaking the boy - "So what do we do here? Let's go to that store, now!"

"I'm sorry but that store opens at 7:00 pm, they do it so that couples can have a special evening after buying new clothes" - Kurama replied while shrugging - "They even have a storage system to keep the clothes that customers brought before purchase, so they don't have to worry about returning home to store their old clothes, by the way, it's one hundred percent safe. "

Ayame bit her lip while making a difficult decision - "You can annoy Onee-chan but don't exceed the limit"

"I don't plan on doing it, I was just curious about how it went with Itachi-san" - the redhead nodded calmly.

"Ok ... I'll tell you while we eat ... it's time for my rest" - Ayame sighed while giving up.

"Quiet ... I'm going to give the information to Itachi-san ... I'm sure it will take you right away if that makes you happy" - Kurama smiled as he patted the brown-haired girl on the shoulder.

"I know ... that's why he is the best boyfriend I could get" - Ayame nodded. Since she began dating with Itachi when he returned from his mission, she has been the happiest girl in Konoha. He was all he could ask for in a boyfriend, kind, attentive and he listened to her despite speaking only mundane things although perhaps that was what he was looking for. Itachi was an Anbu and his life was always in danger, mundane things like talk about the events of the day were something he valued more than anything in the world.

"But if I'm going to talk about myself, I want you to do the same" - Ayame said seriously - "How is your relationship going?"

"Wa!" - Hinata and Ino blushed like tomatoes when they heard the question but Kurama didn't even seem to flinch.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk ... Otouto ... you shouldn't react that way" - Ayame said with a frown - "In case you don't see that you're hurting Hinata-chan and Ino-chan?"

"It's not that I don't want to react, it's just that we don't have any kind of relationship at the moment" - Kurama said while trying to explain himself - "I know they liked me but our relationship only continues in the phase of friends with a slight attraction"

Kurama would not lie, he found his two Genin companions pretty but only that. He could not compare Hinata or Ino with women like Kushina, Anko or Mikoto because the difference is abysmal.

"Maybe they are right and I really like them older ... or rather more developed ..." - Kurama thought as he shook his head. They couldn't blame him, he had been living with Kushina, with whom he had bathed more than once, not counting that they had sex, and Anko, a voluptuous-bodied woman who forced him to sleep with her in her bed since he was 3 years. Kurama had to be a lolicon to feel a greater attraction for two Genin who were just developing, than women who could take any man to heaven with just a look and a smile.

The girls could only clench their fists with grief but still said nothing. They knew that at the moment they could not fight enemies like Anko but at least they could make their intentions clear and plant the seeds for the future.

Ayame just shook her head as she changed the subject because she knew she had screwed up - "Better let's see what we'll eat"

"Hai ..." - responded the discouraged Genin of team 8. Kurama, on the other hand, was thinking about how to encourage the girls. While I didn't feel that kind of attraction for them, at least for the moment, it didn't mean I didn't feel anything for them. Hinata and Ino wanted a stronger relationship and he could give it to them but he felt that something was missing because if he did at this time, he would only be disrespecting the feelings that the girls were showing him.

"What if one of these days ... we went on a date?" - Kurama asked after a little thought. At least I could give them the opportunity for everything to develop calmly.

"SURE!" - exclaimed the girls with a big smile.

Ayame only smiled at them while calling one of her coworkers so the guys could order.

"Do you need anything, Ayame-chan?" - asked a pretty young girl with purple hair.

"Ayna-chan, I would like you to take our orders" - Ayame smiled as the Genin gave her a look.

"Oh! Hi Kurama-san!" - Ayna smiled as she gave him a wink.

"Hi Ayna-san, it's good to see that you got used to this place" - the redhead smiled. The girls from team 8 were surprised by the interaction between the two adolescents.

"Yes ... thank you very much for recommending me" - the purple-haired girl nodded. She was the daughter of a man who had come with his family to seek fortune for Konoha but it did not go very well, he ended up sunk in alcohol while the mother and daughter had to get away from him to have no more problems, the situation was so bad that the two women were about to go to the Red Light District to try their "luck", but thanks to them being able to meet Kurama in the strangest way possible, she was able to get a stable job and support her mother, who is working in the store next door. They were even trying to talk to the father so that he would join the family again and start their lives in Konoha as they always wanted.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chapter Rewritten from scratch

Today double chapter for my birthday.


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And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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